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La collection Cousteau N°16 | Îles du Détroit: les eaux de la discorde | A L'approche d'une marée humaine

La collection Cousteau N°16 | Îles du Détroit: les eaux de la discorde | A L'approche d'une marée humaine

Îles du Détroit: les eaux de la discorde; L'Alcyone navigue au large de la Californie, dans les Îles du Détroit. Un mélange de courants chauds et froids est à l'origine d'une faune très variée. Les plongeurs font la rencontre d'une baleine grise, d'un requin ange, de lilliputiens… Mais ces eaux fertiles sont aujourd'hui menacées par les pêcheurs. A L'approche d'une marée humaine L'Alcyone continue son exploration des îles du Détroit. Pendant des siècles, la richesse des eaux a attiré pècheurs et chasseurs de phoques. Aujourd'hui, une grande expérience est en cours, visant à restaurer l'environnement naturel d'origine. Des espèces presque exterminées commencent à réapparaître..

La collection Cousteau N°20 | Alcyone: fille du vent | Cap Horn : les eaux du vent

La collection Cousteau N°20 | Alcyone: fille du vent | Cap Horn : les eaux du vent

Alcyone: fille du vent En 1983, le prototype « Moulin à vent », bateau expérimental équipé d'un système Turbovoile, quitte Tanger, en direction de New York. Le bateau affronte de nombreuses tempêtes, de fortes mers et perd sa Turbovoile. Mais le commandant ne désespère pas. Deux ans plus tard, le bateau s'apprête à effectuer une nouvelle traversée. Cap Horn : les eaux du vent L'Alcyone, navire éolien révolutionnaire, fait son tout premier test en tant que plate-forme de recherche de plongée dans les eaux dangereuses du Cap Horn. En voici le journal de bord qui retrace les aventures périlleuses mais passionnantes de son premier passage du Cap Horn..

Actual Record! Real Horror Posted Video: Shocking Super Collection

Actual Record! Real Horror Posted Video: Shocking Super Collection

This edition of the popular documentary horror series, which captures horror videos submitted by viewers and collaborates with a variety of genres, is titled "Shocking Super Collection". This time, from the horror videos that have caused a stir due to their shocking impact, we have included videos of people from other worlds appearing in the footage..

P.M. Tretyakov. History of a Great Collection

P.M. Tretyakov. History of a Great Collection

The film is dedicated to the outstanding works of Russian painting and icon painting collected in the Tretyakov Gallery, the artists who created these masterpieces, as well as the great Russian philanthropist and collector Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, who took on the burden of moral and material responsibility, namely the collection of the national art gallery by means of one person..

Collection of Bizarre Ghost Stories:

Collection of Bizarre Ghost Stories: "Ghost Story of the Strange Specter" "Ghost Story of the Blood-Stained Meal"

The True Horror Unleashed by Human Love and Hate: in "Ghost Story of the Strange Specter" an American wife is killed by her husband for the insurance money after they had an international marriage but kept quarreling due to cultural differences. In "Ghost Story of the Blood-Stained Meal" a woman is abducted and buried from the neck down in the ground by the man she left and killed when she refused to get married again, and she attacks for revenge..

Collection of Bizarre Ghost Stories:

Collection of Bizarre Ghost Stories: "Ghost Story: Nail Madness" "Ghost Story: Ghost Newspaper"

The True Horror Unleashed by Human Love and Hate: A vengeful spirit, once murdered and transformed into a grudge-bearing ghost, emerges from the darkness of the night! in "Ghost Story: Nail Madness" the twisted entanglement of a love triangle leads to a woman continuously nailing curses onto a straw doll in resentment until her death. In "Ghost Story: Ghost Newspaper" a woman, falsely accused of embezzlement by a deceitful colleague who then murdered her, returns as a haunting visage in the newspaper to seek revenge by attacking those responsible!.

Widow's Boarding House Collection

Widow's Boarding House Collection

The "Widow's Boarding House" series by Nikkatsu. All are independent productions that were directed by Shinya Yamamoto and bought/distributed as "Roman Porno." Two of these films are also a part of the "Semi-Documentary" series..

Kleks Academy: Collection

Kleks Academy: Collection

A modernised version of the classic fairy tale by Jan Brzechwa, whose form and content are addressed to children but can also engage older viewers, who still remember the cult-classic version from the 1980s..

Cursed Supernatural Footage: Ultimate Collection

Cursed Supernatural Footage: Ultimate Collection

The Definitive Collection of Supernatural Videos! Numerous inexplicable entities captured on home videos and more. Have you ever witnessed a supernatural phenomenon? This is the best edition of the popular series that carefully selects and introduces submitted supernatural videos..

The Money Collector

The Money Collector

An Iraqi film about the life story of a money collector (Kamsari) inside one of the public transport buses in Baghdad, and the daily encounters with various segments and different characters, along with the funny situations and incidents that ensue..