

Où voir Testament Netflix

Signs of the Times

Signs of the Times

Jesus uses the parables of the King’s Wedding Feast and the Thief in the Night to teach His disciples to have to repent and to be prepared for the day He comes again. Jesus teaches His disciples to patiently watch for the signs of His Second Coming. You’ll see how the disciples misunderstood the meaning of His parables. Even with these insights, will we also misunderstand the signs of His coming today?.

Jesus, the Son of God

Jesus, the Son of God

People often found themselves speechless when they came face-to-face with the wisdom of Jesus—from the learned rabbis in the temple who were astonished at the words of a 12-year-old Jesus, to the victory over Satan who unsuccessfully tempted the Savior even after He had grown pale with hunger from a 40-day fast. This story begins with Jesus’ early years and follows with His triumph over Satan, marking the beginning of His ministry..

Lost Cities Of The Bible

Lost Cities Of The Bible

In the Bible, God destroys the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and sides with Joshua to conquer another misbehaving city: Jericho. Are these stories true or simply moral fables? Archaeological and geological evidence holds the answer..

The Righteous Judge

The Righteous Judge

The Righteous Judge recreates the events that surround Jesus in teaching the principles of love, forgiveness and righteous judgment. In the story of the adulteress Jesus confronts the Pharisees with the simple phrase, “let him without sin cast the first stone,” and thereby teaches us of God’s immense mercy and grace. Caiaphas, who unrighteously judges a blind man sinful, is contrasted against the gratitude of the blind man when Jesus freely heals him..



This is the story of a woman whose name has become synonymous with love and fidelity. In a moving tale, Ruth follows her mother-in-law Naomi back to Naomi's native Bethlehem after the sad deaths of both women's husbands. Working hard in the fields to feed herself and Naomi, Ruth finds her feelings for her kinsman Boaz run deeper than gratitude for his help with the work. Prepared to marry him for Naomi's sake, Ruth's loyalty touches Boaz and he decides to challenge the claim of a closer relative for Ruth's hand. The grace and simplicity of Ruth's story are conveyed perfectly by wonderful model animation..