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Inculture(s) - La Culture

Inculture(s) - La Culture

Un philosophe aujourd.hui oublié, Herbert Marcuse, nous mettait en garde : nous ne pourrions bientôt plus critiquer efficacement le capitalisme, parce que nous n.aurions bientôt plus de mots pour le désigner négativement. 30 ans plus tard, le capitalisme s'appelle développement, la domination s'appelle partenariat, l'exploitation s.appelle gestion des ressources humaines et l'aliénation s'appelle projet. Des mots qui ne permettent plus de penser la réalité mais simplement de nous y adapter en l'approuvant à l'infini. Des «concepts opérationnels» qui nous font désirer le nouvel esprit du capitalisme même quand nous pensons naïvement le combattre... Georges Orwell ne '.était pas trompé de date; nous avons failli avoir en 1984 un «ministère de l'intelligence ». Assignés à la positivité, dé sormais, comme leprévoyait Guy Debord : « Tout ce qui est bon apparaît, tout ce qui apparaît est bon. ».

The Ghosts Cult and Big Brother: Mad On the Final Black Night

The Ghosts Cult and Big Brother: Mad On the Final Black Night

This shocking debut film engages from the crazy opening scene: a maze of masks, despair, disgrace, and colours. Decoding all clever meanings in this voyage through memories and hallucinations of countless war crimes is a true head-scratcher. There are hints of occupations, guerilla fights, massacres, famines, rapes, and other atrocities..

30 ans d'émissions cultes

30 ans d'émissions cultes

«Fort Boyard», «Le Bigdil», «Club Dorothée», «Sacrée soirée», «La télé des Inconnus», «Coucou c'est nous !», «Les enfants de la télé», «Le juste prix», «Frou-Frou», «Perdu de vue», «Nulle part ailleurs», «Sébastien c'est fou !», «La fureur»... Tant de souvenirs partagés grâce à ces émissions devenues cultes !.

RTL, c'est culte !

RTL, c'est culte !

Sandrine Corman vous propose de remonter le temps et de vous replonger dans les émissions cultes qui ont marqué l’histoire de RTL-TVI. Entre les premiers pas de nos speakerines, les émissions de variété et les jeux incontournables, revivez des moments de télévision inoubliables..

A Very British Cult

A Very British Cult

A Very British Cult tells the story of David, a cult leader with a problem. He knows Jesus is returning but he forgot to confirm the date. His disciples are leaving in droves for another cult in Dorset with better facilities, his wife is thinking of leaving him and his remaining followers are more interested in Chocolate Hob-Nobs than the Almighty. But God is about to send David a message, if only he can figure out what it means?.

Uncovered: The Cult of Yahweh Ben Yahweh

Uncovered: The Cult of Yahweh Ben Yahweh

Yahweh Ben Yahweh, self-proclaimed Son of God comes to Miami promising salvation. His message spreads but so do reports of beatings, extortion, arson, and grisly murders. Was he really a Messiah or was he just the mastermind behind a deadly cult?.

Cosplay Culture

Cosplay Culture

Darth Vader, Lara Croft, and Bilbo Baggins are sharing a latte. Captain America, Superwoman, and Naruto are waiting for the toilet. No, you’re not dreaming. You’ve just entered the world of Cosplay.

The Cult Next Door

The Cult Next Door

In 2013, three women emerged from a flat in Brixton. They had been held there for decades by Aravindan Balakrishnan, a revolutionary Maoist who controlled the women with brainwashing techniques and tales of a sinister, world-controlling machine he called 'Jackie'..

Queer Icon: The Cult of Bette Davis

Queer Icon: The Cult of Bette Davis

This documentary examines the many aspects of the gay fascination with Bette Davis, featuring film clips of Bette's most iconic moments, juxtaposed with camp burlesques of her by San Francisco actor Matthew Martin and others, including Charles Pierce and Arthur Blake; a profile of Martin highlighting his long identification with Davis; and interviews with fans, entertainers, and gay cultural historians..

Il culto delle pietre

Il culto delle pietre

In Raiano, Italy, the feast of S. Venanzio is celebrated every year. Beside the official celebrations, the most secret and oldest ceremony is the "Cult of Stones": the devotees enter the caves where the saint used to live according to tradition, and rub their bodies on the stones to heal from evil..

Cult Of The Lamb: Doom & Shroom

Cult Of The Lamb: Doom & Shroom

This woolly guy isn’t sheepish when it comes to bringing in more Cult of the Lamb followers. He can’t be: whenever The Lamb leaves camp, the goal is always to bring back at least one more Cult of the Lamb follower. It’s doubly important when your one true love can leave this world at a moment’s notice. Of course… that’s when you just quickly have yourself a Cult of the Lamb marriage. Look, when you’ve got the power, you can pretty much do what you want. The thing is that some supporters can turn nasty when they think your Cult of the Lamb is poop. They might just start calling it Cult of the Lamb Poop… and then want to eat poop and… it becomes a whole thing. Then you’ve got yourself a Cult of the Lamb dissenter, and no one needs that; not I, not ewe. It’s time for a mass Cult of the Lamb sacrifice, baby!.