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The Trip

The Trip

At the pointy end of a situationship and a sexuality crisis, Georgia and Jake are stuck on the side of the road with an overstepping hitchhiker on a trip that will either make or break them – or maybe both..

Terror Trips

Terror Trips

Six friends start a business providing guided tours to the shooting locations of the world's most famous horror films, until they discover the one spot where the terror is real..



In pursuit of her dreams to become a figure skater, Ha-ru goes to Seoul where she is reunited with her stepbrother..

Les Avatars de Charlot

Les Avatars de Charlot

Dans la maison d'un inventeur travaillant sur une arme explosive, Charlot vient d'être embauché. Il est assez maladroit et dès sa paye encaissée, il s'en va dormir dans un foyer de vagabonds où les vols sont courants et où il n'est pas facile de trouver le sommeil . Pendant ce temps , un anarchiste a eu vent de la découverte de l'explosif et recrute son tueur à gage pour tenter de s'en emparer ; le tueur arrive dans le foyer et après avoir remarqué que Charlot est plutôt débrouillard pour se sortir d'affaires compliquées , il lui demande sous la menace d'un revolver s'il veut l'aider , Charlot accepte et ils se rendent ensuite chez l'inventeur ; une course-poursuite a lieu entre des policiers et eux et pour finir , le tueur tire sur l'explosif qui détruit la maison..

A Trip to Mars

A Trip to Mars

The navy captain Avanti Planetaros is inspired by his astronomer-father to travel through outer space to reach other worlds. He becomes an aviator and, along with the young scientist Dr. Krafft, the driving force behind the construction of a space-ship. Despite oppostion from the mocking Professor Dubius, Planetaros gathers a crew of fearless men and takes off. During the long voyage, the crew becomes restless; a mutiny is narrowly avoided. Finally, they reach Mars and discover that the planet is inhabited by people who have reached a higher stage of development, free of diseases, sorrow, violence, sexual urges, and the fear of death. Avanti falls in love with Marya, daughter of the Prince of Wisdom, the head of the Martians. Marya shares his feelings and decides to return with him in order to bring the wisdom of the Martians to the backward Earthlings. (