

Comment faire pour télécharger Indiana Jones gratuitement

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: The Perils of Cupid

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: The Perils of Cupid

In the third film in the series, in 1908, Henry Jones Sr. takes his wife, son and the boy's tutor to the world's first psycho-analytical conference in Viena, Austria. Young Indy meets Princess Sophie of Austia, daughter of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and develops deep feelings for her. He even asks Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler for love advice. On their next stop in Florence, Anna Jones becomes the object of affection for the persuasive opera composer Giacomo Puccini. With her husband away in Rome, Anna is torn between her feelings for her husband and the impulsive Italian..

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Masks of Evil

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Masks of Evil

In the seventeenth film in the series, in 1918, a top-secret mission for French Intelligence brings Indy to Istanbul. Exploring the city's dark and dangerous streets, he is thrust into a web of betrayal and murder when he discovers a vile Turkish plot to assassinate French espionage agents. Evil of a more enduring kind awaits him in Transylvania, where he engages in mortal combat with bloodthirsty Vlad the Impaler and his horrific army of the living dead. With his very life at stake, Indy must garner all his strength and wits in order to defeat the fiend and save mankind..

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Demons of Deception

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Demons of Deception

Septembre 1916. Comme le Caporal Henri de la Défense, jeune Indiana Jones est devenu un coursier à moto stationnée près de dans les tranchées de Verdun. Son ami Rémy est toujours dans les tranchées, et à la fois de cultiver plus de désillusion quant à la guerre chaque jour. Choisi de se faufiler dans le territoire ennemi sur le compte de son don pour les langues, Indy surprend officiers allemands parlant de l'arrivée imminente de leurs plus puissants canons d'artillerie, surnommé Big Bertha. Un mois plus tard, Indy et Remy sont en congé à Paris, où Indiana répond à la danseuse exotique Mata Hari à un dîner. Il tombe amoureux d'elle immédiatement, mais découvre bientôt qu'elle fréquente d'autres hommes, y compris le Ministre français de la Guerre..

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Mystery of the Blues

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Mystery of the Blues

In the twentieth film in the series, in 1950's Wyoming, middle-aged Indiana Jones and his friend Grey Cloud have obtained a sacred ceremonial pipe and end up in a snow-logged cabin. When Jones uncovers a soprano sax, he is reminded of his college days in 1920's Chicago, waiting tables at Colosimo's restaurant and becoming obsessed with Jazz music. When Colosimo was murdered, young Indy got caught up in the investigation together with his roommate Eliot Ness and young reporter Ernest Hemingway..

Indiana Jones and the Ultimate Quest

Indiana Jones and the Ultimate Quest

Throughout history there have been legendary artifacts that have captured the imagination of adventurers everywhere. While belief in their existence seems to fly in the face of reason and science, there have been those who have devoted their lives to their discovery. One man has looked for some of these remarkable treasures. He is Indiana Jones--professor of archeology and an adventurer who has uncovered some of the world's greatest mysteries. But Dr. Jones is just a fictitious character and it's widely assumed that the artifacts he searched for were also figments of a writer's imagination. But were they?.

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Winds of Change

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Winds of Change

In the nineteenth film in the series, in May 1919, Indy is working as a translator at the historic Paris Peace Conference. He meets up with T.E. Lawrence once more, but finds his ideals have changed a lot since the start of the war. Indy then decides to finally head home to Princeton - even though it means having to face his father. He gets reacquainted with his childhood friend Paul Robeson, who becomes the target of racism when they visit New York City..

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: The Phantom Train of Doom

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: The Phantom Train of Doom

In the tenth film in the series, in November 1916, Indiana Jones and Remy Baudouin have managed to get a transfer from the European trenches to the plains of Africa. On arrival they both receive a promotion to the rank of lieutenant in the Belgian Army. When they take the wrong train they end up in Moshi. Desperate to join their unit in Lake Victoria, the two men bump into the 25th Royal Fusiliers, a unit of cranky old men led by Indy's old acquaintance Frederick Selous. Indy's passing knowledge of trains and fluent German comes in handy for the Fusiliers, who are about to go on a mission to find and destroy a Phantom Train that carries an enormous German artillery gun..

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Scandal of 1920

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Scandal of 1920

In the twenty-first film in the series, in 1920's New York, twenty-year-old Indiana Jones is working backstage at George White's Scandals. Having just arrived in the Big Apple, Indy manages to woo no less than three girls in as many days: singer Peggy, poet Kate and socialite Gloria. He manages to get Peggy a song to sing by his good friend George Gershwin; Kate and her friends at the Vicious circle will review the show and Gloria's father helps out to back the show when White needs financial help..

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Tales of Innocence

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Tales of Innocence

In the sixteenth film in the series, in 1917, Indiana Jones is working to get Austrian deserters safely to the allies side in the Italian Alps. In his spare time, he is wooing an Italian beauty named Guiletta. When he finds out another man is vying for her attention, Indy and his new pal, ambulance driver Ernest Hemingway, make plans to crush Indiana's competitor by smothering Guiletta with presents and compliments. Afterwards, Indiana is begrudgingly ordered to Casablanca to find a traitor who is selling arms to the Berber rebels. Traveling incognito, he is joined by American novelist Edith Wharton and journalist Lowell Thomas. Indy and Edith soon find themselves attracted to each other despite their age difference..

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service

In the thirteenth film in the series, in March 1917, Indiana Jones, now a captain in the French army, is assigned to escort two Austrian princes to meet with Emperor Karl I and convince him to broker a peace deal with France and Britain at the expense of Austria's alliance with Germany. Two months later, at the French Embassy in Petrograd, Indy must decide between his loyalty to his friends and his work in French Intelligence when he is pressed to discover details of a possible Bolshevik revolution in Russia which would cripple the French war effort..

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Oganga, The Giver and Taker of Life

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Oganga, The Giver and Taker of Life

En Afrique, Décembre 1916. Malgré désobéissant aux ordres, Indy est promu au grade de Capitaine après la capture d'une mitrailleuse allemande. Il est alors ordonné de traverser la jungle avec Remy et le Capitaine Boucher pour ramasser une cargaison d'armes. Le long de la façon dont son Ubangan Sgt, Barthelemy ramasse le seul enfant survivant d'une maladie monté village en dépit de Boucher les ordres du contre elle. Sur le chemin du retour, Indy et de la société de succomber à la maladie eux-mêmes, et sont captés par Albert Schweitzer et les préposés de sa jungle de l'hôpital. Au premier résistant pour être traités par un allemand, Indy bientôt commence à réaliser que Schweitzer n'est pas intéressé à la guerre, seulement de tenter de guérir les personnes contre toute attente..

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Journey of Radiance

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Journey of Radiance

In the fifth film in the series, in 1910, the Jones family attends a meeting of the Theosophy movement in Benares, India. There young Indy befriends a young boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti who is presented by the society to be the next world teacher and possible messiah. Traveling on to China, mother Jones takes Miss Seymour and Indy on a sightseeing trip while father meets with Chinese translator Yen Fu. Indy becomes ill during a rain storm and the travelers seek shelter with a poor Chinese family. Despite the misgivings of his mother, a local doctor is allowed to treat the boy with acupuncture..

Indiana Jones, à la poursuite d’une icône

Indiana Jones, à la poursuite d’une icône

Un fouet qui claque, un Stetson sur la tête, un flegme et un sourire en coin inimitable, le tout servi par un hymne culte. A travers une saga qui dure depuis 42 ans aujourd'hui, découverte d'une des plus grandes icônes de l'histoire du cinéma, un héros intemporel : Indiana Jones ! Ce documentaire raconté par Richard Darbois, la voix française d'Indiana Jones, analyse les dessous d'un succès colossal, le duo de créateurs derrière ce héros attachant et revient sur les origines méconnues des scènes et éléments les plus cultes qui inspirent aujourd'hui encore la pop culture moderne..