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Getting Dressed

Getting Dressed

This woman has detached herself from the outside world. For her, it is daily work to feed her bird and to look at the town from her window. Because she doesn’t go out, she does not even put on clothes. However, this daily life has ended. She has run out of the cornflakes that she eats every day. As we get up in the morning and put on clothes, we are alive in a social system. Nobody understands whether it is the correct world. However, even if you escape from the system, the day you have to return will come..

Anatomy of a Dress

Anatomy of a Dress

This documentary presents the passion, the talents, the history, the struggles, and the local and international triumphs of the most renowned fashion designers in Puerto Rico. The history of garment making in Puerto Rico has marked our history, culture, and traditions forever. The exploitative history, as a labor manual industry, which served as the base for what we have today as a fashion industry is also portrayed..

My Little Dress

My Little Dress

Little crocodile wants a little dress, but mummy says: "Boys don't wear dresses". Little crocodile doesn't understand. Why not? Aren't they cute?.

Dressing Up Father

Dressing Up Father

A mother invites her son to visit her husband who has been sick for a long time. This is the first time for the son because, in fact, he does not want to see his father again. But the mother still loves her husband, and this angers the son..

Dressed in green

Dressed in green

Dressed In Green Many of the youths recruited by the guerrillas in the Vaupés region were taken from their schools. This is the story of one of them. She tells about the days in the camps and how the experience only gives her a feeling of hatred and revenge..

La Robe bleue

La Robe bleue

Alexandre, un jeune homme de 25 ans, se rend au cimetière pour déposer des fleurs sur la tombe de sa mère, morte soudainement il y un an jour pour jour. L’énigme de sa mort ne laisse pas Alexandre tranquille. Quand il vide son appartement il trouve les vielles bobines ainsi que le journal intime d’un réalisateur russe, dédié à sa mère. C’est ainsi qu’Alexandre découvre son passé. Elle avait joué dans un film de ce réalisateur. Ils s’aimaient. C’était une véritable histoire d’amour. Mais un jour il a rencontré une autre femme et quitté Anna. Elle est partie d’Odessa pour aller en Israël, puis au Canada, s’est mariée avec un Français et s’est installée à Paris..

Drop a Dress Size in 4 Weeks

Drop a Dress Size in 4 Weeks

Nicki Waterman's four-week exercise and nutrition plan will get you into perfect party shape. Whether you've got one month, one week or one hour until the first party kicks off, we've got tips to ensure you'll look gorgeous right through the New Year's Day. As always, the party season is coming sooner than you think. This DVD is all you need to survive the festive season looking svelte, toned and beautiful..

Blue Eyes and Colorful My Dress

Blue Eyes and Colorful My Dress

Full of self-confidence, three-year-old Zhana explores her neighbourhood in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. A fresh look at the world, at places and people who fascinate, who make one laugh, who challenge or are challenged by the little explorer..

Dress Rehearsal

Dress Rehearsal

A poetic psychological drama about the adolescence of the Ukrainian-Russian writer Nikolai Gogol filmed for Soviet television at A. Dovzhenko Film Studion in 1988. Based on the short story "Gogol-gimnazist" by Vasili Avenarius..

Widow: Bliss in a Mourning Dress

Widow: Bliss in a Mourning Dress

The film depicts Nagatoshi, a monk, who is mistaken for the reincarnation of a hero in a small mountain village who looks exactly like him, and who rebels against the government together with the farmers. Unlike its predecessor, which was a period drama in style, this film is more contemporary, incorporating issues such as corruption at a general contractor. The dynamism of the farmers' revolt, with its mass mobilization of extras, is also a highlight of the film..

Dresses Of Times Past

Dresses Of Times Past

A guy is excited to meet his girlfriend tonight. His friends persuade the man, who does not want to go out until the meeting time, to take him out. However, the night does not progress as expected and dreams and reality are mixed with each other..