

Comment faire pour télécharger Dead Man gratuitement

Dead Man Working

Dead Man Working

When a high-flying business man apparently commits suicide, the press speculate about his private life but his wife, Nora, believes there to be something far darker at play. Slick, edgy banking thriller exploring the testosterone-fueled, cut-throat world of the financial industry..

Dead Man

Dead Man

A small village lost in the mountains, paralyzed after the closing of a mine, receives the arrival of an outsider who offers a significant payment in exchange for a very special job: to kill the owner of the mine..

Jesse James Is a Dead Man

Jesse James Is a Dead Man

Jesse James is a Dead Man is an American TV series features motorcycle customizer Jesse James doing ostensibly death-defying stunts. The title is a play on the name of the outlaw Jesse James. The show premiered on Spike on May 31, 2009. "Quest for 200 MPH", the last episode to be aired as of August 2010, ran in September 2009..

Dead Man Talking

Dead Man Talking

20 h. Une prison quelque part. William Lamers est condamné à mort. La loi ne précisant pas la longueur de sa dernière déclaration, il va profiter de ce vide juridique pour dérouler le fil de sa vie afin d’échapper à la sentence. Son exécution qui ne devait être qu’une formalité va alors devenir le plus incroyable des enjeux politique et médiatique..

Dead Man Out

Dead Man Out

A psychiatrist is sent to evaluate if a convicted multiple murderer who's awaiting execution on Death Row for eighth year now and whose behavior during that time got more and more erratic is still mentally fit to be executed..

Ghost Poker

Ghost Poker

Matthew Dragna hérite d'un vieux casino dans la banlieue de Las Vegas, le Mysteria. Il découvre alors un palace décrépit où a eu lieu un véritable massacre. Tous les joueurs et les mafieux qui le fréquentaient ont été tués. Ce que Matthew ignore c'est que ceux-ci hantent l'endroit, désireux de se venger sur Matthew, l'héritier de l'homme qui les a tué..

Dead Man's Cards

Dead Man's Cards

L'ancien boxeur Tom est sur les cordes, quand une rencontre fortuite au gymnase mène à l'offre de travail comme portier dans une boîte de nuit délabrée. Le portier à tête volatile Paul, est un vétéran aguerri de la vieille école. Reconnaissant Tom pour le combattant qu'il était autrefois, Paul le prend sous son aile et le guide à travers les tenants et les aboutissants de la vie en tant que «gardien de la paix» du club..

Dead Man's Bluff

Dead Man's Bluff

Sergei and Simon have to deliver a suitcase full of heroin to Mikhalych or else they will be killed. There is one minor detail: the only problem-solving technique they are familiar with is a shot in the head..

The Krays: Dead Man Walking

The Krays: Dead Man Walking

Inspired by true events, the shocking story of London's most feared and notorious brothers Reggie and Ronnie Kray as they break Frank 'The Mad Axeman' Mitchell from Dartmoor Prison in December 1966..

Dead Man's Float

Dead Man's Float

A strange warning is followed by near disaster when a speedboat slices John's surfboard in half as his friends look on in horror. His curiosity aroused, John involves himself, his family, and friends in the bizarre mystery surrounding a silent trawler. But his curiosity may get him killed... when a ruthless smuggling ring, with $5,000,000 at stake, makes the situation even more dangerous!.

Dead Man's Shoes

Dead Man's Shoes

An amnesia victim is a well liked and respected member of his community--until one day someone from his past shows up with evidence that in "the old days" he had been a notorious criminal, and threatens to expose him unless he pays off..

Red Dead Redemption: The Man from Blackwater

Red Dead Redemption: The Man from Blackwater

The year is 1911. The West is dying. The American frontier is undergoing a violent transition from the ways of old to modern times, and Mexico has entered a prolonged period of bloody civil war. Reformed outlaw John Marston is on his way to capture former running buddy Bill Williamson when he comes upon a half dead snake oil merchant named West Dickens. Marston travels under a bleak and unforgiving sun, teaming up with a violent sheriff and a colorful mentally deranged grave robber and together they discover a bloody massacre of homesteaders left in the wake of Williamson. They hatch a plan to break into an abandoned fort where the Williamson Gang is holed up - and a dark, surprising twist ensues..

Mansion of the Living Dead

Mansion of the Living Dead

Quatre amies, Candy, Mabel, Marta et Tina, serveuses dans un bar d'Europe centrale se rendent en vacances hors saison sur une plage au sud de l’Espagne. L’hôtel est un lieu sinistre et Carlo son gérant un homme inquiétant qui séquestre sa femme, nue et enchainée comme un animal, dans une chambre de l'établissement. Les jeunes femmes décident de visiter les ruines d'une abbaye antique qui abrita jadis des membres des forces du Temple. Par les nuits de grand vent, un glas funèbre se fait entendre et les cadavres momifiés des templiers sortent de leur tombe pour célébrer des rites sanglants....

Dead Man's Burden

Dead Man's Burden

Quelques années après la Guerre de Sécession à la frontière entre les Etats-Unis et le Mexique. Un western centré sur une famille luttant pour préserver ses terres alors qu'une compagnie minière souhaite les lui acheter....

Dead Man

Dead Man

Lee Man-jae at his brink of life, even sold his name to survive. In the world of ruthless barge where no one can be trusted, he held out a threadlike-life with a calculation ability. One day, he decides to retire for his soon-to-be-born child and takes on the big final commission. The moment he thought that everything was going smoothly, he was framed for embezzlement of $100M due to his unidentified ‘investor’ and faced his own obituary. A political consultant, Mrs. Shim, appears to Man-jae when he is trapped in a hellish private prison and lives as a ‘dead man’, offering a deal with his life as collateral. Man-jae accepts the offer to regain his name, family, and life..

Dead Man's Island

Dead Man's Island

Henrietta O'Dwyer Collins, called Henrie O., is a world-famous journalist and writer. She's invited by her old lover Chase Prescott to his secluded island home. Chase, a wealthy businessman with money woes, hopes Henrie O. can discover the person he thinks is trying to kill him. It seems like she has her work cut out for her. Possible suspects include Chase's much younger wife, his son, and many others..

Dead Man Walking

Dead Man Walking

After Leila, his boss's daughter, is kidnapped by psychopathic plague victim Decker, chauffeur Chazz teams up with plague-infected mercenary Luger to penetrate the toxic & off-limits Plague Zone and bring her back alive..