

Alone voirfilms



Jonathan MacKinlay is a man trapped inside his home by his own mind. Suffering from agoraphobia, caused by a car accident that took his wife's life; his existence has been reduced to a monotonous repetition of identical days. As his dread and self-loathing escalate, an onslaught of gruesome visions and twisted, waking nightmares begins to gnaw away at his last shred of sanity. Are these ghastly visions imaginary, private demons...or is he being victimized by a very real entity of infinite terror and unspeakable evil?.



A young man escapes the city life to spend some time in the forest. As he makes a meal for himself, he struggles to find a way to happily live his life through a letter to his parents..



A reflective short film that recounts life alone during the pandemic and how what was once our daily life now seems to belong to an alien planet. Left adrift for almost a year due to quarantines, many saw their daily lives radically changed. For those who had to live this time alone, life became an endless monologue. What used to be day-to-day became something distant and strange. At the same time, home activities were now the only escape. Bars, cinemas, trips, urban transport... all of this became a world isolated by a void thousands of kilometres away. All of this became our new normal, a distant outside world and a strange inside world, a new world, an alien world..

Evangelion:1.11 You Are (Not) Alone

Evangelion:1.11 You Are (Not) Alone

Marqué par le Second Impact, le Quatrième Ange attaque Tokyo-3 et le sort de l'humanité est entre les mains de la NERV. Shinji Ikari est chargé de piloter l'EVA-01 et de combattre avec Rei Ayanami, pilote de l'EVA-00, mais son EVA-01 est endommagée par le Sixième Ange. Misato Katsuragi tente de canaliser toute l'électricité du Japon dans le fusil à positron de l'EVA-01 afin de vaincre l'Ange..



Trapped at home with no company save for an adorable dog and a stubborn husband who just won’t be told what to do, a middle-aged woman offers a sobering and darkly funny glimpse into her lockdown experience..



A small child in the surf at the seashore. The child is evidently frightened at the rushing waves and stands terrified until a larger wave than usual comes along, whereupon the child turns and runs toward the shore..



A lonely man wanders about his house only to realize something more is at play. Directed by and starring Mike Martin..



Alone. Alone is what this man is. Years after the world ended and the human race perished; this is the only man left standing. How did he survive? What caused the outbreak? We don't know. No one does. This short film gives you an inside look on what the only man left alive does on a day-to-day basis, what he does to survive, kill time, and keep himself sane..