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KBS Drama Special

KBS Drama Special

Forget the existing one-act dramas! Short but impactive! KBS Drama Special presents high quality single episode dramas. Dramas are the broadcast content with the widest public appeal. KBS Drama Special will produce short dramas of far-reaching impact involving at times a serious social message, unique emotions or perspectives. It will stay abreast of modern viewership..

Walking With Dinosaurs Special: The Giant Claw

Walking With Dinosaurs Special: The Giant Claw

Journey back to the dunes of prehistoric Mongolia to find the owner of the largest claws of all time - Therizinosaurus. Presenter Nigel Marven's adventure covers vast nesting sites, skirts curious velociraptors and avoids the terrifying tarbosaurus so we can come face-to-face with The Giant Claw..

The Johnny Cash Christmas Special 1979

The Johnny Cash Christmas Special 1979

For the 1979 broadcast, Cash's annual CBS Christmas special returns to Nashville after taping the previous year's program in Los Angeles. This time he features his father, Ray Cash, and older brother Roy Cash in a visit to the small home in Dyess, Arkansas, where Johnny and his siblings were raised. Guests include Canadian pop and country star Anne Murray ("You Needed Me"), who was enjoying the most successful period of her career, and country music's Tom T. Hall, whom Cash introduces as "my very favorite songwriter" before Cash and Hall launch into a medley of Hall's hits "Old Dogs, Children And Watermelon Wine," "The Year That Clayton Delaney Died," "I Love" and "Country Is." The show's comic foil is the late Andy Kaufman, who appears as his character Latka Gravas from the hit network show Taxi..

The Supervet Bionic Specials

The Supervet Bionic Specials

Four brand new hour-long documentary specials go beyond the operating table to delve deeper into the science behind Noel Fitzpatrick’s cutting-edge procedures, revealing how he continually pushes the boundaries of veterinary medicine, with the help of special onscreen 3-D graphics giving viewers a glimpse into the extraordinary ambition of Noel’s state of the art surgeries.



A special program of DEAN FUJIOKA, whose best album "Stars of the Lid" will be released on Wednesday, July 26th, will be aired! This work, which can be said to be the culmination of music, is a set of 2 CDs containing 3 new songs including the title song "Stars of the Lid". Space Shower TV will broadcast a special program focusing on his musical history and real face. SKY-HI and Morley Robertson, who have been friends for a long time, will welcome you to a unique talk where philosophical and suggestive remarks will pop out in a friendly atmosphere..

The Willie Nelson Special - With Special Guest Ray Charles

The Willie Nelson Special - With Special Guest Ray Charles

Enregistré en 1984, Willie Nelson, l'une des figures musicales les plus influentes du dernier quart de siècle, joue sur ce DVD pour la première fois avec Ray Charles. Filmé en direct à l'opéra d'Austin Opry House. Ce Willie Nelson Special présente d'excellentes performances de Willie et de son groupe, qui sont rejoints par l'invité spécial Ray Charles pour des duos avec Willie Nelson sur six chansons. Il propose également un voyage dans la ville natale de Willie, Abbott, au Texas, et une occasion d’explorer ses racines avec beaucoup de gens avec qui il a grandi. Le programme est une excellente vitrine pour la voix distinctive de Willie Nelson, son sens de l'humour et sa présence sur scène charismatique.