

Comment regarder Fable sur Netflix gratuitement

The Fable

The Fable

Spring 1989. High up in the Indian Himalayas, where even the birds fly low to avoid getting lost in the clouds, the soft-spoken Dev owns a sprawling estate of several orchards and lives in a colonial-style house with his family. He spends a lot of his time building human-sized wings which he puts on to take a quick morning flight over his land. One day, while walking through the estate, he discovers a single burnt apple tree. A few days later, more trees are burnt. Dev and his manager monitor the workers on the plantations and this leads to unrest. A group of nomads comes under suspicion and a corrupt police officer gets involved, while loyal men camp out in the orchards to keep a vigilant watch at night. Despite all these measures, a massive fire breaks out a week later and engulfs an entire mountainside of trees. In his search for the culprit, Dev resorts to armed violence. The slow burning of the orchards forces him to face the truth about himself and his family..

Contes et légendes, Volume 5 : Les Trois Petits Cochons et autres contes...

Contes et légendes, Volume 5 : Les Trois Petits Cochons et autres contes...

Contient 6 courts métrages: - Les trois petits cochons (Three Little Pigs - 1933 - 8’) - Ferdinand le taureau (Ferdinand the Bull - 1938 - 8’) - Lambert le lion bélant (Lambert the Sheepish Lion - 1951 - 8’) - Trois espiègles petites souris (Three Blind Mousketeers - 1936 - 9’) - Trois petits loups (Three Little Wolves - 1936 - 9’) - Les petits joyeux lapins (Funny Little Bunnies - 1934 - 7’)..

Junk Food Fable

Junk Food Fable

JUNK FOOD FABLE is the film about junk food meals in the night when the last episode of idol girl group reality show was on air, and after 23:59 the time germinate to be 23:60, 23:61, 23:62 and on and on not become midnight..

Fable domestique

Fable domestique

Lors d’une visite d’appartement, Adrien est pris de jalousie en voyant sa compagne,Tess, s’amuser avec un autre visiteur. Le soir même, il reçoit une convocation inattendue pour une nouvelle visite. Il doit s’y rendre seul, Tess étant retenue par son travail, et se trouve face à une bâtisse délabrée qui porte d’ores et déjà son nom sur la sonnette. Dès qu’Adrien a franchi le seuil, la maisonnée se referme sur lui, et l’entraîne dans une visite guidée des méandres de sa jalousie..

The Adventures of Chris Fable

The Adventures of Chris Fable

(Long Synopsis) "This action-packed, fantasy-fueled family adventure – inspired by the revered literary Christian classic, The Pilgrim’s Progress – overflows with outrageous characters, special effects … and a moral message. In The Wylds, young Chris (Solomon Ray) is a runaway living with a group of other misfit kids in a junkyard, all under the watchful eye of a Dickens-esque character who forces them to steal to survive. When Chris is caught pilfering at a church, the pastor protects him from the police, then challenges him to find his estranged father. Chris bravely chooses to leave his family of thieves and ventures into the wilderness in search of a better life. Traveling through a post-apocalyptic future – his only hope lies in reaching a heavenly paradise that will surpass his wildest dreams – he outwits bandits, escapes swamp monsters, battles evil robots and learns valuable life lessons about choosing the right path.".