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This is a story of rivalry and friendship between two young swimmers; a tale of natural talent versus hard work. Talented swimmer Chung is a transfer student. In his new class, 4C, he meets a swim relay team led by Wing. Despite being proficient in all four styles, Wing is frustrated at his team’s losing streak to Class 4A. At his first swimming gala, Chung plans to show off his skills. Unfortunately, he shows his imperfect starting dives and lack of stamina instead. The mistake he makes in his starting dive even causes his team to lose. After the defeat, he decides to quit the relay match. However, after observing Chung’s freestyle performance, Wing starts teaching him techniques in starting dives and racing. Wing aims to beat Class 4A with the same team members, including Chung..

Les Nageuses

Les Nageuses

De la Syrie en guerre aux JO de Rio en 2016, deux sœurs entreprennent un périple hasardeux, pendant lequel elles font un usage héroïque de leurs aptitudes de championnes..

Swimming with Sharks

Swimming with Sharks

Les mésaventures d'une jeune assistante, Lou, débarquant dans le milieu de la production cinématographique hollywoodienne ; une entreprise remplie de manipulateurs et de comploteurs..

Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool

Sarah Morton, auteur anglais de polars à succès, se rend en France dans le Lubéron, dans la maison de son éditeur, pour se reposer et travailler. Mais une nuit, Julie, la fille française de ce dernier, débarque dans la demeure et vient perturber la quiétude de la romancière….

A Fish Swimming Upside Down

A Fish Swimming Upside Down

Philipp (le père) et Martin (le fils) aiment Andrea. Sa présence comble le vide que la mort d'Hannah, l'épouse et la mère récemment décédée, a laissé dans leur cœur. Un été de passion épanouie commence. Mais le vide intérieur de chacun réclame bientôt consolation, engagement et, surtout, sécurité. Posséder devient un besoin impérieux..

Night swim

Night swim

Julie bouscule les habitudes de Carson et Becca par son exubérance. Becca est fascinée par son audace tandis que Carson la considère comme une menace. Un soir, Julie les emmène dans une piscine fermée pour s'amuser lorsque trois intrus surgissent. Carson se met à l'écart et prend une décision qui risque de la hanter pour toujours..

Le Plongeon

Le Plongeon

Dans une banlieue chic du Connecticut, Ned Merrill, absent depuis longtemps, réapparaît lors d’un après-midi ensoleillé et s’invite chez de vieux amis pour profiter de leur piscine. Frappé d’une idée à la mesure de sa folie, il décide de rejoindre sa propre villa à la nage, en suivant le cours des bassins du voisinage. Une métaphore de la vie d'un homme à travers sa volonté de traverser la vallée en nageant de piscines en piscines....

Swimming in the Dark

Swimming in the Dark

Yuji Tomioka is a 38-year-old single man who has never dated a woman. He works the night shift as a security guard at a supermarket. He experiences loneliness during this time. One night, during a shooting star, he wishes to have friend. A mysterious neighbor, Azusa Hada, appears in front of him. They fall in love, but Yuji's life changes..

Swimming Upstream

Swimming Upstream

L'histoire vraie de Tony Fingleton, un jeune homme qui trouva la force de devenir champion de natation malgré un père alcoolique et une mère dépressive..



Higashigaoka High School’s male swimming club presently has only three second-year members – leader Sakaki Shuhei, Shinozuka Daiki and Koganei Haruyoshi. They welcome the new school year with the aim of getting members..

Sink or Swim

Sink or Swim

Sink or Swim is a BBC TV sitcom from the 1980s with Peter Davison as the lead character Brian Webber. Brian Webber lives in a flat above a petrol station in London. He's trying hard to make his way in the world, thus far with limited success. His girlfriend, Sonia, is a very serious minded young woman who is passionate only about things like vegetarianism and ecology. When Brian's younger brother, Steve, arrives in London looking for somewhere to stay, his lazy, cynical, noisy "Northern lout" attitude disrupts Brian's already messy life. Like Only Fools and Horses, Sink or Swim was filmed in Bristol doubling for London. It ran for three series between 4 December 1980 and 14 October 1982 and was written by Alex Shearer, who later wrote the Nicholas Lyndhurst sitcom The Two of Us for LWT from 1986 to 1990. Production of the sitcom overlapped the first two years of Davison also starring as the Fifth Doctor in Doctor Who, which imposed constraints on the recording schedules..

Le Grand Bain

Le Grand Bain

C’est dans les couloirs de leur piscine municipale que Bertrand, Marcus, Simon, Laurent, Thierry et les autres s’entraînent sous l’autorité toute relative de Delphine, ancienne gloire des bassins. Ensemble, ils se sentent libres et utiles. Ils vont mettre toute leur énergie dans une discipline jusque-là propriété de la gent féminine: la natation synchronisée. Alors, oui c’est une idée plutôt bizarre, mais ce défi leur permettra de trouver un sens à leur vie….

La Piscine

La Piscine

Jean-Paul et Marianne forment un couple idéal et coulent des jours heureux dans leur villa de Saint-Tropez, jusuq'au jour où arrive Harry, au bras de l'incendiaire Pénélope. Ancien amant de Marianne, l'homme trouble cette vie tranquille. La tension monte..

Swimming Battle

Swimming Battle

Can a woman who can’t remember her past and a man who is trying to hide his true identity break a swim team’s losing streak? Yu Die was a genius child prodigy who lost everything she loved. Yu Die’s mother drowned while trying to save Yu Die and, in one very bad day, Yu Die lost her mother, her memory and her ability to swim. Years later, she crosses paths with Gao Hai Fei, the CEO of a multibillion corporation. Intrigued by Yu Die’s lost memories, Hai Fei hides his true identity from her and gets mistaken for a professional part-time worker who is a jack-of-all-trades. Yu Die asks Hai Fei for his help with the “Sea Horse” Men’s Swim Team, which has never been able to win a meet and is the laughing stock of the sport of swimming. With Hai Fei searching for a “mermaid” crush from his past, will he agree to help Yu Die turn the losing swim team around?.