

The Lead

Blutige Exzesse im Führerbunker

Blutige Exzesse im Führerbunker

Early no budget experimental Super-8 short film made by Buttgereit in just one day in 1982. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler has survived the war, holed up in his bunker. There, he re-created his former wife Eva Braun as a Frankenstein monster, along with a “Germanic breeding bull”(played by Buttgereit). With the help of these Nazi-zombies, he wants to take over the world again. But as soon as the monsters awake, they tear their maker to shreds. Much fun and gory effects!.



A group of geologists was landed in the taiga. But the guys can’t work - they gave them the wrong bits for the equipment by mistake. And the radio doesn’t work, and the helicopter is expected only in two months. And the squad leader, a young guy named Dmitry Alekseevich Ryabtsev, makes a decision - he alone goes to the nearest detachment. By taiga standards, this is not far - 20 kilometers. But when he returns, he discovers that his squad has left the camp..

The Gentleman Thief

The Gentleman Thief

Max at an evening party takes a necklace from one of the guests and makes good his escape. The guests and the police set out in pursuit but Max employs some novel methods and among others mounts a boat on the water chute and finally makes good his escape in a balloon which soars far out of reach of his would-be captors. This film is just cram full of novel situations and laughable episodes..

The Limit Of

The Limit Of

James Allen "Laurence O'Fuarain" est un banquier trentenaire prospère et autoritaire qui vit seul et travaille dans la ville de Dublin à la fin de la récession. Lorsqu'une tragédie familiale se produit aux mains de son employeur, il décide d'agir, ce qui l'oblige à affronter un terrible secret d'enfance. Pendant ce temps, sa mystérieuse collègue Alison, nommée par l'IFTA, Sarah Carroll, a son propre agenda, ce qui la met sur une trajectoire de collision avec James, déclenchant une spirale sombre de tromperie, de vengeance et de meurtre. Le premier long métrage du réalisateur Alan Mulligan jette un regard délibéré et lent sur la cupidité et le désir des temps modernes, ainsi que sur le besoin croissant de contrôle de la société..

Lead Gardens

Lead Gardens

In contexts of conflict, such as Gaza, one often encounters feelings of fear and hatred, even in children. Interviews with educators, unions, NGO leaders, Palestinian citizens (mothers and fathers), and images of both educational and family life contexts..



After witnessing her politician father's assassination by Soththi, Daughter Pooja a crucial witness, becomes a target herself. Leader is hired to safeguard her due to her pivotal role in proving Soththi's guilt..

The Mannequins

The Mannequins

Pat and Patachon live in the attic of an old house along with a number of other curious kinds of people. One of the residents is a fortune teller, who tells Patachon that he will inherit a fortune and marry one of the two sweet choir girls who live next door, and whom he happens to be in love with. The two friends don’t think much more of it and instead head off to work, as models for a tailor. They stroll through the streets in sharp suits, in the hopes that the two choir girls will see them and think that they’re wealthy men, who simply live in the run-down house to study the bohemian lifestyle..