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Beach Boys

Beach Boys

Alex and Nico came to surf. For the brothers, everything would be perfect if it weren't for this huge shark stranded on the beach..

Beach House

Beach House

Family, friends and the restless look of a small camera. Times and moments, moving things, questions answered and brought about by curiosity and digital zoom. Bonds, ordinary moments and the restlessness trying to provide an answer to reality..

Drapeaux de plage

Drapeaux de plage

Une épreuve de sauvetage Vida est une jeune nageuse sauveteuse iranienne. Favorite dans son équipe, elle est décidée à se battre pour participer à une compétition internationale en Australie. Mais, avec l'arrivée de Sareh, aussi rapide et talentueuse qu'elle, elle va être confrontée à une situation inattendue..

La Huella. The Story of a Beach Bar/Resto

La Huella. The Story of a Beach Bar/Resto

Twenty years ago, three friends in the flower of their youth met to take up a challenge: to build on the beach of a small Uruguayan village a beach restaurant like the ones that used to exist in the 50s. Pure simplicity and honesty. A wood and straw ranch on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, where tales of Argentina, Uruguay, sea bass, silverside, the great artist Pedro Figari, fishermen, good wines, Francis Mallmann and the omnipresent fire, toasts and friendship as their starting and finishing point interweave..

The Beach of Enchaquirados

The Beach of Enchaquirados

Vicky is fisherman by day and bar owner at night. When she was a little boy her dream was to be a radio soap opera star, nowadays she dreams of falling in love again. How is it possible that a small, barren place in the third world has managed to achieve this special form of freedom and tolerance?.

Sur la plage de Belfast

Sur la plage de Belfast

Par un jeu de hasards, le réalisateur s'est trouvé en possession d'un film Super 8, resté inachevé dans une caméra offerte par son amie de retour d'un voyage à Belfast. Le film montre une famille inconnue s'amusant au bord d'une plage. Grâce à une expertise des laboratoires Kodak, il découvre qu'il date d'une douzaine d'années et décide de se rendre en Irlande du Nord pour retrouver ces gens et leur rendre le film..

Not the Beach But It's Not That Bad

Not the Beach But It's Not That Bad

It's the first week of holidays and everyone has gone to Mallorca on a school trip. Except Guti and Saúl, which are grounded and bored stiff in Madrid. They are not throwing out their holidays, tho, given that their end-of-school trip is going to be breaking in the high school and ravage it from top to the bottom. And let the Mallorca guys die of envy. And for once be the kings of the school..

La plage aux êtres

La plage aux êtres

As her team digitises the traces of an unidentified creature, a palaeontologist mourns a loved one. A meditation on preservation, daughter of discovery and mother of loss..

La Plage noire

La Plage noire

Après une période de régime dictatorial, un pays imaginaire se retrouve en plein apprentissage de la démocratie. A., un fervent partisan de cette nouvelle liberté, se retrouve menacé de mort par les membres de l'ancien régime. Sylvie, sa femme, a quitté le pays pour la France. Contraint de se cacher, A. doit également penser au sort de sa fille Joyce, tout juste âgée de douze ans..

The Beach House

The Beach House

Four people from an Arab generation roaming over the ruins of ideologies, causes and virtues of their predecessors. It portrays their intellectual and emotional nonchalance about what is happening around them in their daily lives and relationships. In a house whose architecture is a sixties' experiment in mixing modern and Islamic architecture, a stone and concrete cube suspended over a rocky shore bashed by the waves of the Mediterranean, by famed Iraqi architect Refaat Chaderji, we spend a night with four characters whose non-stop conversations and peculiar actions reflect the void and chaos they are living in..

Mama Doesn’t Want to Go to the Beach

Mama Doesn’t Want to Go to the Beach

A transgender woman resumes her hormone treatment while her daughter begins puberty and menstruates for the first time. Mother and daughter experience changes, doubts about their bodies, and face the fear of going to the beach for the first time..