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Fairy Ranmaru

Fairy Ranmaru

Dans ce monde, il faut agir ou mourir. Il n'y a pas de paradis. Celui qui tombe une fois est fini. Voilà pourquoi ce monde est rempli de gens qui souffrent. Heureusement, il existe un remède ! Rendez-vous au bar F et vous retrouverez le sourire sur votre visage. Ce ne sera pas gratuit, mais pas besoin d’argent. On veut seulement prendre votre cœur....

My Mate Match

My Mate Match

Match is looking for a roommate to share his new condominium. Two guys respond at the same time leaving him with three weeks to decide between the two of them. Match creates a YouTube VLOG called #MateMatch #HelpMeChooseRoommate, asking the audience to vote for the best potential roommate..

She Inherited Danger

She Inherited Danger

A young woman inherits her grandfather's theater and plans to sell it, but things get dangerous when she changes her mind and decides to reopen the beautiful landmark property herself..

Wiplala: Le lutin enchanteur

Wiplala: Le lutin enchanteur

Wiplala, le nouvel ami du jeune Johannes, n'est pas que le fruit de son imagination. Du haut de ses quatre pouces, Wiplala n'a rien à envier aux autres magiciens. Il se lie d'amitié avec la famille de Johannes… jusqu'au jour où il les rapetisse tous. Oups! Le sort ne peut être annulé. Aventures rocambolesques et rebondissements en vue!.

The Congregation

The Congregation

Over the top personalities and mayhem ensue in this quirky comedy about on-going sex scandals at Rain's church. There's a new pastor in place, but it's pretty clear from the get go that not everyone is quite ready to move on from the trauma and the drama of the past..

Tolong! Awek Aku Pontianak

Tolong! Awek Aku Pontianak

Naive yet kind Bob moves to a new apartment and falls in love with a peculiar woman named Maya. Maya who lives with her sister, harbours a secret and other around her are beginning to suspect that she just might just be a vampire..

The Carhops

The Carhops

If you've ever wondered about the sexual proclivities and appetites of those rollerskating waitresses at old fashioned fast food drive ins, you're surely not alone. A lot of very smart people have given it a lot of thought and the result is this groundbreaking motion picture. Carrying trays of burgers and milkshakes is just the tip of the iceberg, from there it gets heavy. Can you handle it?.

Harry, un ami qui vous veut du bien

Harry, un ami qui vous veut du bien

Les vacances de Claire et Michel s'annoncent plutôt difficiles. Entre leurs trois enfants, énervés par l'infernale canicule qui sévit sur la ville, et cette maison de vacances qui est en chantier depuis cinq ans, le couple est sur les nerfs. C'est alors qu'Harry debarque inopinément dans leurs vies, prêt à tout pour faire le bonheur de son ami Michel, dont il bouleversera l'existence..

Washington Story

Washington Story

Faith Vans, an employee of one of the departments of the US State Department, receives a summons to the commission to investigate un-American activities, and her prosperous, calm life begins to collapse. But Faith doesn't give up, and she fights for her rights..

The Case of Patty Smith

The Case of Patty Smith

Poor pretty Patty. An "average American girl," she goes on a quiet date with her boyfriend and ends up getting raped by three psychotic thugs. Too embarrassed to report it to the police and advised by her boyfriend to "forget the whole thing"..

Divided We Fall

Divided We Fall

In 1943, a childless couple, the Čížeks, decide to hide a Jewish refugee, David Wiener, the son of Čížek's former employer, in the secret pantry of their apartment. Čížek is aware of the danger into which he has brought his household and his neighbours, but he takes helping his fellow man in need for granted. But at the same time, as a largely unheroic hero, he is dying of fear. His personal situation is greatly complicated by the approaching end of the war, when he faces danger from both the Germans and his "honest" fellow Czechs....