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Sang et lumières

Sang et lumières

Le matador Ricardo veut mettre un terme à sa carrière. Son impresario et sa maîtresse parviennent à le dissuader et à lui faire signer deux contrats..

Incredible Rocky Mountain Race

Incredible Rocky Mountain Race

An old man observes a boy bullying his playmates and treats him to a morality lesson. The man tells the story of the epic cross-country race between a young Mark Twain and his rival, Mike Fink. The bulk of the film depicts the race, which proves to be more a test of character than of stamina.

Georgia O'Keeffe : Une artiste au Far West

Georgia O'Keeffe : Une artiste au Far West

Incarnation du rêve américain et d’une féminité radicalement moderne, la peintre Georgia O’Keeffe (1887-1986) s’est taillé une place à part dans l’art du XXe siècle. Retour sur sa trajectoire à l’occasion de la rétrospective que lui consacre le Centre Pompidou..

South Korea: Earth's Hidden Wilderness

South Korea: Earth's Hidden Wilderness

Once a mountain kingdom of ancient palaces and emperors, Korea in the 21st century is largely known for its modern cities and decades of conflict. Tensions between North and South may be what defines it to outsiders but beyond the battle scars there is another side to Korea. In the south are large pockets of untouched wilderness where extraordinary animals flourish and Koreans continue to practice age-old traditions in tandem with the seasons and with nature. It is in these connections, rather than in division, that we see the true Korea..

Wandering Ginza Butterfly 2: She-Cat Gambler

Wandering Ginza Butterfly 2: She-Cat Gambler

Cherchant à se venger de la mort de son père, Nami est maintenant à la recherche d'Hoshiden. Après son arrivée à Tokyo, Nami redevient hôtesse dans un club de Ginza, tout en cherchant Hoshiden dans toutes les ruelles et lieux de jeu, avec l'aide de Ryuji..

Groenland, terre sauvage

Groenland, terre sauvage

Caractérisée par un climat arctique, l’île du Groenland est connue pour ses vastes étendues glaciaires et ses paysages rudes. Si la côte est majoritairement constituée de montagnes escarpées, les terres quant à elles sont recouvertes d’une épaisse couche de glace qui les rend particulièrement difficiles d’accès. Née au Groenland, Kimmernaq Heilmann s'attache à faire découvrir la beauté et les richesses de l’impressionnante calotte glaciaire aux touristes, tandis que John Steffensen, de l'université de Copenhague, espère percer les secrets de la mer polaire. Le navire scientifique Porsild patrouille ainsi dans la baie de Disko à la recherche du requin du Groenland, à l’extraordinaire longévité. Enfin, à Thulé, l’une des communes les plus septentrionales de l’île, les habitants vivent encore tant bien que mal de la chasse au mystérieux narval, malgré les quotas instaurés par le gouvernement..

From Russia to Iran: Crossing Wild Frontier

From Russia to Iran: Crossing Wild Frontier

Explorer Levison Wood - famous for Walking the Nile, Walking the Himalayas and Walking the Americas - is taking on a new expedition in this four-part series: to cross the mighty Caucusus mountain range that lies between Russia and Iran. And as well as a new region of the world, Levison is taking a new approach to exploring: making his way by any means necessary. Travelling with the locals and living as they do, Levison's epic, 2,600-mile journey takes him through five countries, crossing the wild lands on the tense frontier between Europe and Asia and visiting some of the most fascinating and diverse people's on earth..



Adventurer and treasure hunter Mike Yates is hoping to find a cache of Incan treasure lost in the Amazon jungle. While looking for his missing partner, he stumbles across a beautiful jungle girl named Eve. Later on, he comes across Eve's grandfather, who is being swindled by a man and a young woman who is pretending to be his granddaughter Eve. Will Yates be able to expose the swindle, beat the swindlers to the lost treasure (with the help of the real Eve), and reunite Eve with her grandfather before the final credits roll?.

Fureur sauvage

Fureur sauvage

Fasciné par les rituels oubliés et les cérémonies, l'explorateur Arthur Davis prend une équipe avec des caméras cachés vers l'afrique du sud pour enregistrer secrètement la beauté et l'horreur de la loi de la jungle..

Hell's Belles

Hell's Belles

When hot-headed Dan out-drives the thoroughly vicious Tony in a motorcycle race and wins a brand new bike, he sets in motion a chain of events that includes one blazing gas station and a disastrous rock slide..

The Phantom Gunslinger

The Phantom Gunslinger

The Phantom Gunslinger is set in the town of "Tucca Flats." The peaceful life of the town is disrupted by the arrival of a gang of bandits, including Algernon, Big Sam, Cookie, and some others. The sheriff leaves town, but not before naming Bill as his successor. Bill, unfortunately, doesn't carry or even know how to use a gun, and the outlaws take over Tucca Flats. But with the help of some Indians, a suit of armor, and springs on his shoes, Bill manages to run the gang out of town..

Tina Turner at the Apollo

Tina Turner at the Apollo

At The Apollo is Tina’s very first solo home video with a concert from London’s Apollo Theatre, recorded on March 25, 1979. Dressed in Bob Mackie costumes and supported by four dancers, Tina performed several cover versions of popular songs, some old ones from Ike & Tina and some new tracks from her solo records Rough and Love Explosion. The video was first released in short form with a selection of the original setlist in 1979 under the title "At The Apollo,“ but was later also released as an one hour concert under the title Wild Lady of Rock in 1984..