

Comment faire pour télécharger samurai gratuitement

Snow White and the 7 Samurai

Snow White and the 7 Samurai

Left for dead by her rich and powerful stepmother, Snow White is taken in by a team of assassins who train her in their ways of fighting. As her stepmother becomes more and more powerful, Snow White and the samurai take up arms to topple her once and for all..

Snow White and the Seven Samurai

Snow White and the Seven Samurai

Left for dead by her rich and powerful stepmother, Snow White is taken in by a team of samurai assassins who train her in their ways of fighting. As her stepmother becomes more and more powerful, Snow White and the samurai take up arms to topple her once and for all..

Lost Samurai

Lost Samurai

A wannabe Yakuza gang finds out the meaning of honor and loyalty when one of their members lives is threatened by their own strict code of conduct. Can they break their rules to do what is right?.

Three Young Samurai

Three Young Samurai

During Japan's Warring States period three young Tokugawa vassals head their separate ways after Takeda Shingen's forces overran their castle. When they next meet they have all joined opposing sides..

Samurai Hawk

Samurai Hawk

1716, Yoshimune becomes the 8th Shogun as high Shogunate officials are attacked. While the government tries to keep these incidents under wraps, they must take any means possible to get to the bottom of this mystery and find out who is behind them..

A Samurai Never Tells a Lie

A Samurai Never Tells a Lie

The shogun's vassal Harima Aoyama and a chamber maid are in love with each other, but they cannot be together due to a difference of their status. Soon, an offer of marriage is brought to Harima. Trying to test his love, Okiku breaks one of the plates of the family treasure of the Aoyama family, but Harima doesn't notice. However, someone surrounding her witnesses the moment Okiku breaks the plate on purpose..

Love or Duty: Samurai Rebellion

Love or Duty: Samurai Rebellion

In the Edo period of Japan, a samurai’s life belonged to his lord. On the battlefield or in the home, a loyal samurai must always obey his lord’s commands. This is the tragic story of one such loyal samurai, whose love for his family forced him to make the ultimate choice of disobeying the wishes of his lord..

Tragedy of the Coolie Samurai

Tragedy of the Coolie Samurai

Gonza was a handsome young laborer, a footman and spear-carrier, working hard for his meager wage. All Gonza wanted was to marry his young sweetheart, but despite their mutual poverty, her status as the daughter of a samurai blocked their path to happiness. A chance opportunity to achieve samurai status would come one day, but Gonza will regret trusting the so-called honorable samurai who extended this fateful offer, and the terrible price he'd pay, fighting for his life in one of the most blood-spattered samurai battles ever filmed..

The Daughter of the Samurai

The Daughter of the Samurai

Teruo gets caught up in a conflict between tradition and modernism after returning to Japan from Germany after having spent a number of years there studying. Now, he is supposed to marry Mitsuko, the daughter of his adoptive father, to whom Teruo has long been promised. But Teruo, who has gotten to know the freedoms of the western world, would rather marry the woman he loves and behaves brusquely to Mitsuko..

Goemon Rock 2: Rose and Samurai

Goemon Rock 2: Rose and Samurai

A woman has thrown herself away for rescuing a country. A man has picked up a sword to protect a woman. Time in the 17th century, and place in the Iberian Peninsula. The master thief of the era Goemon ISHIKAWA (Arata FURUTA) has been rampaging in the Mediterranean Sea as a protector of a female pirate named Anne the Tornado (Yuki AMAMI)./span> One day, it turns out that Anne is the heir-to-the-throne of a small country. Heard of the corrupt politics in that country after the king's death, her inborn masculine spirit makes-up her mind to become the Queen of the country. The first duty as the Queen is to eradicate the pirates. Against her will, she is forced into a fight against Goemon who protected her former comrades. Godemon, who became suspicious of the series of events, brakes into the castle to steal Anne out. What Goemon saw there was ......!? What would be the fate of Goemon and Anne...!!.