

voir film Elephant streaming vf

Pushing the Elephant

Pushing the Elephant

Pushing the Elephant tells the extraordinary story of a mother and daughter reunited after a decade separated by civil war. In the late 1990s, Rose Mapendo lost everything to the violence that engulfed the Democratic Republic of Congo. She emerged from the suffering advocating peace and reconciliation. But after helping numerous victims to rebuild their lives, there is one person Rose must still teach to forgive - her daughter Nangabire..

Nellie the Elephant

Nellie the Elephant

Nellie the Elephant is a cartoon series created by Terry Ward on behalf of FilmFair in the United Kingdom that ran between 1989 and 1990. The series featured Lulu as the voice of Nellie, with Tony Robinson as narrator. A comic-book annual was released in 1991 in an attempt to further advertise the series, but the annual failed to attract a wide audience..

40 Green Elephants

40 Green Elephants

40 Green Elephants is a Slovenian animation children's television series about 40 green elephants. Cartoon was created by Slovenian screenwriter Franček Rudolf. Original run and production company was at the same time produced by RTV Ljubljana..

An Elephant Never Forgets

An Elephant Never Forgets

A collection of animals goes to school; their teacher, a goose, asks them several questions, during which time an ape, sitting behind an elephant, keeps tormenting the elephant. The teacher leaves the room, putting a turtle in charge. While she's gone, things go fine for a while, but the ape starts an all-out book tossing brawl. As the teacher returns, everyone suddenly stops, and although the room is a shambles, she congratulates them on behaving and dismisses them for the day..

I’m an Elephant, Madame

I’m an Elephant, Madame

I’m an Elephant, Madame ( Ich bin ein Elefant, Madame) follows a class of high school students in 1968 Bremen during their last year at school, their lessons, their protests, their private life. Focuses in particular on the troublemaker & provocateur Rull who in his apolitical chaotic way takes on both the authoritarian school administration and the leftist protesters..

White Elephant

White Elephant

Le "bidonville de la Vierge" dans la banlieue de Buenos Aires. Julian et Nicolas, deux prêtres et amis de longue date, œuvrent pour aider la population. Julian se sert de ses relations politiques pour superviser la construction d'un hôpital. Nicolas le rejoint après l'échec d'un projet qu'il menait dans la jungle, où des forces paramilitaires ont assassiné les habitants. Profondément choqué, il trouve un peu de réconfort auprès de Luciana, une jeune assistante sociale, athée et séduisante. Alors que la foi de Nicolas s'ébranle, les tensions et la violence entre les cartels dans le bidonville augmentent. Quand le ministère ordonne l'arrêt des travaux pour l'hôpital, c'est l'étincelle qui met le feu aux poudres.

Elephant Heart

Elephant Heart

Marko Stemper, 19 years old, comes from a disadvantaged background and works as a window cleaner. His father, an alcoholic, tyrannizes the whole family, so Marko's only joy in life is boxing. As he is the most promising talent in his club, Gerd Hermsbach, a local demimonde boss, offers him the opportunity to become a professional. Marko accepts, but has to pay a high price....

Last of the Elephant Men

Last of the Elephant Men

A people's struggle to save the animal at the heart of their culture. For centuries the Bunong indigenous people on the Cambodian-Vietnamese border lived with elephants, believing they shared the same destiny. Today, as the forests and rivers both man and animal depend on are threatened, their fates seem even more inseparable. Last of the Elephant Men follows over a period of time several members of the tribe as they attempt to save the animal that once defined their way of life and may hold the key to their own survival..

Where Elephants Go

Where Elephants Go

Leni (9) has a terminal disease and wants to make the most of her time left. She meets Marcel (25), a confused and depressed young man who is her opposite and has no interest in what life has to offer. Leni's mother Magda (35) juggles jobs to afford everything Leni needs. The three of them influence each other and find what seemed improbable in the beginning: love and friendship. And, above all, they resign, accept their destiny and the fact that they are characters in someone else's story..

La collection Cousteau N°6 | Hippo, Hippo | Le retour des éléphants de mer

La collection Cousteau N°6 | Hippo, Hippo | Le retour des éléphants de mer

Hippo, Hippo. La Calypso se rend au cœur de l’Afrique, en Zambie. L'équipe Cousteau est venue observer les Hippopotames du lac Tanganyika. Pour la première fois, ce gros mammifère est filmé dans son élément. Les cinéastes ont pu surprendre leurs scènes d'amour, mais aussi leurs combats. La mission est dangereuse ; les Hippopotames ne supportent pas que l'on viole leur territoire. Philippe Cousteau en fera l'expérience. Le retour des éléphants de mer. L'équipe du commandant Cousteau se rend sur l'ile de Guadalupe, dans l'Océan Pacifique, pour observer et filmer les éléphants de mer. Durant l'expédition, Cousteau filme d'impressionnants combats entre males. ll capture ensuite les images inédites des amours d'un couple dans l'eau. Après avoir fait l'objet de massacres, l'espèce semble être aujourd'hui protégée..

Killer Elephants

Killer Elephants

This ain't no circus! From the depths of Thai film history comes Kom Akadej’s forgotten masterpiece about cops, gangsters, a house-crushing story of love, and killer elephants! Who or what is killing rhinos in the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Reserve? Killer Elephants reveals how human intervention drastically altered the behavior of male elephants, turning them uncharaceristically violent. This startling film reveals an unseen side to the docile creature we know, but also the consequences of the unnatural habitation of animals..