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Radio Haïti-Inter: Straight to the Point

Radio Haïti-Inter: Straight to the Point

1980: the repression is in full swing in Haiti. A decree is going to ban all independent speaking and all manifestation of thought. Artists, writers, journalists, democrats all pay the price. A radio station, Haiti Inter, and its journalists are at the center of the storm. This film reconstructs a typical broadcast of Haiti Inter in the 1980s..

Jusqu'au cœur

Jusqu'au cœur

Long métrage mettant en scène une allégorie empreinte d'intellectualité, réalisé à une époque particulièrement influencée par le cinéaste Jean-Luc Godard. Un homme, signe de l'individu total, libre et multiple, refuse la guerre sous toutes ses formes. La société s'empare donc de ce déserteur, elle l'emprisonne, l'affaiblit à coup de publicité, va même jusqu'à l'opérer au cerveau pour lui rendre le sens de la guerre. Elle l'entraîne de force dans le luxe de ses apparences, de ses jeux, de ses couleurs. Mais, aussi puissante soit-elle, elle ne peut le priver de son coeur. Film poétique, démystification cruelle de la société, histoire d'amour et de liberté retrouvée, ce long métrage de Jean Pierre Lefebvre illustre le conflit grandissant entre l'individu et la société et revêt une signification nouvelle en regard de la vague actuelle de pacifisme dans le monde..

Witches Straight from Hell

Witches Straight from Hell

The film is about two witches in love, who are bound by a deep affection. Their idyllic life is suddenly ruined by a rowdy group who arrives at their doorstep, who are on their way to a concert, but whose car suddenly dies..



Shingo was sentenced to death for the plot of Shunichiro, the CEO of a large business group. Shunichiro thought that Shingo was dead, but Shingo lived as a Mayo hit man. And the fierce battle between the brothers begins..

Straight A's!

Straight A's!

Lidija is 37, she was born in a small town on the Croatian coast. At the age of 19 she left for Amsterdam, where she was promised a waitressing job, but she ended up in the Red Light District. After 15 years, she returns to her hometown to turn a new page and become a mother. In the film she speaks up for the first time about leaving and returning to a conservative community, everything she experienced in between and describes Amsterdam’s windows, porn sets, Playboy covers..

Dire Straits Nîmes 92

Dire Straits Nîmes 92

Concert de Dire Straits aux Arènes de Nîmes 1992. Dire Straits est un groupe de rock britannique créé à Deptford durant l'été 1977 par Mark Knopfler (guitare et chant), son frère David Knopfler (guitare), John Illsley (basse) et Pick Withers (batterie). Considéré comme l'un des plus grands groupes rock des années 1980, Dire Straits a vendu plus de 120 millions d'albums depuis ses débuts.

The Straight Road

The Straight Road

A good man who loves his family and devotes himself to taking care of them. A woman intercepts him and takes him into her love. This changes his circumstances and he is distracted by her from his family. He neglects his work and his life is upended. He ends up killing this woman who killed him and betrayed him. Then he immigrates to Sinai, where he lives for a few years. When He returns to his family and finds that the children have grown up and married..

Eugénie, redresse-toi

Eugénie, redresse-toi

Poor Eugénie! She's humpbacked and everyone wants to straighten her out, but when success finally comes, she's too tall not to cause disasters. To solve the problem, the help of a sword swallower is urgently needed..

Straight From The Street

Straight From The Street

Standing by a movie theater - recently renovated but desolate - a filmmaker approaches people in the street to speak with them about cinema. Thus, an "Algerian reality" is highlighted by spontaneous conversations and improvised situations..

La ligne droite

La ligne droite

Amputated of a hand during the war, traumatized and having given up on a career as a runner, Stéphane has become a newspaper salesman. Heckel, his former trainer, finds him by chance and persuades him to resume his sporting activities. Stéphane starts competing again. His meeting with Gordon, a black American runner, was to prove decisive..