

Où voir Shame Netflix



A documentary approach that explores a sensitive subject in a shocking way. Do we investigate the horrors we face in our societies, or stay in denial?.

Agassizhorn: Mountain of Shame

Agassizhorn: Mountain of Shame

In the Bernese Alps, the Agassizhorn peak memorialises Louis Agassiz – a controversial 19th-century scientist, who not only named the mountain after himself, but who claimed he had discovered the Ice Age and went on to become one of the century's most virulent, most influential racists..

Path of Shame

Path of Shame

An international group of women traffickers is increasingly active in Poland. At a Warsaw dance school, they tempt young women with the possibility of being cast by an American film studio. What the gang doesn’t know is that among the students, there is a secret police agent..



Freddie and his sister Rita have lost their parents when they were still young. Now they are managing life in a rather strange way: Freddie works as a detective in a department store and blackmails clients whom he catches stealing; and Rita is a nurse but she hopes to be descovered as a singer appearing in a striptease show on television..

Down With Shame!

Down With Shame!

The times of NEP. Nineteen-year-old Maria comes from a provincial town to the capital to be with those who are building a bright future. She gets a job, changes her name to a more romantic one - Bianca - and looks forward to meeting the great and pure love about which she has read a lot....

Shameless Memories: Buenos Aires, 1979

Shameless Memories: Buenos Aires, 1979

During Argentina's civic-military dictatorship in the 70s and 80s, the LGBTQIA+ community was persecuted and disappeared. Lis "transvestites", lis "tortes", lis "mariques" and other monsters from all walks of life wove strategies of flirting in Portuguese teapots to liberate and clandestine parties in the Tigre Delta to survive..

Shame and I

Shame and I

To be raped at 15 by her sister's husband, to give birth to him at 16. And in order not to be “ashamed”, the sister brings her husband to her, and she lives with her rapist for 12 years. What is it, heroism or fear?.

No Statute of  Limitations. Opening the Closet of Shame

No Statute of Limitations. Opening the Closet of Shame

About the tragedy that occurred on August 12, 1944 in the mountainous Tuscan village of Sant'Anna i Stazzema, where German soldiers of the 16th SS division shot civilians. Total in the vicinity of Sant'Anna killed almost 600 people. This crime, like many others committed by the German Nazis in Italy, has not been talked about for 50 years. All these cases were hidden in the closet of the military prosecutor's office in Rome, which was later called the Closet of Shame..



Chicago, au temps de la prohibition. Un petit malfrat, l'ambitieux Tony Camonte, tue son patron et devient le garde du corps de Lovo, chef du gang rival. Amoureux de Poppy, la petite amie de Lovo, il veille jalousement sur sa soeur Cesca, lui interdisant toute liaison sentimentale. Avec son complice Guido Rinaldo, Tony prend peu à peu le pouvoir au sein du gang de Lovo..

Miss Machiko

Miss Machiko

Les étudiants espiègles de l'Arama Academy rencontrent leur match dans une belle et intelligente nouvelle enseignante, Miss Machiko ! Mais ils sont déterminés à trouver une farce qui l'humiliera vraiment..

The Full-Time Wife Escapist

The Full-Time Wife Escapist

Mikuri Moriyama a 25 ans. Elle n'a pas de petit ami et n'a pas de CDI bien qu'elle soit hautement diplômée. Chaque jour, Mikuri Moriyama a le sentiment de ne pas être utile. Ce sentiment est renforcé quand elle perd son emploi d'intérimaire. Son père, qui ne peut plus la voir souffrir, s'arrange pour qu'elle travaille comme femme de ménage chez Hiramasa Tsuzaki, un célibataire de 36 ans travaillant dans l'informatique. Une série d'événements les amène à se marier par contrat. Les époux commencent alors une nouvelle vie en tant qu'"employeur=mari" et "employé=femme" et ce, sans en parler à leur entourage..

The Intruder

The Intruder

Un homme en complet blanc arrive dans une ville du sud des États-Unis au moment où viennent d’être votées les lois sur l’intégration, permettant à des enfants noirs de fréquenter les mêmes écoles que les enfants blancs. Il se présente comme un réformateur social. Mais en réalité la seule chose qu’il recherche c’est semer le trouble. Il va y parvenir, mais perd rapidement le contrôle de la situation.....