

Blindness sokroflix gratuit

Describe The Color Red To A Blind Man

Describe The Color Red To A Blind Man

A long time ago, young mermaid (or an actress playing the role of a mermaid) ran away from the sea to find out what it was like living among humans. The mermaid grew up experiencing all that she wanted but at the cost of her being tainted by human nature. On her last day of whatever magic she has left would allow her to return to her people, she contemplates on returning to a land of perfection..

Turn a Blind Eye

Turn a Blind Eye

A father and his two young daughters travel through a war-torn area. The father explains to his eldest why they need to shield the youngest from what's really happening around them. The eldest finally understands and vows to protect her sister. But how far will she go to keep her promise?.

L'Enfant aveugle 2

L'Enfant aveugle 2

Dépeindre le rapport d’Herman Slobbe, adolescent aveugle au monde extérieur, tel est l’objectif du documentaire que lui consacre Van der Keuken. Herman est, un être extraverti qui trouve des moyens de jouir de la vie malgré son handicap. Les ténèbres lui ont permis de découvrir un fascinant terrain de jeu : les bruits et les sons. L’enfant aveugle s’empare alors du micro et nous fait découvrir sa réalité..

Blind Way

Blind Way

Sorehead singer Zhao Liang drifts around all day long. One day he encounters a blind girl Jing Jing who is under control by a criminal scrounger gang..

The Blind Owl

The Blind Owl

Film based on the famous Iranian novella by Sadegh Hedayat, considered one of the great works of modern Persian prose. A man who is perhaps losing his mind spits his murderous fantasies and confessions at a shadow on the wall of his room that has the shape of an owl..

Blind Man's Bluff

Blind Man's Bluff

Meral is a divorced mother living with her six-year-old daughter Elif. One day, Elif disappears. Despite all efforts to search for her, she in not found. Meral’s former husband and lawyer Turgay take part in the search. During their investigation, Meral and Turgay become clo ser. A love relationship starts between these two loners..

Cinéma des aveugles

Cinéma des aveugles

Driven by an image which will not leave him, Philémon takes a room at the Hôtel de la Mer. This unseemly boarding house contains a «cinema for the blind«, where the interior drama of the residents is secretly projected. Philémon slips, step by step, into a mute dream, where he attemps to lose sight of himself..

The Blinding Sunlight

The Blinding Sunlight

This story happens in the southern part of Beijing. Lee, the motor-taxi driver's and his family live in a dilapidated tenement yard. His disobliging sister always asks him for the relocation of the tenement yard and urges her brother's family to repay the money. Kai's classmate, named Er Dong, a bad boy whose father is the lecherous principal, frames a case against Kai that he had stolen the monitor's cell phone. The teacher always looks upon on Kai, he denounces Kai without any investigation and gives a slap on Kai's face. Kai hit the teacher with a brick in great impulsion and the principal dismissed Kai. Because of this, Lee has to beg the principal for retraining the punishment on Kai, besides, Lee has to offer a bribe for his son. At last, grandpa passed away quietly, lee was arrested by the police because of the prostitute's tip-offs. Kai stands lonely on the rooftop of his dilapidated house, sees the blinding sunlight and hears the cockcrow.......

The Sun, the Sun Blinded Me

The Sun, the Sun Blinded Me

Inspired by Albert Camus’ The Stranger, Rafał Mularz, a stranger in his own society, creates a daily routine and a lifestyle that protects him from the outside world. His method seems to work fine until he is confronted with another stranger. A man thrown out by the sea, an immigrant. Rafał has to make a decision: Will he confront this society unfit for strangers and take responsibility for this man? Or will he choose to continue to protect himself?.