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Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present

Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present

Marina Abramović redéfinit l'art depuis près de quarante ans. Utilisant son corps comme médium, dépassant ses propres limites - quitte à risquer sa vie - elle crée des performances qui choquent, provoquent et émeuvent. Alors qu'elle se prépare pour l'un des événements majeurs de sa carrière, une rétrospective au MoMA de New York, Marina va enfin pouvoir répondre à la question qui lui est posée sans relâche: en quoi est-ce de l'art?.

Artists at the Edge

Artists at the Edge

A short documentary highlighting the lives and creations of two Provincetown artists: Kenny Lockwood (a senior LGBTQ+ identifying visual and musical artist) and Darlene Van Alstyne (a BIPOC LGBTQ+ identifying woman and performance artist). Filmed in Provincetown, MA the film embraces creativity, equality, and community while exploring the realities and challenges of "otherness.".

The Artist's Wife

The Artist's Wife

Claire Smythson, épouse du célèbre artiste abstrait Richard Smythson, est plongée dans une crise lorsque son mari est diagnostiqué avec la maladie d'Alzheimer et risque de ne pas terminer ses peintures pour sa dernière exposition..

The Escape Artist

The Escape Artist

Le jeune et sûr de lui Danny bluffe au poste de police local qu'il s'échappera de prison dans l'heure. Ce qui suit est un flash-back sur son enfance avec son oncle et sa tante, qui sont eux-mêmes des artistes de « vaudeville »..

The Break-up Artist

The Break-up Artist

Une femme qui est payée pour démanteler des gens est obligée de devenir entremetteuse lorsqu'une nouvelle compétition la force à sortir de l'entreprise de démolition. Désormais, pour sauver sa compagnie (et garder sa garde-robe chère), elle devra compter sur son ancien ennemi: l'amour..

The Maestro: King of the Cowboy Artists

The Maestro: King of the Cowboy Artists

What happens when a dedicated husband and father quits his job, adopts the persona of a Western-Movie Singing Cowboy, takes on the entire art establishment (including Christo and Andy Warhol), and refuses to accept money for his art ? Meet Gerry Gaxiola, AKA The Maestro, an ex-wage slave who gave up everything to make art for art's sake. The Maestro's story could inspire a whole new generation of Van Goghs..

Invaluable: The True Story of an Epic Artist

Invaluable: The True Story of an Epic Artist

Invaluable is the feature-length documentary film about Tom Sullivan, creator of the special make-up effects in "The Evil Dead", "Evil Dead II", and "Army of Darkness". This film contains footage and places never before seen until now and features interviews with Bruce Campbell, Scott Spiegel, Josh Becker, Ted Raimi, Hal Delrich, Betsy Baker, Sarah York, Ellen Sandweiss, Tom Sullivan, and many more..

The Cosmos of Artists

The Cosmos of Artists

Led by five celebrity curators, 60 up-and-coming painters from different genres compete in six rounds, in a bid for the opportunity of having a solo exhibition at a top-tier art center..

The Artist and the Computer

The Artist and the Computer

Pioneering artist Lillian Schwartz demonstrates the human input -- integrity, artistic sensibilities, and aesthetics -- that goes into producing early computer art. In voice-over she explains the intent behind a number of her films and offers insight into the artist's problems and decisions. Produced for AT&T..

The Artist's Dilemma

The Artist's Dilemma

The scene opens in an artist's studio, the artist asleep in his chair. A large old fashioned clock opens and a young lady comes out and awaking the artist, requests him to paint her picture. While the artist is executing the work a clown comes from the clock, takes in the situation and begins to make love to the lady. The artist detects him and compels him to desist his love making. He continues to paint. The clown becomes interested and asks the artist to allow him to paint the picture, and begins smearing a whitewash brush over the canvas, when lo, a most perfect image of the young lady appears. The image then steps down from the frame, joins the young lady in the studio, and the figures, each a perfect counterpart of the other begin to dance to the great astonishment of the artist. The clown the by waving his hand causes the figures of the two girls to merge into one. The artist then assumes his seat and awakens from his dream with a great shock..

Against the Odds: The Artists of the Harlem Renaissance

Against the Odds: The Artists of the Harlem Renaissance

Explore the lives of visual artists who made the Harlem Renaissance one of the 20th century's richest artistic moments. Archival footage, newsreels, and photographs recall the influential force of exhibitions, Harlem's vibrancy in the Roaring Twenties, and significant personalities such as William E. Harmon, W. E. B. Du Bois, and Alain Locke. Watch African-American artists triumph over formidable odds to create lasting beauty..