

Comment trouver Revenger gratuit

Recipe for Revenge

Recipe for Revenge

One fateful dinner party ends in a complicated murder case where Carly Hunter forced to work against both the police and the media. Police Jack Brannigan commissioned to protect her when threats begin to pile up and a fiery unexpected love affair begins..

The Sun's Revenge

The Sun's Revenge

An innkeeper in sheer despair murders a passing by musician and steals his money in order to buy medicine for his dying wife. Eventually, he falls into an endless turmoil of guilt and madness..

Severe Revenge

Severe Revenge

An Iranian TV animated short film about America's terrorist attack at the Baghdad airport and the assassination of Martyrs, General Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, and their comrades..

Revenge is Sweet

Revenge is Sweet

The top master in Canton, Master Ho, is killed by an ace fighter Cazy Wolf (Philip Ko) in a death duel . The late master's daughter, Hung Wah is so stricken by grief that she starts to sleep walk and start random fights. She encounters a Shaolin Monk that helps her channel her grief and thirst for revenge..

Ned Kelly's Revenge

Ned Kelly's Revenge

The infamous Kelly Gang is at it again spreading mischief and death throughout bush. However, their gunfire has attracted unwanted attention from the local police. When shots are let loose, which side will come out on top....

La vengeance de la femme en noir

La vengeance de la femme en noir

Augustin Marleau est un comédien qui a un talent fou... pour se faire détester. Déjà, dans son aventure précédente, l'Assassin jouait du trombone, il a failli servir de bouc émissaire à un dangereux criminel et à un inspecteur de police aussi ambitieux qu'étroit d'esprit. Aujourd'hui qu'il pense enfin revenir à une vie normale, les éternels ennemis de Marleau reviennent à la charge. D'abord, l'inspecteur de police, un dénommé Giuseppe Grasselli, s'obstine à faire de lui le coupable d'une énigmatique affaire d'enlèvements....

The New Option: The Revenge

The New Option: The Revenge

Fifth film in the series titled The New Option, it again stars Michael Wong as Stone Wong, an SDU captain who's a damn man at his job. Stone is a no-nonsense SDU trainer who must initiate young studs into their SDU world..



An animated Gothic tale based on Gérard de Nerval’s short story about a young man crossed in love, who asks the wizard Gonin for help and suffers the consequences..

A Romantic Revenge

A Romantic Revenge

Xiao-yu intends to take revenge on his frienemy Ke-le. He returns to school with the plan to confess his love in disguise for vengeance. However, a train accident changes everything..