

voir film Cosmo streaming vf

Cosmo Police Justy

Cosmo Police Justy

In the future humanity is spread throughout the galaxy. In their efforts to combat criminal espers the Cosmo Police are fortunate to have Justy on their side. However the esper criminals also know this and some of them are making plans for Cosmo Policeman Justy. As their leader says "There's only one way to kill the most powerful esper in the galaxy"..



Cosmogonic is a 10 minute interactive science fiction animated short. It is the first VR experience inspired by the famous Polish science-fiction writer Stanisław Lem — a futurist, well acquainted with how fictional worlds can often encroach upon reality. This adaptation of a 1964 novel speaks perfectly to today’s world, where populism and disinformation threaten democracy. This experience is a testament to the importance of knowledge and community in the universal drive to freedom..

Little Cosmonaut

Little Cosmonaut

A short film about a young boy's escape from reality, the search for love and security, about cryptic messages from outer space and an invisible friend in the cellar. Based on the director's own memories, this is the story of a young boy's world filled with fantasies and dreams of distant worlds. His eccentric grandmother is his best friend and his partner in the world of the imagination..

My Cosmos

My Cosmos

Director returns to her native city and tells a story of her adulting in Cosmos - a neighborhood in Zaporizhzhia. She tries to define what Cosmos means to her. Is it a self-sufficient universe or traumatic experience, a neighborhood or sensation?.

Origin of The Night (Amazon Cosmos)

Origin of The Night (Amazon Cosmos)

The nearly two-hour film Origin of The Night (Amazon Cosmos) (shot between 1973–1977 and finished in 1982), which references a myth of the indigenous Tupi people, is a meditation on the South American rain forest that was filmed in its entirety along the Rhine near Düsseldorf Airport. In it, the dichotomies of day and night, new and old worlds, and nature and culture unfold glacially and immersively. Only at the very end, in the film’s closing credits, does Baumgarten reveal where the compelling and poetic images were shot..

A Stray Cosmonaut

A Stray Cosmonaut

A pseudo-documentary narrative about the first living creature in the cosmos: the dog Laika. Almost everyone has heard of Laika, but only a few know what actually happened to her..



The main characters of the film are law enforcement officers who have received an order to disperse a peaceful rally. An order which, in fact, contradicts the constitution of their country. We follow how they cope with this dilemma, what they feel and think, thanks to a combination of different techniques taken from varied genres of music videos and documentaries..



Un cosmonaute dans son satellite, sort dans l'espace. Nous retrouvons ce cosmonaute avec 40 ans de plus, il n'a plus de cheveux, c'est un vieil homme recroquevillé en boule dans son lit. Sa fille vient lui rendre visite avec son bébé, celui-ci fait les 400 coups mais elle ne fait que ranger l'appartement qui est en désordre et vérifier que son père n'est pas mort..

My Dad is a Cosmonaut

My Dad is a Cosmonaut

There are children for whom space is "daddy's job", and "cosmonaut" is the closest and dearest person. These children live in Star City. It is they who will tell the audience how dads prepare for space flights and make them..