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Man from the Moon

Man from the Moon

Triumph and collapse of hope - the whole life of the Russian scientist Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay passes in an instant, at the last moment of earthly existence... Two worlds: the world of civilization and the world of nature exist simultaneously, next to one planet, but it seems that the distance between them is like from Earth to the moon. The film uses drawings and diaries of Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay, whom the Papuans called the "Man from the Moon" and revered as a deity..

Flowers for the Man in the Moon

Flowers for the Man in the Moon

Adam, Evchen, and Manni are looking at the moon through their home-made telescope. Evchen isn't interested, and dismisses the moon as a lump of cheese. Manni, who is a big fan of technology, sees satellites and a car driving over the moon's surface. But Adam hears the moon speak, and hears it ask for flowers to cover its surface. From then on, Adam is determined to breed a kind of flower that can grow on the moon..

The Man with the Glass Eye

The Man with the Glass Eye

A man is found dead in a London hotel. The knife is still firmly stuck in the victim's chest, and Inspector Perkins strangely finds a glass eye in his jacket pocket. Kurt after that a second, mysterious murder happens: A city-famous dancer of the Las Vegas Girls, who perform at the London Odeon Theater, is poisoned. Is there a connection between the pretty dancer and the hotel guest? Inspector Perkins and his colleagues are pressed for time. The "man with the glass eye" strikes deadly again and again. A first clue leads Scotland Yard to a billiard club, where one has to show a glass eye as an admission ticket..

Apollo 11: Men on the Moon

Apollo 11: Men on the Moon

The most complete record ever available of this historic mission. This documentary chronicles America's "one giant leap for mankind" from launch to landing with comprehensive footage from the film and videotape records of Apollo 11, the landmark event of man's achievement in the 20th Century. Features all TV transmissions, all 16mm on-board film, multi-angle views of the launch and lunar landing, and multiple audio tracks..

Ciel rouge

Ciel rouge

Juste après la Guerre de Sécession, un cow-boy vagabond, Jim Garry, loue ses services à Tate Rilling et Jack Pindalest, deux spéculateurs qui tentent, sous une apparente respectabilité, de déposséder un riche éleveur de ses troupeaux. Ecoeuré par leurs méthodes, Jim décide de quitter les deux escrocs et de rejoindre le camp de l'éleveur..