

Comment faire pour télécharger On the Beach gratuitement

Cal State Long Beach, CA, Janvier 2020

Cal State Long Beach, CA, Janvier 2020

À Long Beach, Jessica Jackson Hutchins sculpte la terre. Pour sa collection de films « Où en êtes-vous ? », le Centre Pompidou a passé commande à Kelly Reichardt. La cinéaste a répondu avec non pas un, mais deux courts métrages documentaires, évoquant son travail en cours..

The Beach Guard in Winter

The Beach Guard in Winter

Grown up in an atmosphere of failed marriage of his parents, a young man wants to go his way throughout life. School he finished doesn't give him the opportunity to find a job, so he accepts the position of a beach guard in winter period..

8 on a Beach Chair

8 on a Beach Chair

Florence eleve seule ses enfants. La veille du depart en vacances, elle apprend que son contrat a duree determinee ne sera pas renouvele. Elle part pourtant dans un camping dans le Sud. Pierre, veuf inconsolable, se rend dans la meme station balneaire que Florence....

Run to the Beach

Run to the Beach

Sam and her mother Uci, are about to do a road trip to G-Land beach in Banyuwangi. Sam's cousin, Happy, who's 180° different from Sam also came along on the road trip..

La vie secrète d'un nid de tortues marines

La vie secrète d'un nid de tortues marines

Ce documentaire dévoile, pour la première fois, les coulisses d'un nid de tortues marines au moment de la ponte, événement extraordinaire baptisé «arribada» au Costa Rica. Dans le sillage d'une équipe internationale de chercheurs, la réalisatrice Hayley Smith capte les communications des petites tortues à travers leurs coquilles et analyse le comportement des femelles adultes sous l'eau. Une manière d'aborder les enjeux de conservation de cette espèce marine menacée..



Jun returns to his hometown by the sea. But his girlfriend Kay does not recognize him as Jun. Then a mysterious man, Shadow, appears. A fantastic sci-fi short film that was highly acclaimed at film festivals in the UK and Croatia..

Kosher Beach

Kosher Beach

It's only a half hour drive from Bnei-Brak, a closed Orthodox city, to Tel Aviv's shore. But for the women going there it's light years away. "The Kosher Beach" is a gated and secluded 100 meter-long strip of beach with dedicated days for women and men to bath separately, only a wooden fence separates between the freedom of the gay beach and them. The "Brave Bunch", a secret female orthodox sisterhood, arrive to what is a source of quiet sanity for them and they consider it a safe haven away from social and family problems: their own private and free heaven. Here they can be themselves, take a deep ocean breath and open their hearts to the sea, until the day the Rabbi's try to close the beach. What will the girls do? Will they give in or fight?.

You're Under Arrest! Diverting Traffic at the Beach

You're Under Arrest! Diverting Traffic at the Beach

Summer arrives to Bokuto Station. Miyuki and Natsumi have to work on a beach road protecting the safety of the civilians that are enjoying their summer vacations. Suffering because of the hot, the two officers were having problems to remain calm, but then, some pickpocket appeared on the beach causing a ruckus. The girls will do their best to catch the thief, control the traffic and enjoy their summer day..