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1914 Invasion of Belgium

1914 Invasion of Belgium

The small Belgian army held up the German advance, the British Expeditionary Force fought its first battle and the invincible German army was brought to a standstill in Belgium. This film traces that first month, the battles of Liège, Antwerp and Mons. In reconstruction it uses the words of those who took part and looks at the remains of the battlefields and the fortifications that still exist..

Dans les griffes de la Gestapo

Dans les griffes de la Gestapo

1939/1945. Un village sous l'occupation allemande. Le capitaine Strafen est un homme humain. Malgré tout, il ne parvient pas à éviter la torture de résistants faits prisonniers par la Gestapo. Les résistants décident de se venger en attaquant la Kommandantur. Maria, aimée du capitaine, lui soutire les renseignements mais finit par l'aimer aussi..

ROH: Dragon Gate Invasion

ROH: Dragon Gate Invasion

Dragon Gate Invasion was a wrestling event promoted by Ring of Honor. It took place on August 27, 2005 at the Amherst Pepsi Center in Buffalo, New York. The show was Ring of Honor's first time working with the Japanese promotion Dragon Gate, and featured the ROH debuts of CIMA and Shingo Takagi..

L'invasion des succubes

L'invasion des succubes

Né du viol médical d'un professeur soviétique sur une jeune russo-mongole, un enfant hybride, enrichi de sang d'un médecin nazi, est enlevé par les succubes. La graisse du nouveau-né ébouillanté redonnera à leur reine Mélustine le pouvoir de se régénérer. Dans un laboratoire secret, trois médecins fous oeuvrent à une cause commune : la destruction du monde. Le premier médecin, un nazi a fait ses preuves à Irkutz. Le deuxième médecin, le docteur Jean Petio, radié de l'Ordre des Médecins, est membre de Front National. Le troisième est le docteur Vasiliev, membre du KGB et sympathisant du cosmonaute Youri Gagarine. Pour les épauler, Hans Kramer, ancien hitlerjung et fils de Junkers Kramer, l'as des chars Panzer-Tigre à Stalingrad et du canon 88mm. Ensemble, ils forment les quatre cavaliers de l'Apocalypse. Au chant du coq, l'un d'eux part délivrer l'enfant. C'est le début de l'opération Attila..

Alien Zombie Invasion

Alien Zombie Invasion

This comedy-horror hybrid follows a father and son as they lead a small group of Texans in a fierce fight against aliens who are using a pack of flesh-eating zombies to achieve world domination..

Comedy Jump Off: The Latino Invasion

Comedy Jump Off: The Latino Invasion

Some of the country's most talented Latino comedians come together for this raucous multicultural laugh-fest recorded live in Times Square and hosted by Joey Vega, a comic who's appeared on Comedy Central and toured with pop star Marc Anthony. Featured funnymen sounding off on a variety of gut-busting topics include Jason Andors, Andres Fernandez, Imagine, Rich Ramirez and Mark Viera..

War Secrets: Italy's Forgotten Invasion

War Secrets: Italy's Forgotten Invasion

War Secrets: Italy's Forgotten Invasion presents a captivating historical investigation with visually stunning underwater sequences of the US navy salvage operation to recover a remarkable, untold history. This beautifully recorded excavation brings to light a top-secret WWII weapon, and with it, a forgotten event that led to the liberation of Italy..

Les plantes invasives - Quel danger pour la planète et les humains ?

Les plantes invasives - Quel danger pour la planète et les humains ?

Si la berce du Caucase, le séneçon du Cap ou l’ambroisie sont agréables à regarder, ces plantes exotiques, introduites en Europe centrale au cours des siècles derniers, sont pourtant nuisibles. La prolifération des plantes invasives importées menace les plantes indigènes et sont également parfois nocives pour l’homme. Quelles sont les stratégies pour lutter contre ce phénomène ?.

Bobby Darin: The Darin Invasion

Bobby Darin: The Darin Invasion

Taped at the peak of his popularity, Bobby Darin's remarkable talents as a singer, musician, composer and actor are showcased in this highly rated 1970 television special now on DVD. With special guest appearences by just-emerging Linda Ronstadt and the ever-young and charming George Burns, this video will lift your spirits with the sound and stars of that colorful time..

Invasion of the Killer Cicadas

Invasion of the Killer Cicadas

From the creators of Young Blood: Evil Intentions comes an epic Sci-Fi adventure you don't want to miss! When a small humble town is plagued by killer cicadas, for them it seems hopeless. After two dimwitted service men spray the cicadas with chemicals mistaken for pesticide these little buggers mutate to an uncontrollable size! Soon the planet is in peril as these colossal cicadas effortlessly demolish buildings and crush poor citizens! It seems there is only one man who can stop them before it's too late. Will he be able to save the day? Or will the world fall victim to the Invasion the Killer Cicadas?.


Invasion "Nazi" Version

Created by the U.S. Navy's Industrial Incentive Division and the Office of Strategic Service (OSS) during WWII, this "Nazi version" of the Normandy invasion is a translated, authentic German newsreel. The strategy at work here is taken from Frank Capra, who used authentic enemy newsreels and motion picture films in his "Why We Fight" series to provide insight into the Axis. This film, like "Why We Fight", was intended to make its intended audience — American war workers to whom these types of incentive films were shown —outraged, helping them focus on the vital task of production. - Periscope Film.

Silent Invasion

Silent Invasion

Valentina Berardinone is an artist who favors the use of particular kinds of resin in her paintings and 'assemblages' which often represent the freezing in time of a falling drip–at other times it is a whole flow of liquid pouring over a staircase to be frozen in its slow advance. But even in their fixed state all these images refer to movement, either past or potential, for their manner of presentation. And this movement, which is necessarily frozen in the paintings and sculptures, is restored to its origins by Berardinone through the cinema. From her first work, Silent Invasion, she has reconstructed on film the impending descent of a mass of resin down a flight of stairs, this movement being repeated and emphasized through the use of a magnifying glass..



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