

voir film Nightmares streaming vf

Halloween Nightmare 2

Halloween Nightmare 2

High school student Nanami lives in Tokyo, Japan. She waits for Halloween because she enjoys dressing up in costumes with her friends. One day, Nanami’s father tells her about a mysterious serial murder case that takes place year on Halloween. Her father works as the chief editor at an occult magazine. At first, Nanami doesn't care about the serial murders, but frightening incidents keep taking place around her..

Pesadelo na Cozinha

Pesadelo na Cozinha

A Brazilian reality television series in which chef Érick Jacquin is invited by the owners to spend a week with a failing restaurant in an attempt to revive the business..

She Freak

She Freak

Jade Cochranune est serveuse. Elle décide de tout abandonner pour se lancer dans l'excitante vie des fêtes foraines. Elle découvre rapidement qu'elle méprise les monstres et les bizarreries humaines....

The Nightmare

The Nightmare

In a bad dream, a man finds himself on a pirate ship where the barber gives the crew a rather violent shave. Philips Philishave commercial by Dutch puppet animator Joop Geesink..

A Nightmare in the Living Heart

A Nightmare in the Living Heart

Joi is going to break up with K on the night of a grad party after she found out that K has planned to leave her and go study aboard in China for the rest of his life. Amidst the chaos, a mysterious masked killer crashes into the party. Leaving Joi and K with no choice but to fight and survive this disaster, together..

Cauchemars à Daytona Beach

Cauchemars à Daytona Beach

Un dangereux psychopathe revient dans la maison de son enfance, où il a, autrefois, tué sa mère et son amant à coups de hache. Il va terroriser les nouveaux habitants de la funeste demeure. En effet, le dénommé George Tatum, obsédé par son acte meurtrier, qu'il revit maintes fois dans d'atroces cauchemars, vient d'être libéré de son long séjour psychiatrique, apparemment guéri selon ses médecins qui continuent tout de même à le suivre....

The Mid-nightmare: The Sequel

The Mid-nightmare: The Sequel

Li Xiaoxia thought her lover Song Danping had died, and asked her father if she could become a nun. Her father, the warlord Li Xianchen, was outrageous and beat her with a cane. Soon the Japanese invaders were approaching, thus the warlord sent his daughter to Shanghai for shelter. Song jumped into the running river but did not die. After some time he came to Shanghai where he joined the anti-Japanese guerilla headed by Sun Xiaogou. Song killed a number of Chinese traitors and earned himself a name "the midnight man"..

3 histoires de l'au-delà

3 histoires de l'au-delà

Trois réalisateurs de trois pays différents (La Corée du sud, la Thaïlande, et Hong Kong), trois histoires de fantômes, trois visions de l'au-delà : Souvenirs met en scène Sung-Min, un homme marié, atteint d'une soudaine amnésie et qui ne retrouve plus sa femme. La Roue raconte l'histoire d'une malédiction qui frappe Kru Tong, un marionnettiste. Et Chez nous se concentre sur l'enquête que mène un policier veuf pour retrouver son fils et sur la découverte qu'il fait dans un appartement..

The Nightmare Ends in the Morning

The Nightmare Ends in the Morning

A drama film directed by Wang Ji and starring Yu Ping and Ma Yi. The film tells the story of Zhou Chuan, the director of a shipyard, who is humiliated and tortured during the years of the "Gang of Four." His wife Ye is forced to commit suicide and her grave is unknown. Juanjuan, who lost her parents, is bullied. Juanjuan's teacher, Chen Jinglan, sympathizes with Juanjuan's family and warms their tortured heart. For this reason, Chen also incurs unwarranted charges. Eventually, Zhou Chuan re-marries to teacher Chen, but after the "Gang of Four" collapses, Chen learns that Zhou's ex-wife is not dead..