

Où voir Bodies Bodies Bodies Netflix

Tant qu'ils ne retrouvent pas le corps

Tant qu'ils ne retrouvent pas le corps

En trois actes poignants, aussi rigoureux qu'un grand procès d'assises, Rémi Lainé et Pascale Robert-Diard livrent la vérité humaine de l'affaire Le Roux-Agnelet, au fil d'un vertigineux feuilleton judiciaire de près de quarante ans..

Ceci est mon corps

Ceci est mon corps

Antoine a un avenir tracé d'avance. Etudiant d'HEC, il succèdera tôt ou tard au poste de son père, à la tête d'une entreprise en pleine expansion. Antoine est brillant, mais il s'ennuie. Par jeu ou par défi, pour se prouver qu'il n'est pas définitivement coincé sur un rail, il accepte un premier rôle dans un film en préparation. C'est le scandale. Antoine se heurte à ses parents un brin réac', tandis que Kate, une réalisatrice, l'incite à quitter le droit chemin..

Night of Body's Model

Night of Body's Model

Takahashi moves into a new apartment after a divorce and as she tries to settle in, finds that she is having strange and violent dreams and weird things keep happening in her apartment. Her neighbour likes to listen to her through the wall, and becomes increasingly sensitive to her thoughts and feelings. A scientist father and son also live in the building; the son has an obsession with prosthetic body parts..

Beautiful Female Panther: Body Sniper

Beautiful Female Panther: Body Sniper

A popular fashion model, Hikari Fujimi, has more than one identity. To avenge her parents, who were killed by the leader of a crime syndicate, she received training to become an assassin from Nirasaki, her father’s right-hand man. With multiple personalities-- herself; a woman with superhuman skills; and an innocent girl who repents her sins-- she changes at will..

Body for Sale

Body for Sale

One day, due to carelessness. Ah Chung is fired from his job as a toilet attendant. Out of sympathy, Ah Lien, a waitress who he secretly admires, gives him financial help. When the much indebted Ah Chung found another job, he went to return the money to Ah Lien but was disappointed to learn that she had left and married. Years later, their paths cross again in a strip-tease joint..

Landscape of our Body

Landscape of our Body

As queer trans and gender non-conforming children of the Vietnamese diaspora, we are fragmented at the crossroads of being displaced from not only a sense of belonging to our ancestral land, but also our own bodies which are conditioned by society to stray away from our most authentic existence. Yet these bodies of ours are the vessels we sail to embark on a lifetime voyage of return to our original selves. It is our bodies that navigate the treacherous tides of normative systems that impose themselves on our very being. And it is our bodies that act as community lighthouses for collective liberation. Ultimately, the landscape of our bodies is our blueprint to remembering, to healing, to blooming..

Over My Dead Body

Over My Dead Body

The perpetually rational and precise researcher Hyeon-cheol and the rash and reckless Dong-hwa have nothing in common with the exception of a goal to steal a corpse to serve their own twisted agendas. They set off on their bizarre mission and the plan goes smoothly until they’re faced with the unexpected appearance of Jin-oh and a mysterious group of men also on the hunt..

Body Fat Index of Love

Body Fat Index of Love

Stigu and Ella have a just-sex relationship. Stigu is secretly in love but settles for what he can get because Ella wants nothing more. Until they find themselves in a same work project: designing an advertisement for the Family Federation on sustainable relationships. It seems like mission impossible since Ella doesn't believe in the whole concept and Stigu knows nothing about it..

Three-Body Anniversary Edition

Three-Body Anniversary Edition

A nanomaterials expert sees a mysterious countdown superimposed in his field of vision and finds himself under military investigation. To unravel the mystery, he enters the VR game "Three-Body" developed by a secret organization ETO and discovers the truth behind the deaths of dozens of scientists and a tragedy from the days of the Cultural Revolution..

L'adorable corps de Deborah

L'adorable corps de Deborah

Un homme, en pleine lune de miel avec sa belle et riche épouse, apprend le suicide de son ex-fiancée. Il rencontre alors un ancien ami, Philippe, qui l’accuse d’avoir tué cette jeune femme. Intrigué, le jeune homme décide de mener l’enquête sur la disparition de son ex. De soupçons en soupçons, les deux époux en viendront à craindre une machination de la part de leur conjoint, d’autant qu’une petite fortune reviendrait au survivant des deux..

La Chute d'un corps

La Chute d'un corps

Une nuit, désemparée par l'absence de son mari en voyage, Marthe prend un amant. Or, cette même nuit, tombe sur la terrasse de l'appartement, le corps d'une jeune femme, Carole. A cette occasion, Marthe fait connaissance avec son voisin de l'étage supérieur, Monsieur Nansoit. Celui-ci préfère ne pas prévenir la police....

The Body

The Body

One day a commuter, who happens to be a burglar, finds a dead body on a train. As he was just returning from a burglary and not wanting to draw attention to himself, he decides to get rid of the corpse himself. Little does he know that the body is about to embark on one hell of a journey....