

Comment regarder Out of Water sur Netflix gratuitement

Boats Out of Watermelon Rinds

Boats Out of Watermelon Rinds

In his award-winning debut feature film, director Ahmet Ulucay portrays the innocence of childhood and the lure of the cinema for two teens in a small Turkish village. Working for a watermelon seller by day, Remet spends his evenings trying to rebuild a film projector with his friend Mehmet. Both have big dreams to be famous film directors one day..

Fish Out of Water

Fish Out of Water

The early 1990s: 300,000 Danes are out of work. Viggo, a machinist with two grown children, is silent about feelings, scared he'll lose his job, loud about the value of trade unionism, interested in his pet fish, and argumentative at dinner. His wife Oda puts up with his moods and works on family genealogy. When Viggo is laid off, he becomes a fish out of water, hardly looking for work, starting a garden, and taking up with Karen, a polished but unhappy widow. He lies to his wife about a union training and goes to Mallorca with Karen. When she stops the affair, Viggo ends up in a psychiatric ward and must figure out what's really important in his life and in his character.

Comme un poisson hors de l'eau

Comme un poisson hors de l'eau

BB, roi de l'arnaque, veut monter son dernier coup avant de se retirer des affaires. Pour ce faire, il s'entoure de Malvin, porte-flingue impulsif, et de la sensuelle Myrtille. Ils veulent dérober puis revendre à un riche caïd turc un poisson exotique très rare pouvant rapporter un million de dollars. Mais pour déjouer le sens inné du caïd pour sentir les arnaques, nos trois escrocs ont besoin d'un pigeon qui le mettra en confiance. Ils trouvent en Desirée le candidat idéal qui, en plus de sa naïveté, est amateur de poissons rares..

The Long Agony of Fish Out of Water

The Long Agony of Fish Out of Water

The singer-songwriter Joan Manuel Serrat plays the role of a young fisherman named Joan from Ibiza (Eivissa) who falls hopelessly in love about a beautiful English tourist and it leaves everything to follow her to London, where he is introduced to the hippie world..

Out of Water

Out of Water

Barbara saw her aquarium break after ending a four-year marriage with Lorena. She suffocates in her daily life as she tries to pick up the pieces of her life, but can no longer. Everything is out of place and Barbara no longer has control over anything. Her work, her home and her life as a whole become a labyrinth, where nothing else can serve to guide her. Spaces mix, things move out of place, noises take her away from her and she is no longer able to know what is actually happening around her. While struggling outside her aquarium, Barbara will have to look for the ocean so she doesn't suffocate..

Fish Out Of Water

Fish Out Of Water

"Fish Out Of Water" tells the story of a young father who gets the chance to spend a weekend with his five-year-old son Louis after not having been allowed to see him for a while. Michi's cluelessness is met by his son Luis´ curiosity and childish candour, and Michi slowly grows into his role as a father..

Fish Out of Water

Fish Out of Water

“Fish Out Of Water” is a short experimental animated movie. When the norms, traditions, customs and culture of the society are taken as the basis, there are individuals outside of them, they cannot adapt to the existing order and are labeled “misfit”. This is exactly the subject of this animation. “Fish Out Of Water”, whose main character is Osto, presents the society that caused the character's internal and external conflicts and the lost individual himself..

A Fish Out of Water

A Fish Out of Water

Olivia is a disturbed woman who shows some signs of amnesia and madness. Accompanied only by Esther, she fantasizes that some day her beloved Julio will return, but he only writes her letters. Esther, however, keeps a terrible secret from her..

Like a Fish out of the Water

Like a Fish out of the Water

Woojin, a 25-year-old Korean student tries to adjust to a new city where he doesn’t speak the language. Confusion, despair and bad breath makes him face his mental barriers and open himself to a different culture..

Comment respirer hors de l’eau

Comment respirer hors de l’eau

Au retour d'une de ses séances d'entraînement de natation, Janaína est victime d'un contrôle de police violent. Une fois chez elle, elle est confrontée à son père, Julio, lui aussi policier, qui voit les choses à sa manière..

The Witness

The Witness

When a criminal threatens husband and wife, their family and their business, their son is the prime target. With the help of one of their employees, the son goes on the run to find safety..

Cargas D'Água

Cargas D'Água

Cargas D’Água” is an unpublished, authorial and regional Brazilian musical written and directed by Vitor Rocha (author of Casusbelli) which, because it does not need great resources and has a short duration, is nicknamed “a pocket musical”. Telling a story that begins right in the middle of Brazil, only a little bit here: in the hinterland of Minas Gerais. Where a boy loses his revered mother and ends up forgetting his own name, because his stepfather, now the only member of the family, only calls him “kid”. But everything changes when he makes a friend, nothing ordinary, a fish, and starts to see his whole story with different eyes. Now he has a mission: to take his friend to see the sea..



After distancing himself from his off-screen boyfriend, an IT graduate (and wannabe painter) finds himself on a suburban odyssey to get his best friend's laptop fixed, his only company being his imaginary friend (a walking talking goldfish)..