

Comment regarder Blackbird sur Netflix gratuitement

Bye Bye Blackbird

Bye Bye Blackbird

Londres, au début du siècle, un cirque itinérant. Quand Josef tombe amoureux d'Alice, bel oiseau trapéziste, il prend son envol pour la conquérir. De leur amour naîtra un numéro féérique et sensuel, périlleux pour leur corps et leur âme....

L'Oiseau noir

L'Oiseau noir

Connu sous le surnom de «Blackbird», Dan Tate est l'un des seigneurs des bas-fonds londoniens. Lorsqu'il ne commet pas d'abominables forfaits, il se réfugie sous l'identité du tenancier boîteux d'un asile de nuit, si connu pour sa générosité et sa bonté rayonnante que tout le monde l'appelle «L'Evêque»....



Leonie Sobatsky (Laura Hope Crews) belongs to a ring of international thieves, headed by Bechel (George Gebhardt). She meets English crook Nevil Trask (Thomas Meighan), and they fall in love -- however, neither one knows of the other's criminal ways..

Blackbird Fly

Blackbird Fly

A young man has to find the right words of farewell to his family in a New York pension room in 1942 before his draft sends him off to war, which for him means the possibility of an honorable hero`s death..

Mourning Garden Blackbird

Mourning Garden Blackbird

My mother's garden in Spring, filmed the Easter after her death. My mother died suddenly in December 83. In the Spring the blossom came through as though nothing had happened. I filmed the Easter morning and evening. 2 reels of Super 8. Like a song. The sound was recorded in the same place one year before the image, that is before her death. It does not tell. It is her garden for the last time..

Little Blue Blackbird

Little Blue Blackbird

A mother blackbird hatches out two normal offspring and one featherless nitwit. The nitwit refuses to learn to fly and learn the other aspects of bird-life, but when he battles wicked hawks and saves his siblings from been eaten up, all is forgiven at the family nest..

7:15 - Blackbird

7:15 - Blackbird

Jean lives as a hermit in a forest. From his cabin, he listens to and records the sounds of the animals that inhabit the surrounding area. One night, he hears the cry of an unknown animal. Along with Mana, a young girl who sings with the birds, he goes in search of the mysterious creature..