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Martin Urbano - Apology Comeback Tour

Martin Urbano - Apology Comeback Tour

Martin Urbano spent his long, lucky career talking and saying anything he wanted – until allegations surfaced. He stepped out of the spotlight, promising to take a long time to listen. Now he’s back! Martin tackles his allegations (and much more!) in this long-awaited apology comeback show. He shares his humorous musings on being cancelled, woke Twitter mobs and Uber..

Le grand pardon

Le grand pardon

Erkin est un gardien de phare qui doit régler ses problèmes de dettes. Il a blessé les deux personnes les plus chères de sa vie, son frère Koray et son ex-fiancée Merve. Lorsqu'il apprend la nouvelle de la mort de son grand-père, Erkin se précipite à la maison de retraite où il le découvre en vie. Son grand-père lui propose l'argent dont il a besoin, mais à une condition : il doit se réconcilier avec Koray et Merve dans un délai d'une semaine..

I apologize for my annoying existence

I apologize for my annoying existence

Victoria turns 23 today. She can no longer stand the distance that exists between her and the rest of the people. She has found the solution that will remove her from soul-destroying human interactions. Today is the big day. Everything looks the same, she has not doubted her decision. Is a chance encounter enough to bring her closer to humanity? Change everything? The film was made in the context of the 5th Panorama Film School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the theme DEACTIVATION..

No Apologies

No Apologies

As a family of siblings and their spouses gathers at their father's deathbed, old jealousies and new angers and liaisons lead to an inevitable climax..

Text or Apologia of a Commentary

Text or Apologia of a Commentary

The picture consists of two parts, the characters of which are busy commenting on what is happening to them and in the whole world. In the first part ("A Babysitter for a Boy"), the author plays with a literary character and a plot. In the second part ("Commentator for the Poet") The author plays with a fictional Poet (in turn, also with the author), who is portrayed by the Author-commentator. However, this Author is not the last in the hierarchy of similar characters..

You Don't Have To Apologize

You Don't Have To Apologize

Rafa is a young transgender gay man living in a small town. He has resigned himself to the belief that he will never find another guy who accepts him, until he meets Henrique, a boy from São Paulo who seems to see Rafa for who he truly is. However, after the events of one night that lead to Rafa's death and subsequent return as a supernatural being, he realizes that he will never be accepted by cisgender society. Fueled by this realization and the circumstances of his death, he seeks vengeance..

Round Dance. Apologizing Russia

Round Dance. Apologizing Russia

An experimental documentary film that delves into the intricate facets of the issue of human dignity humiliation in Russia. The directors provide audiences with an unconventional perspective on situations where individuals are compelled to issue on-camera apologies for their words or actions. Through this experimental narrative approach, viewers will witness how it has become commonplace in modern Russia to extract apologies on camera. Some instances will evoke genuine sympathy as people grapple with public scrutiny. Simultaneously, other scenes will unveil the darker side of this trend, where apologies devolve into mere puppetry, extracted under the threat of personal and professional repercussions. The film incorporates a range of videos capturing moments of sincere apologies driven by a genuine acknowledgment of one's mistakes..



Hyun-jung se fait plaquer par son petit ami depuis sept ans, Min-suk. Toujours sous le choc, elle accepte de sortir avec Sang-hoon, qui la courtisait déjà lorsqu'elle était encore en couple avec Min-suk. Après leur mariage, Sang-hoon est muté à l'autre bout de la Corée, il développe rapidement une vie de travailleur acharné laissant une petite place à l'amour que Hyun-jung souhaite tant..