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Liao Zhai - Home for the Intimate Ghosts

Liao Zhai - Home for the Intimate Ghosts

Very seldom shown erotic story of a cuckolded husband who departs his home and unwittingly becomes included with not one, but two, alluring ghosts. [Rim movies Catalog] Mandy and his spouse (that's right, Mandy is a man) will be an uncommon few under any conditions. Mandy fools around with young women while his spouse is within the home, nevertheless the wife isn't bothered a lot. She is just considering in the job she's offered Mandy, which is .... to frequently check with the neighborhood brothelkeeper, and find away if she's found guys with incredibly difficult manhoods. How hard ? Complicated enough to punch an opening in a sack of grain (ouch !). And one more thing. Mandy and his wife are ghosts. Of course, this means you will find people who are seeking to exorcise them. In between residential disputes and pursued exorcisms, there's acres of nudity and lots of sex..

You Are My Heartbeat

You Are My Heartbeat

Sira is the vice president of GU Group and a terrible neat freak. He seldom approaches or touches anyone unless he has to. One day, he meets a beautiful designer Kitika who has a totally different personality. They have to cooperate so that they can prove the truth of some cases. Meanwhile, there's another problem between them. That is, Kitika's ex-boyfriend Sasa turns out to be the heir of GU Group and Sira's younger brother. When a neat freak meets a slovenly girl, what will happen between them?.

Chérie, j'ai rétréci les gosses

Chérie, j'ai rétréci les gosses

Wayne Szalinski vit dans le Colorado avec sa femme Diane, ses deux enfants, Amy et Nick, et son chien Quark. Grand scientifique, Wayne aime inventé des gadgets de toutes sortes. Il a notamment inventé une machine pour rétrécir les humains. Lorsqu'une situation le met lui ou sa famille en danger, il aime se servir de ses gadgets... Néanmoins, il peut arriver que les inventions se retournent contre leur créateur..

The Revenant

The Revenant

Dans une Amérique profondément sauvage, le trappeur Hugh Glass est sévèrement blessé et laissé pour mort par un traître de son équipe, John Fitzgerald. Avec sa seule volonté pour unique arme, Glass doit affronter un environnement hostile, un hiver brutal et des tribus guerrières, dans une inexorable lutte pour sa survie, portée par un intense désir de vengeance..