

In the Shadows sokroflix gratuit

Inju : La Bête dans l'ombre

Inju : La Bête dans l'ombre

Débarqué au Japon pour la promotion de son nouveau roman, Alex Fayard rencontre une geiko, Tamao, menacée de mort par un ancien amant. En acceptant de l'aider, il se retrouve face à Shundei Oe, l'auteur de livres policiers dont il est le spécialiste français. Dès lors, il plonge dans un monde de mystère et de perversité, sur les traces d'un homme assoiffé de vengeance..

La Cité

La Cité

En 1895, après la guerre, un médecin français en transit vers chez lui, Max Orswell, s'installe dans une ville fortifiée où cohabitent les légionnaires français, menés par un capitaine tyrannique, et les Hérénites, descendants du peuples fondateurs de la ville. Alors qu'émerge une épidémie de peste bubonique, les autorités placent la ville en quarantaine et expulsent les Hérénites, les condamnant à la famine. Inquiété de leur sort, Max se porte à leur secours, pensant les soigner. Mais les Hérénites combattent efficacement l'infection, et sont davantage inquiétés par les confrontations fréquentes avec les soldats français..

Moonlight Shadow

Moonlight Shadow

Satsuki lost her boyfriend, Hitoshi, in a car accident. Unable to face up to his death, she spends her days unable to sleep properly. At some point, Satsuki began to jog at dawn as part of her daily routine, and on a bridge she always passes, she meets a mysterious woman named Urara..

The Man Who Lost His Shadow

The Man Who Lost His Shadow

The story of friendship on the eve of the free officers' revolution: Youssef, an unprincipled journalist, whose star rises thanks to his connections, and Shawki, an idealist man committed to social justice.

Shadows of Love

Shadows of Love

Previously known as "Repeat, I Love You", "Shadows of Love" is a modern-day Cinderella romance starring Cecilia Cheung ("Legendary Amazons") and Kwon Sang-woo ("Stairway to Heaven") as a rivals who eventually fall for each other. The film revolves around three interrelated love stories with the one played by Kwon and Cheung as the core. Cheung plays two contrasting roles in the film, one as a refined lady, and the other as a determined young woman with quick temper..

Death of a Shadow

Death of a Shadow

Soldier Nathan died during World War I. A strange collector imprisoned his shadow and gave him a new chance: a second life against 10000 captured shadows. It is love that guides him, as his purpose is to meet Sarah again, the woman he fell in love with before he died. But then he discovers that she's already in love with someone else, jealousy clouds his mind and pushes him towards a bitter decision, not without consequences..

Les ombres du passé

Les ombres du passé

Vincent Martin a tout pour être heureux. Un soir alors qu’il rentre du travail, un crime est commis sous ses yeux. Une femme est poussée sous un camion. Elle est morte sur le coup. La vie de Vincent bascule. Il va être soupçonné par la police, son passé douloureux va revenir le hanter, sa fiançée Sarah met de la distance entre eux, même son ami de toujours, Yann a des doutes. Vincent est entraîné dans une chute qui semble inéluctable..

Shadow Kids

Shadow Kids

This family drama deals with a case of Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy, a fabricated illness. Stephanie is an apparently happy single mother of two daughters, Therese and Agnes, although the latter suffers from chronic health problems. When Stephanie's sister Christiane visits them, Agnes collapses during a theater play at their school and later dies in a hospital. Due to Stephanie's odd behavior, Christiane tries to find out the truth about the death of her niece....

Tokio of the Moon's Shadow

Tokio of the Moon's Shadow

The Earth, the third planet of the solar system, is not only the popular tourist resort chosen as the 100 famous views among the universe but also the danger spot where many brutal invaders are coming. Eight guardians of the solar system fight against the enemy to save the earth, the treasure of the universe. Tokio, the guardian of moon among them, becomes familiar with a blind girl Setsuko, through his favorite ham radio and comes to love her....



Le parcours acharné, sur près de 20 ans, d'Isabel pour retrouver Pedro, son fils de 11 ans, disparu en 1998..

Beneath the Shadow

Beneath the Shadow

Konno moved to Iwate for his job. There, he meets his colleague Hiasa at work. They form a close bond while drinking together, fishing together and doing other activities. One day, Hiasa quits his job without saying anything to Konno. Shortly after, they meet again, but they cannot have that close feeling as they had before. They do not meet again. Time passes and Konno learns that Hiasa went missing. While looking for Hiasa, Konno learns a secret about Hiasa..



The film consists of three chapters. The Manslayer takes place more than a hundred years ago. The leading character Maara is a young bride who is about to start her life in her new family. The Virgin, set in the spring of 1949, tells the story of a young woman called Elina, who has been deported from Ingria into Estonia during the previous war. The Shadow moves in the present, on the border of real life and fantasy. The main character, Luna Lee, has decided to flee from home. Is there anything besides emptiness somewhere? The film is led by the singularity of the leading character - Maara, Elina and Luna Lee are all played by the same actress..



During the Second World War, tens of thousands of blonde, blue-eyed Polish children were snatched from their parents and given to German families. Lebensborn was part of Hitler's plan to expand the Aryan master race within the Third Reich. Eight-year old Jerzy returns home at the end of the war to a joyful reunion with his long-lost mother and grandfather. But problems arise as he is taunted by his peers and, longing for his missing father, burns with resentment for his new communist stepfather..