

Comment trouver A Cold gratuit

Baisers froids

Baisers froids

À la périphérie de Bogota, les voix de jeunes gens assassinés par l’armée semblent résonner encore. Ces « âmes bénies » viennent embrasser leurs mères et veiller sur leurs proches. Nicolás Rincón Gille procède ici avec le même alliage de rigueur et de sensibilité à l’œuvre dans les précédents films de son projet au long cours, Campo hablado, qu’il a défini comme « quelque chose qui se construit au moment où on le dit »..

Lits froids

Lits froids

Une nuit hivernale au sein d'une station de ski des Alpes. Enfermée dehors, Mona, jeune saisonnière d’origine italienne, lutte contre le froid à la recherche d’un toit. Son parcours nocturne la mène sur les pas d’une présence inconnue..

Cold Water

Cold Water

Simon suffers from mental illness and compulsive thoughts. Once his life gets all screwed up again, he is picked up by his dutiful younger brother. But instead of a comfortable trip home, an emotional crescendo of problematic childhood memories, brotherly love, and cold baths awaits..

Young Ones Are Even Cold in the Summer

Young Ones Are Even Cold in the Summer

A girl returns from a trip out of the country and is given a strip-search for drugs when she re-enters Switzerland. Lacking a place to stay, she looks up an old friend of hers and stays with him, working to pay for food for both of them. In the casual manner of such arrangements, several more people enter the scene to stay: a rich kid who has been disinherited and a girl who is an escaped convict. The working girl has been hiding some of her wages in her clothes, and the two young men steal the money, buy a car, and hare off looking for excitement..

When the Cold Wind Blows

When the Cold Wind Blows

After Singapore must demilitarize its bases in Taiwan, a young Singaporean man and his lover must part ways. They spend an entire night together wandering aimlessly hoping to come closer to understanding their future. With only hours left, the bond that renders their connection to each other palpable is severed..

Cold War

Cold War

Featuring Jamie Thomas, Chris Cole, John Rattray, James Brockman, Tommy Sandoval, Dane Burman, Tony Cervantes, Ben Hatchell, Tom Karangelov, and Nick Boserio..

Love is Colder Than Death

Love is Colder Than Death

In the movie, the life of a singer who has problems with her husband is narrated. Belgin, who works at a night club as a belly dancer, is taken to the police station due to an inspection. Ali, owner of a casino, rescues him, hence they get closer. Belgin, after quitting dancing and starting singing, marries Ali. After a while, Ali’s ex-girlfriend appears and this damages their relationship. Meanwhile, Ali disappears as his business goes worse and Belgin starts to work with a manager who opens her the way leading to fame. Ali, who returns after a while, starts to intervene to Belgin’s life..

Café froid

Café froid

Saïgon, Vietnam. À la mort de sa mère, une jeune fille se voit contrainte d'abandonner ses études pour reprendre le café familial. Confrontée à un changement de vie radical, à la solitude et au chagrin, elle perd petit à petit ses repères..

"Iceland Defence Force" Cold War Frontier

In the aftermath of the Second World War, relations between the former allied eastern and western powers deteriorated fast. Suddenly, the small island nation found itself in the midst of the ensuing “cold-war”, which it used to its full benefit to catapult into the modern world. A founding member of the NATO alliance, Iceland provided an important base for forward operations in protection of NATO’s northern flank and Scandinavia and the approaches to North America by U.S. and allied forces..

Cold Wind Hands

Cold Wind Hands

The famous teacher Fa, old and hoary, it returns to the town of origin together with the adoptive daughter Chin Sin and of the preferred disciple You-Nan. These he/she kills Ago because he/she doesn't want to reveal the secret hit of the karate which the succession of the command is attached. Chin-since recruit champions, offering money and herself to whom the teacher will avenge..

Cold Sunday

Cold Sunday

A seemingly harmless fit of jealousy between two lovers brings about an increasingly sinister entanglement of events. Hidden secrets are revealed, sly lies are decoded, and eventually the characters begin to show their true colors. In this thriller, gripping until the last minute, nothing is as it appears to be at first sight.

Cold Pixel

Cold Pixel

They manage a cultural venue. He believes in technological evolution. She believes that love is static. One last exhibition and one last show..