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Le Mors aux dents

Le Mors aux dents

Charles Dréant, personnage aux activités douteuses, tire son pouvoir du fichier qu'il détient sur les hommes politiques influents. Les chefs du parti au pouvoir confient à Loïc Le Guen la mission de le surveiller. Or Dréant, qui traverse une passe difficile, s'apprête à monter une escroquerie portant sur une course de tiercé.....

Adriana Varejão: Between Flesh and Oceans

Adriana Varejão: Between Flesh and Oceans

Documentary about the work of Brazilian artist Adriana Varejão. With images collected over several years, scenes that pass through Inhotim —where there is her permanent gallery— Ouro Preto, Salvador, Bahia’s Recôncavo, Hong Kong, USA and Portugal; places chosen because they have a strong connection with the narrative of her work, the film reveals the creative process, the connections established and the many references present in the work of this unique artist..

57000 km entre nous

57000 km entre nous

Nat, en 2006, c’est Alice au pays des merveilles ou dans les villes, c’est Zazie et les adultes absurdes, c’est Lolita, c’est la fille du voisin…Elle erre entre les mondes, réels ou virtuels, ils n’en font qu’un, elle erre entre les gens, les histoires et les images. En quelques jours et quelques nuits, la vie se révèle, se déchire… et continue. En quelques jours et quelques nuits, Nat grandit..

The Things Between Us

The Things Between Us

When a married woman discovers her husband's addiction to visiting brothels, she decides to start visiting them herself and is quickly swept up into a secret life filled with new sexual discoveries..

La Récréation

La Récréation

Puni pour avoir brisé une vitre avec son ballon, Dara doit rester dans le couloir de l’école. À la fin de la classe, il rentre chez lui. Mais divers événements l’obligent à emprunter un chemin accidenté qui l’entraîne à la périphérie de la ville..

Code Between Brothers: All New

Code Between Brothers: All New

When the boss of the Nakano Family decides to retire and makes a loyal follower the new boss instead of his own son, it causes strife in the family. Sides are taken and lines are drawn. Meanwhile, a rival family with a land dispute with the Nakano starts pulling strings behind the scenes....

Code Between Brothers 5

Code Between Brothers 5

Saburo Kitajima, one of Japan’s most famous Enka singers, returns in the fifth of the Kyodai Jingi series. During the early 20th century, Ryuji from Asakusa, a wandering yakuza, joins the Narumi Family in Yokohama. However, when he confronts Shiotaro, the head of the rival family, Ryuji takes a liking to him. He ends up leaving his current family, and becomes close to Shiotaro like brothers swearing to become a full-fledged yakuza..

Toutes les deux

Toutes les deux

Un brillant professeur d'origine russe, maladivement jaloux, est convaincu que sa femme le trompe. Il engage une détective privée pour la surveiller. Très vite, l'enquêteuse développe une attirance pour sa cible..

La Chambre d'hôtel

La Chambre d'hôtel

La jolie Anouk, traductrice et auteure de 35 ans, est venue à Berlin parler de son premier roman avec son éditeur. Elle rencontre par hasard l'architecte quinquagénaire Heiner. Tous deux vivent déjà en couple, mais ils ne peuvent résister à un coup de foudre réciproque. Les deux amants vont partager des heures passionnées dans un hôtel. Entre les étreintes, Anouk se métamorphose en merveilleuse conteuse pour évoquer des scènes de son passé, tour à tour drôles et tristes, véridiques ou inventées. Heiner lui répond en écho. Aventure sans lendemain ou remise en cause de leurs vies actuelles ?.

Between Rings

Between Rings

Whilst most young women in her home town of Zambia were busy planning weddings, Esther Phiri had other ideas: to stay single, be a professional boxer and complete the high school education that she abandoned when her family fell on hard times. Her quick and meteoric rise to an undefeated world champion took not only the boxing world by surprise, but sent emotions fever pitch. But whilst the global press rushed to portray her as a strong and confident woman tagged »Zambia’s Million Dollar Baby», in private Esther slowly crumbled under the weight of her success. Adulation and celebrity had increased, but so had criticism, envy and expectations from her family and fans. In the pursuit of independence from a husband, her global success had made her a symbol of hope and empowerment, and a provider for her family and friends whose demands increased as Esther’s fortune grew..

Luck of the Draw

Luck of the Draw

Jack Sweeny is a young man just trying to get a job. Turned down at another bank due to his criminal record he meets a girl, Rebecca, but also witnesses a 3 way shootout between 2 groups of criminals and the cops over a suitcase containing perfect plates for counterfeiting bank notes. Jack grabs the plates and attempts to sell them via his friend Zippo. However with at least three different groups ready to kill him for the plates, Jack finds it's just one double cross after another..

Between 11 and 12

Between 11 and 12

A common day in Stockholm some people face major changes. The owner of a fur shop meets an animal rights activist. A priest has restrictions on Saint Lucy's Day. An old woman evicts and a young man disappoints his father..