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The Waterloo Collection - Part 3 - Cavalry Charge

The Waterloo Collection - Part 3 - Cavalry Charge

With the failures of the attacks on Hougoumont and by D'Erlon's Corps Napoleon decides to unleash his cavalry. The French Cavalry at this time were the finest in Europe. Marshall Ney had 9000 troopers under his command. Once again Napoleon was seeing what he wanted to not what was happening. It is likely that he mistook the casualties moving back from the front as a sign that D'Erlon and the Grand Battery had brocken the Allies. As usual he had underestimated the strenght of Wellington's reverse slope position. He was also under the cosh of the threat of imminent arrival of Blucher's men from the east. In two hours the glory of the French army, the cavalry, were defeated despite their courage. Many of those on the field stated that the Cavalry didn't kill a single soldier in those defiant allied squares..

The Horses of a Cavalry Captain

The Horses of a Cavalry Captain

During World War II, Wehrmacht captain Harald von Vietinghoff-Riesch traveled in advance of the army scouting for barracks. An amateur cinematographer, he also made 16mm images behind the front. Part of a larger project, Die pferde des Rittmeisters, made by Vietinghoff-Riesch’s grandson, presents footage of the cavalry horses, the artist’s commentary never letting us forget that these attractive creatures were also Nazi machines..

Return of the 4th Cavalry Regiment from the Battlefield

Return of the 4th Cavalry Regiment from the Battlefield

IV Cavalry Regiment of “the Great Prince Konstantin Konstantinovic“ returned from the Balkan Wars to Belgrade railway station at four o`clock in the afternoon on the 3rd August 1913, where it was welcomed and greeted by a great number of Belgrade citizens. The regiment then went to the camp in Banjica to join the troops which paraded through the capital city, particularly ready for the official reception of the Serbian victors on the 11th August 1913..

12th Cavalry Division

12th Cavalry Division

Several days after the final victory of Serbia over Bulgaria in the Second Balkan War, according to the military report of the 24th July 1913, the cameramen of the producer Djoka Bogdanovic made seven cinematographic pictures of the Serbian Calvary Division, which set up the camp in the vicinity of Presevo. The commander of the Cavalry Division, Prince Arsenije – Arsen Karadjordjevic was filmed along with the camp of the Cavalry Division Artillery, the camp of the I Calvary Brigade, Calvary Division ready to move, concentration and preparation of the division for the attack, onrush of the Calvary Division and practice drills of fighting in combined military units..

Cavalerie Belge

Cavalerie Belge

Demonstration of the Belgian cavalry, the military department on horseback in Ypres, including shots of riding through water, "leapfrogging" over a horse, jumping and dressage..

Chivalry of a Failed Knight

Chivalry of a Failed Knight

Au sein de l’académie japonaise Hagune, les élèves sont répertoriés et classés selon leur aptitude au combat ainsi que leur niveau d’escrime. Kurogane Ikki est un chevalier-mage novice ne jouissant d’aucun talent particulier. Il est en outre l’un des élèves les plus faibles de l’académie bien qu’il soit issu d’un illustre clan dont la réputation n’est plus à faire. Malgré ses mauvaises notes et son faible rang, notre héros n’a jamais renoncé à ses rêves et espère bien un jour siéger sur la plus haute marche du podium des chevaliers-mages. La vie d’Ikki bascule du tout ou tout lorsqu’il est affecté au même dortoir que Stella Vermillon, une princesse dirigeant un modeste royaume situé en Europe. Belle, talentueuse et sérieuse, Stella est tout le contraire d’Ikki : elle est née avec un talent inné et nul ne peut l’égaler au combat. Qui plus est, elle est classée dans les meilleurs élèves de l’académie. En la personne de Stella, notre héros trouvera tout d’abord une rivale mais également une alliée, une partenaire de choc qui visiblement le poussera à se surpasser au plus haut niveau. Déterminés à remporter le tournoi réunissant les sept académies de magie les plus prestigieuses du pays, Ikki et Stella vont dès lors s’entrainer rigoureusement afin d’être sélectionnés. Seront-ils en mesure d’atteindre leur objectif ?.

Le Cavalier Lafleur

Le Cavalier Lafleur

Le réserviste Lafleur, ayant une femme, une maîtresse et courant encore derrière le premier jupon venu, son homonyme, soldat d'active, se trouve mêlé aux vengeances ou intrigues qu'ébauchent toutes ces femmes. Finalement, les imbroglios vont se dénouer dans une fête finale..

The Day of the Trumpet

The Day of the Trumpet

An American cavalry brigade is sent to occupy a small Filipino village in 1902 and quell guerilla resistance in the surrounding jungle. Working with the people to build roads, schools, and bridges, they prove that the most important thing an army can have is "good will and integrity.".