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The Story of Camp Century: The City Under Ice

The Story of Camp Century: The City Under Ice

Project Iceworm was the code name for a top-secret United States Army program during the Cold War to build a network of mobile nuclear missile launch sites under the Greenland ice sheet. The ultimate objective of placing medium-range missiles under the ice — close enough to strike targets within the Soviet Union — was kept secret from the Danish government. To study the feasibility of working under the ice, a highly publicized "cover" project, known as Camp Century..

What Is The City But The People?

What Is The City But The People?

In 1969, The Department of City Planning in New York City developed a new city-wide plan. This documentary, produced and written by John Peer Nugent and narrated by notable urbanist William H. Whyte, was released on public television to provide a behind-the-scenes peek at the planning process. There's a lot that is gone from contemporary New York in this documentary: a gritty Hell's Kitchen, a robust Model Cities program, and acres of slums in Bedford-Stuyvesant. But there's a lot that, for better or worse, is still the same: poverty and prosperity, diversity and wealth, greed and good intentions..

The City (Osaka)

The City (Osaka)

An animated fantasy that shows Canadians as urbanized people developing a vast wilderness with the aid of the latest technologies. Shown as part of the Urban Environment exhibit in the Canadian pavilion at the international exposition, Osaka '70..

La cité perdue de Ramsès II

La cité perdue de Ramsès II

Il fut l'un des plus grands pharaons d’Egypte grâce à un règne placé sous le signe d'une grande stabilité et d'importants programmes de constructions. Mais Ramsès II n'a pas encore livré tous ses secrets. Les archéologues s'intéressent à la ville de Pi-Ramsès (ou Maison de Ramsès), fondée par le souverain pour en faire le centre de son empire, et située à l'emplacement de l'actuelle Qantir. Connue comme une cité riche et prospère, les scientifiques se penchent sur les raisons de sa disparition, 200 ans après son règne..

Gangs Of The City

Gangs Of The City

Heiress Bonnie Parker, tired of newspaper stories about her society high-life, gives a false story to energetic reporter Bill Raymond, who has frequently pestered her for a scoop. When Bill is dismissed for the phony item, Bonnie realizes that she carried the prank too far......

Main basse sur la ville

Main basse sur la ville

Rod Steiger est un féroce promoteur foncier dans Hands over the City de Francesco Rosi, un travail de réalisme social qui fait fureur et qui a remporté le Lion d'Or du Festival du Film de Venise en 1963. Cet exposé de la spéculation immobilière politiquement motivée qui a dévasté le paysage civil de Naples s'éloigne d'un édifice cataclysmique et s'effondre dans les coulisses des négociations des dirigeants civiques en lice pour le pouvoir lors des élections municipales, dévoilant les rouages de la corruption avec passion et indignation ..

Ring Of Power - The empire of

Ring Of Power - The empire of "THE CITY"

City of London + City of Vatican + City of columbia are the 3 independant states within states wich composes the empire of the city. The first is financial control over earth economy, the second is religion control over the earth and the third one is military control over the earth. Together they make the very unholy trinity which forms the egyptian pyramid that we can see on the back of the privately owned federal reserve note that is used as american dollar to maintain the colony in debt and under the Queen. Many people realize that this mystifying situation, in which an alleged democratic and self-governing nation is actually controlled against the will of the people, is a clear indication that there must be a very powerful and well-financed occult organization which plans and directs world affairs, and for lack of a more specific identification thie suspected secret organization is popularly referred to as the International Financiers, Banksters cartel or "The Crown corporation".

Voices of the City

Voices of the City

Voices of the City is a 1921 American silent crime drama film starring Leatrice Joy and Lon Chaney that was directed by Wallace Worsley. It is considered to be a lost film..

NWA WrestleWar '89: The Music City Showdown

NWA WrestleWar '89: The Music City Showdown

WrestleWar 1989: Music City Showdown was the first WrestleWar professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by World Championship Wrestling (WCW) under the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) banner. It took place on May 7, 1989 from the Nashville Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee..

Trapped in the City of a Thousand Mountains

Trapped in the City of a Thousand Mountains

A new phenomenon of authentic Chinese rap has taken the internet by storm. But behind the unprecedented gains in popularity, there is a struggle for freedom of speech. Rappers are trying to figure out what they still can and cannot do after new censorship is announced..

La Cité interdite révélée

La Cité interdite révélée

Prouesse architecturale s’étendant sur 72 hectares, la Cité interdite, labyrinthe de palais, temples, ponts de marbre et jardins symétriques, a été bâtie entre 1406 et 1420 à l’initiative de l’empereur Yongle. Soucieux d’asseoir son autorité, cet usurpateur de la toute jeune dynastie Ming entreprend d’unifier la Chine et de recentrer les pouvoirs politique, économique et militaire vers le nord. Il déménage la capitale de Nankin à Pékin et fait construire la Cité interdite, ce gigantesque complexe pourpre, où administration pléthorique de l’empire, concubines et eunuques cohabiteront pendant cinq siècles. Des arbres géants abattus pour les colonnes de soutien aux tonnes de pierre extraites des carrières en passant par le transport des matériaux sur le Grand Canal, le chantier, titanesque, mobilise des centaines de milliers d’ouvriers réduits à l’esclavage..

The Jackals of a Great City

The Jackals of a Great City

Leila Hughes is the sole support of her aged grandmother. Tom Duane, a young contractor, has become acquainted with Leila and finds much to admire in her. Aggressive with his men, Tom becomes timid and embarrassed in the presence of a woman..