

Comment regarder The Fog sur Netflix gratuitement

The Catch

The Catch

Détective privée dans un prestigieux cabinet de Los Angeles, Alice Vaughan est sur le point de se marier. Lorsqu'elle découvre que son fiancé est en réalité un escroc particulièrement habile qui a fait d'elle sa dernière victime, elle décide de tout mettre en oeuvre pour le retrouver. Un dangereux jeu du chat et de la souris débute alors....

Escape in the Fog

Escape in the Fog

Une infirmière militaire qui se remet d'une dépression nerveuse dans une auberge continue de faire des rêves où elle voit deux hommes essayer d'en assassiner un troisième. Lorsqu'elle rencontre un homme qui est un agent fédéral à l'auberge, elle est stupéfaite de découvrir qu'il est l'homme de son rêve qui est la victime présumée du meurtre..

Retribution: Uncovering John Carpenter's 'The Fog'

Retribution: Uncovering John Carpenter's 'The Fog'

A brand new retrospective documentary produced by Ballyhoo Motion Pictures and featuring interviews with cinematographer Dean Cundey, production designer/editor Tommy Lee Wallace, photographer Kim Gottleib-Walker, make-up effects artist Steve Johnson, Carpenter biographer John Muir, music historian Daniel Schweiger, visual effects historian Justin Humphreys and assistant Larry Franco.

La fille dans le brouillard

La fille dans le brouillard

Dans le petit village d'Avechot, en pleine montagne, la veille de Noël, une jeune fille sans histoire, Anna Lou Kastener, disparaît sans laisser de traces. Le commissaire Vogel, un homme très médiatique accro aux caméras qui le suivent partout, est envoyé sur place pour tenter de la retrouver. Entouré d'une meute de journalistes qui surveillent ses faits et gestes, Vogel comprend très vite que la disparition le mène dans une impasse et qu'il sera incapable de la retrouver. Il enquête d'abord dans la famille de l'adolescente, dont les parents sont des membres d'une congrégation religieuse fanatisée, avant de s'intéresser à un jeune homme étrange et solitaire..

Lady in the Fog

Lady in the Fog

In this murder mystery, a woman's brother is killed in a freak accident, or so she believes. Fortunately for her, an American journalist is more suspicious and so begins roaming the London streets in search of the killer..

Dhund: The Fog

Dhund: The Fog

After the passing away of her parents, Simran Malhotra lives a wealthy lifestyle with her uncle, Rajendra. She has always won beauty pageants during her college days, and when an opportunity arises, she enters her name in a local beauty contest. This news is not welcomed by fellow-collegian, Tanya Khurana, who has always been the runner-up. She confides to her brother, Ajit, who assures her that Simran will be made to change her mind. Ajit makes some intimidating phone calls and even threatens her in person when she is alone, but to no avail, Simran does take part in the contest, and wins again. This breaks Tanya's heart, and an enraged Ajit, who swears that he will only rest after he kills or seriously disfigures Simran. Simran, her friend, Kajal, along with Sameer and Kunal decide to go to Khandala to celebrate Simran's win, and when the boys go to get something to eat, Ajit attacks Simran and Kajal....

Out of the Fog

Out of the Fog

Harold Goff, un gangster, se livre au racket et terrorise de nombreux habitants de Sheepshead Bay. Il menace deux pêcheurs, Jonah Goodwin et Olaf Johnson, afin de leur extorquer l'argent qu'ils ont mis de côté pour acheter un nouveau bateau. Les deux victimes potentielles ne peuvent se résoudre à se soumettre et envisagent de tuer Goff..

The Green Fog

The Green Fog

A tribute to a fascinating film shot by Alfred Hitchcock in 1958, starring James Stewart and Kim Novak, and to the city of San Francisco, California, where the magic was created; but also a challenge: how to pay homage to a masterpiece without using its footage; how to do it simply by gathering images from various sources, all of them haunted by the curse of a mysterious green fog that seems to cause irrepressible vertigo….

Ben Fogle and the Buried City

Ben Fogle and the Buried City

Ben visits the Caribbean island of Montserrat, where a volcano devastated large areas in the 1990s. Within two years most of the population had fled their homes. Ben uncovers unique stories of heroism and loss..

The Fog of Courage

The Fog of Courage

In this animated horror comedy, a cowardly dog named Courage must rescue his lovely owner, Muriel from a vengeful supernatural Fog. Eustace, Muriel's greedy husband, refuses to return the gold necklace belonging to the Fog's long lost love..

The Fog Bowl

The Fog Bowl

Exploring the Fog Bowl, the 1988 NFC Divisional Round Game between the Philadelphia Eagles and Chicago Bears, , including the rivalry between Bears head coach Mike Ditka, and Eagles head coach and former Bears defensive coordinator Buddy Ryan..

The Naked Fog

The Naked Fog

Marge, a writer trying to navigate the changing mores of the swinging Sixties, escapes California and its cult of nudism for the suburban lifestyle of Long Island..

Kiri (The Fog)

Kiri (The Fog)

"Shot on 8mm on a mountain in Japan, the abrasive winds that drift the fog in Iimura's Kiri are so fierce we almost believe it to have grazed the filmstrip. The scratches, however, emerge as dust particles that submerge in and out of the mist. A comparative piece to Larry Gottheim's Fog Line (1970), Kiri shows rare patience in such a situation." -Julian Ross..

Who the F**K Is Arthur Fogel

Who the F**K Is Arthur Fogel

A look at the high-octane global live music industry and the quiet man at its center, featuring interviews, performances and appearances by a who's who of stars and insiders; with U2, Madonna, The Police, Lady Gaga, Rush and more..

Caught in the Fog

Caught in the Fog

Wealthy Bob visits his mother's Florida houseboat in order to remove her jewelry and stumbles upon a bobbed-hair bandit and her male accomplice, who mistake him for another burglar. A fight is broken up by the arrival of an elderly couple (still more burglars) who are posing as guests. Bob keeps his identity secret and passes himself off as the butler; the girl and her partner pretend to be the maid and the cook. A couple of idiotic detectives, arrive on the scene, closely followed by a heavy fog that traps them all on board..

The Thick Dark Fog

The Thick Dark Fog

Walter Littlemoon attended a federal Indian boarding school in South Dakota sixty years ago. The mission of many of these schools in 1950, was still to “kill the Indian and save the man.” The children were beaten, humiliated or abused if they spoke their language or expressed their culture or native identity in any way. The trauma led many to alcoholism and violence in adulthood. At age 58, Walter began writing his memoirs as a way to explain his own abusive behaviors to his estranged children, but he could not complete the project without confronting the “thick dark fog” of his past so he could heal..