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Fighting Fist

Fighting Fist

The Yakuza of Japan has infiltrated the universities of Hong Kong and are conducting illegal activities such as underground bare knuckle fights,gambling and drugs. Hong Kong Police team up with the Japanese Secret Service to bring down the ruthless gang but their agents always seem to wind up dead. As a last resort they have a female detective (Sibelle Hu) infiltrate the organization in order to bring them down..

Fists and Guts

Fists and Guts

A mysterious traveler enlists two bumbling con men in a plan to get back supposed family heirlooms stolen by a missing housekeeper who uses various disguises to elude capture..



Born as an aberration different from the expectations of a chief's son, Fei Long has been ostracized by his own people. To prepare for his destined future role as chief of his clan, Fei Long is sent to Japan to complete his schooling and gain experience mingling with humans. In Japan, he discovers not everything is simple..

Les Poings Serrés

Les Poings Serrés

Lucien, jeune garçon qui vit retiré avec sa mère Cécile et son frère aîné dans un village des Ardennes, porte un lourd secret, il fuit le contact autant que les questions. Il se rapproche pourtant de Freddy, le père de Lies, sa seule amie, et passe son temps dans la modeste scierie de celui-ci. Mais lorsque la grand-mère de Lucien décède et qu'une sortie pénitentiaire est accordée à son père pour assister aux funérailles, tout bascule..

The Buddhist Fist

The Buddhist Fist

Two orphans raised by monks are taught divine secrets of kung fu. As adults, one chooses the path of the monks while the other opts for the outside world. Aspiring barber and experienced kung-fu fighter Shang learns that his childhood friend, Siu Ming, has been framed for murder by an unknown villain.When Shang begins looking into the crime, he soon finds himself the target of an assassination attempt. They reunite to find their missing godfather and seek vengeance on his kidnappers. Who is behind all these crimes, and can Shang stop them?.

Fists Of Bruce Lee

Fists Of Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee (Bruce Li) is assigned to go undercover as Lee Min-Chin to investigate a drug ring. The mob hires an assassin to kill him. They are both great at what they do; as they fight to the death only one will come out alive..

Choihui jeongmumun

Choihui jeongmumun

Dae-dong is the newly appointed leader of the Jung-mu Martial Arts Hall. He is challenged by the Japanese and is killed. The Jung-mu Hall is almost at the point of ruin. The teachers of Jung-mu Hall go searching for the master Keum-san of Chosun, the great Taekwondo fighter. Keum-san was the Korean teacher of the deceased Dae-dong and a highly respected warrior. When Keum-san's disciple, Chung, hears the sad tidings of Dae-dong's death, his only friend, he goes to China with the Jung-mu masters to hold his funeral. During Dae-dong's funeral, Chung receives a challenge from the treacherous Japanese man, Kuromasa. Chung kills Kuromasa and returns to Chosun but he discovers his wife and master Keum-san murdered. Stunned, Chung destroys them all and leaves for somewhere desolately carrying his young child..

Karate, Fist and Beans

Karate, Fist and Beans

Sam and Buddy, two highway robbers, join with Colonel Quint, a big crook, who sold his services to Morgan, the banker, in order to free Baby, the banker's daughter, abducted by Espartero and his killers gang. A plan to 'sell' fake dollars to Espartero goes awry, but the two sons of the forger join Quint, and so does Mokaiko, a brave Japanese cook. The rag-tag band of Quinlan meets Espartero in several scraps, and then a climactic confrontation. All are ugly, bad, and dirty (except Baby), and fight accordingly..

La prise secrète du dragon

La prise secrète du dragon

Les services secrets japonais ont envoyé des espions pour infiltrer les plus hauts lieux de l’armée chinoise. Ces espions ont pour mission de recueillir de précieux renseignements qui vont servir à l’armée japonaise pour conquérir la chine. Le seul problème est de récupérer ces informations sans que le gouvernement chinois ne s’en aperçoive. Le seul homme capable de réussir cette mission est le Capitaine Xa Tia, grand spécialiste des arts martiaux. Film mené tambour battant dans la plus pure tradition des films d’espionnage..

The Fist of Death

The Fist of Death

In the far east the star of great power is stolen by an ambitious woman, who was jealous of the jungle girl who was sent by the gods, also succeeds in kidnapping her. This mission will only be solved by Santo, the masked man of silver who will have to save the girl and recover the star to return the tranquility to the town..

Dreaming Fist with Slender Hands

Dreaming Fist with Slender Hands

Thrown out by their masters for disobedience, the two rascals Sun and Ho yearn to be Kung Fu giants. Through a series of incredible adventures, they toughen up and develop into powerhouse Kung Fu Kids, both feared and revered. Watch their fists fly in some of greatest action packed martial arts fighting you'll ever see..

Jacky et Bruce défient le Maître du Karaté

Jacky et Bruce défient le Maître du Karaté

Maître Lee a fondé le Koryo Martial Arts Training Hall à Shanghai. Ayant un objectif commun, Maître Lee et Maître Jang du Chinese 18 Fighting Skill Training Hall ont mis en place une organisation anti-japonaise. Le major Harada des opérations spéciales japonaises prévoit de détruire l'organisation anti-japonaise. En route vers la réunion de la coalition Corée-Chine, Maître Lee est abattu par l'épée d'un guerrier japonais. Lorsque le fils de Maître Lee, Lee So-ryong, attaque une salle d'entraînement japonaise, Harada demande au Département chinois de la sécurité nationale de s'occuper de lui. Sung-ryong du Département de la sécurité nationale se méfie de Hwang Baek-sun. Baek-sun a fait un don à la coalition Corée-Chine mais n'a pas été attaqué pour cela. De plus, Baek-sun est un ami proche de Harada. Harada ordonne à ses hommes de se débarrasser de So-ryong et Sung-ryong mais ils battent le guerrier japonais et s'échappent..

Return of Fist of Fury

Return of Fist of Fury

Baek-ho goes to Korea to find his older brother Chung-ryong to continue the lineage of the School of the Jung-mu fighting technique that is being destroyed by the Japanese. Meanwhile, Saburo, the high priest of Yamano Musado, comes from Japan to avenge the death of his brother, Murakami, who died at the hands of Chung-ryong, a master of the School of Jung-mu. In the end, Pak Shi-baek and Baek-ho destroy Saburo's gang..

F.B.I. Fausses blondes infiltrées

F.B.I. Fausses blondes infiltrées

Les ambitieux mais malheureux agents du FBI Marcus et Kevin Copeland sont sur le point de perdre leur travail. Quand on découvre que deux riches héritières mondaines sont sur le point d'être enlevées, l'affaire est confiée à leurs rivaux et Kevin et Marcus sont promus gardes du corps pour escorter ces deux gamines de l'aéroport à leur hôtel dans les Hamptons. Malheureusement, leur gentil toutou cause un accident de la circulation. S'ensuit une bagarre et les deux sœurs se retrouvent légèrement mal en point. Elles refusent d'être vues lors de ce week-end mondain. Apeuré à l'idée de se retrouver au chômage, Kevin va élaborer un plan : Marcus et lui vont se faire passer pour les deux exigeantes divas, se mêler à la crème de la crème des Hamptons et, par la même occasion, piéger les ravisseurs et redorer leur réputation..

Fist of Dragon

Fist of Dragon

Chia Ling portrays a tough kung fu kicking Hong Kong cop who comes up one of the toughest criminal syndicates in Asia, with her tough skills and quick mind she manages to bring the gang to justice..