

Comment regarder In the Garden sur Netflix gratuitement

Le Jardin de minuit

Le Jardin de minuit

Un jeune couple joue dans la forêt, sous la lueur de la Lune. Leur jeu les entraîne vers un jardin mystérieux, au milieu d’une clairière. Faisant fi du danger, les tourtereaux s'enfoncent dans les méandres du jardin de minuit. Peu à peu, victimes d'un charme envoûtant, ils s'égarent dans un étrange labyrinthe. Parviendront-ils à rompre l’enchantement qui les retient prisonniers ?.

Tales of the Garden of Eden

Tales of the Garden of Eden

A satirical and insightful story telling that that man creates the space around and can make a terrible place even from heaven. Thus, Adam and Eve fall there where nature blooms, unusual and rare species of birds are singing, and plants are fragrant. But these two manage to destroy the creatures living there turn the fruit of the apple tree into a self-made alcohol..



Hozumi, a gifted scientist, is researching human cloning to save his beautiful and dying fiance, Hiroko. However, just before the completion of the project, Hozumi suddenly quits the lab, to stay with Hiroko until her last moment. Doesn't he want to save his fiance? Fellow scientists are puzzled by Hozumi's course of action and wants him back on the research team, but Muto, an ambitious scientist sees an opportunity to take over the cloning research..

Aedan: Garden of Desire

Aedan: Garden of Desire

Hari is a young, aspiring writer living in the countryside. Hari lives with his mother in their sylvan surroundings. His only excitement, perhaps, is the sight of the doctor’s young wife, filling him with hope of an opportunity for flirting. Sometimes, he visits Peter Sir, an old retired school teacher and widower. The two lonely men take pleasure in a curious game, over drinks and exotic dishes. They cut out obituary notices from a local newspaper, put them in a bowl and randomly pick them out, one at a time. They stake small amounts of money against each pick. The person who picks the older victim of death becomes the winner, and pockets the sum. From among the pictures they pick, Peter Sir recognizes two men, Shaji and Kuriakose, whose deaths tell entirely different tales—one of a murder and the other of love..

Garden of Eden, Revisited

Garden of Eden, Revisited

Eve is very much intrigued by the mating behaviour of the animals in the Garden of Eden and she asks God to create a man for her. She doesn't approve at all of John, the man who then appears. One day John seduces Eve to enter God's forbidden garden shed. Overthere Eve discovers things which will change her life forever..

A Singular Garden

A Singular Garden

The short film, a performatic documentary, approaches a historic garden (in the Museum of the Republic), amid the urban chaos, the way people interact with each other and with it and how the garden unfolds in multiple facets, from the globalizing to the singular..

The Lover's Garden

The Lover's Garden

In the garden of a Baroque villa, a chamber orchestra is playing Mozart’s wonderful quartets and quintets, and everywhere is pervaded with echoes and references to the composer’s world. As if by magic or conjured by the imagination, figures emerge from the shadows of the labyrinthine garden: they are Mozart’s characters, and they play with – or perhaps make fun of – the guests at the party, embroiling them in their well-known amorous dalliances. This piece, in which the spectator encounters among the dreamlike medley many well-known protagonists from Mozart’s operas (including Figaro, Don Giovanni, and the Queen of the Night), is a full-length choreographic work by Massimiliano Volpini, who himself performed on stage for many years as a dancer with the Scala ensemble..



By launching his challenge of crossing the Alps in Vol-Bivouac mode, Antoine Boisselier left with is paraglider in the footsteps of Didier Favre with the desire, like him, to share the adventure with the greatest number! The Vol-Bivouac as he designed it, is a journey with the winds, a journey alternating mountain hikes, Big distances XC flights but also and especially a human adventure made of encounters. But getting help from people for housing and food is not always easy, as well as traveling 750 km from St Hilaire du Touvet in France to the Adriatic Sea..

Atlantic Garden

Atlantic Garden

The film is a narrative starting from the story of Pierre and Syl, a couple that experiences the conflict between possession and freedom in a troubled relationship. Pierre is insecure and jealous, while Syl can’t even imagine that spending time with her friends will affect her boyfriend’s emotions – and also her own in a tragic way. A musical in tribute to Brazil, the garden of the Atlantic Ocean..

The Emperor's Secret Garden

The Emperor's Secret Garden

Beijing's Forbidden City is known throughout the world as an icon of Chinese history, evolving over the centuries as a symbol of the glory and grandeur of its ruling elite. Yet in one corner stands a more intimate group of buildings and gardens—one that has lain unused and virtually untouched for more than two hundred years. This film takes us on a fascinating journey into a world where only the most perfect and beautiful work could be offered to an Emperor—a standard that the modern world is hard-pressed to equal. The revelation is that supreme skills and traditional materials may be rare, but they do still exist, if the will exists to seek them out. The search ends in triumph—and watching this remarkable and intricate treasure come back to life is an unforgettable experience..

The Restless Garden

The Restless Garden

Summer 1991. The last days of the Soviet Empire. Dark clouds gathered over Moscow as the Soviet government prepared to turn back the clock of history. While the world focused on the crashing Soviet Empire, this film focuses on the people who would've been among the first to suffer repression - the women and men who have broken sexual taboos in a consummate act of liberation against a rigid, crippled world. This is a view from their vantage point, unveiling the shadow-side of Soviet culture in the wake of the revolution, where the real provocative nudity is the nakedness of the soul..

Jardin des deux rives

Jardin des deux rives

À la croisée de Roubaix, Tourcoing et Wattrelos se trouve le quartier de l’Union, une vaste friche de 80 hectares. “Jardin des deux rives” part à la rencontre des voix de ses derniers habitants. Et c’est une autre voix qui nous accompagne dans les rues désertées murmurant Mahmoud Darwich..

Our Garden of Eden

Our Garden of Eden

Like a mosaic, the film “Our Garden of Eden” shows the everyday life in an allotment garden area that reflects the multiethnic and multicultural modern Swiss society today. People of various geographical, religious, social and political backgrounds till the earth of their respective lots here side by side, creating a microcosm full of dreams, loneliness, homesickness, joy, family tragedies, strokes of fate and conflicts. The Swiss concept of tidiness and order meets an exotic talent for improvisation, the will to integrate and respect meet ignorance. Christians and Muslims, people from nations at enmity enjoy a peaceful coexistence in the allotment gardens, sharing what seems most precious in our society today: time, attention and space. They find the path to themselves as well as a place in the eternal cycle that life is..

Once There Was A Gardener

Once There Was A Gardener

Atmospheric story about the special connection between a savage garden, and the gardener taking care of the huge plants. Who would have thought that he forgets them on their most important day?.

Gardens Petrified

Gardens Petrified

After his father's death, Yusuf goes to his village, where he has not been for years, and learns that a geothermal company wants to buy his father's agricultural lands and drill a well. He wants to solve problems without disrespecting his father's memory, but things don't go as he hoped..

The Fruit Garden

The Fruit Garden

Ramila and her father, Lokman, went on an outing to Hurxide's orchard. On the way, her father taught her to drive. Ramila had been suffering from diarrhea and relieved herself in the wild many times on the way. However, the two chatted and joked, in a very happy atmosphere, and the daughter expressed the hope that her father would find another life spouse. After a while, they arrived at their destination, an orchard run by Hurxide. In the orchard, Ramila felt that Lokman was having an affair with Hurxide , who turned out to be her father's girlfriend to-be. However, Ramila, who had hoped her father would remarry, felt a little disappointed. On the way back, Ramila did not want to sit on her father’s right to fasten the safety belt on the excuse of hot weather. Lokman sensed his daughter's mood. Just at this time, Lokman picked up a wild rooster on the road and brought it to his daughter. Night was coming, the car was driving forward, just like the endless life..

Orchid's Garden

Orchid's Garden

Nicholas is a boy who loves detective stories, after moving into a new apartment he becomes convinced that the caretaker has murdered one of the tenants and is trying to get rid of the body..