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Luis Miguel Cintra, renowned actor, stage director and director of the Portuguese theatre company Teatro da Cornucópia, staged the play Illusion in early 2014. This play was based upon texts by Federico García Lorca. However, the 119th company's show was no ordinary show, for in the cast there were 59 non-actors, amateurs and theatre students..

La Chair

La Chair

Professor Mauthner, after many years of exile (having emigrated in 1933 to the USA), returns to Germany in 1948. He can in fact return to his teaching post, but the rejection and petty intrigues of his reactionary colleagues and students make his work almost unbearable..

Optical Illusions

Optical Illusions

C'est l'hiver à Valvidia. Au centre commercial, le nouveau vigile devient l'amant d'une bourgeoise cleptomane. Un skieur aveugle recouvre la vue et découvre un monde moins réjouissant qu'il ne l'avait espéré. Une entreprise offre à son personnel, contre performances optimales, des opérations de chirurgie esthétique, seins, nez et autres implants capillaires, au choix. Un cadre quinqua fait un stage d’ « out placement » ou « comment être viré en douceur et dire merci » A l’extérieur il pleut, au centre commercial il fait toujours 24°. L’hiver passe, tout semble irréel. Illusion d’optique....

Lost Illusions

Lost Illusions

Via the New York Times: "The Hungarian director Gyula Gazdag has transposed the middle section of Balzac's "Lost Illusions" from Paris in the mid-19th century to the Budapest of 1968... it tells of Laszlo Sardi - Balzac's Lucien Chardon - and his efforts to launch his literary career amid the snobbery and sophistication of a big city.".

Madame Butterfly's Illusion

Madame Butterfly's Illusion

Butterfly, a faithful Japanese wife, waits patiently in Nagasaki for the return of her American husband, Pinkerton. She sees the Stars and Stripes fluttering atop an approaching ship and rightly surmises that Pinkerton is onboard. However, the feckless foreigner is arriving in the company of his "real" Caucasian wife, causing the heartbroken Butterfly to commit suicide. This masterpiece of Japanese silhouette animation makes the best of its source material..

Home: The Country of Illusion

Home: The Country of Illusion

Lilia, a Colombian citizen, has lived in eight countries around the world. Now, at the age of 67, she grows old alone in Portugal, caring for an Alzheimer's patient. The filmmaker asks her mother Lilia if she has found home and if she will ever return to Colombia, her native country she hasn't visited for the past 40 years. HOME is a personal-approach documentary about loneliness and the sense of belonging..



Après l'explosion d'une usine, une petite ville est littéralement suspendue dans le temps. Masamune a 14 ans, et avec ses amies, il va devoir s'adapter à une réalité à l'agonie..



VH1 ILL-ustrated is an animated series that aired on VH1 and was conceived by animation producer Bob Cesca that parodied pop culture and politics. Recurring characters include satirical caricatures of Axl Rose, Michael Jackson, among others. The animated series were later aired on MTV2 and SBS..

F/X, effet de choc

F/X, effet de choc

Un virtuose des effets spéciaux se voit confier une mission très spéciale : "faire mourir" un criminel repenti qui s'apprête à temoigner contre la mafia....

Illusions of Love

Illusions of Love

Many years ago, a young married couple moved to an old house. The house is filled with items and statues used to worship the snake clan especially snake queen Gorgon. The wife was so disgusted that she destroyed them all. This enraged the ancient spirits and they placed a curse on her. At that time, she was pregnant with her twin daughters. So the curse was transferred to one of them, leading her to be the next Gorgon's descendant..