

In the Shadows sokroflix gratuit

The shadow of Mont st. Michel

The shadow of Mont st. Michel

A la suite de la mort de sa mère, Elisa Parreaux, jeune traductrice-interprète, se voit confier la garde d'Audrey, sa soeur cadette adolescente qu'elle connaît à peine et qui semble perturbée. Selon les dernières volontés maternelles, elles se rendent au Mont Saint-Michel, berceau de la famille, afin de disperser ses cendres. Elisa retrouve à cette occasion des amis d'enfance et des proches perdus de vue (Romain et Yann) mais semble mal à l'aise de dormir sur le Mont. La nuit suivante, lors d'une grande marée d'équinoxe, sa soeur Audrey disparaît, tout comme la fille du maire....

Nuits rouges

Nuits rouges

L’historien Maxime de Borrego, passionné par l’Ordre des Templiers et son légendaire trésor, est assassiné par un homme masqué qui ne parvient pas à lui soutirer ses secrets .Tandis que la confrérie des Templiers prépare sa vengeance, la police mène l’enquête, bientôt aidée par le neveu de la victime, son amie Martine, et le détective Séraphin Beauminon. Malgré leurs efforts, l’assassin échappe à tous leurs pièges et poursuit sa quête du trésor. Car l’homme sans visage est aussi l’homme aux cent visages….

Shadow Skill OVA

Shadow Skill OVA

In this OVA, the story of Gau's history with his adopted sister and the secrets that make up the shadow skill unfold. The pair make their annual return to the gravesite of Gau's parents, where his growth and progress as a warrior can be exhibited for them. Gau has come along way in his training as a Sevalle under Elle's mentorship, but there are those who wish to find a way of eliminating them, just waiting for the right opportunity to mount a deadly attack. As the travellers make their journey, their family bonds and skill will be tested. Opponents are many, and battles are fierce, but Gau's training also entails taking on his sister in battle, and fully embracing the skills he must learn to defeat his ultimate opponent..

Le Serpent dans l’Ombre du Singe

Le Serpent dans l’Ombre du Singe

Liang (John Cheung) est un jeune homme pauvre désireux d'apprendre les arts martiaux. Grâce à sa tenacité, il parvient à devenir l'élève d'un maître de la boxe de l'Homme Ivre (Hau Chiu Sing). Mais les ennuis commencent quand Liang défait deux brutes qui, pour se venger, recrutent les services de deux tueurs (Wilson Tong et Charlie Chan), maître de la technique du Serpent..

Emma's Shadow

Emma's Shadow

Emma (Line Kruse) is an eleven year-old only child from a wealthy Danish family. Emma's parents seem more interested in their own interests than in her. One evening when Emma overhears her mother talking about how tragic it must be to have your child kidnapped, Emma decides to stage her own kidnapping. She soon meets Malthe, a kind-hearted, child-like, naïve sewer cleaner who literally stumbles on to her. She convinces Malthe that she is a Russian princess whose family is being chased by Bolsheviks, so Malthe lets Emma stay with him in his very modest abode. After being "kidnapped" for a few days, Emma decides to return home. But, just as she is about to return, she overhears a couple of servants talking about how her parents don't seem to be very upset over her dilemma.....

Gang Wars. Shadows

Gang Wars. Shadows

Max Dadjanis returns with a new identity, but with the same goal - to seize all the illegal businesses in Vilnius. The national security forces do not sit idly by: Varna, who is sitting in prison, is offered to join the game of gang wars..

L'ombre des Anges

L'ombre des Anges

Lily Brest, une prostituée viennoise particulièrement jolie, a peu de client. Battue par son souteneur et amant Raoul, qui joue au jeu tout ce qu'elle gagne, elle rencontre un jour un riche juif, qui devient son principal client....

Gebo et l'ombre

Gebo et l'ombre

Malgré l’âge et la fatigue, Gebo poursuit son activité de comptable pour nourrir sa famille. Il vit avec sa femme, Doroteia, et leur belle-fille, Sofia, mais c’est l’absence de leur fils, João, qui occupe les esprits. Gebo semble cacher quelque chose à son sujet, en particulier à Doroteia, qui vit dans l’attente passionnée de leur enfant. De son côté, Sofia attend également le retour de son mari, tout en le redoutant. De manière soudaine, João réapparaît, tout bascule..

The Shadow

The Shadow

The story of a sick 9-year old boy in the grip of uncontrolled phenomena - and the desperate measures his mother takes behind closed doors to save his life..

The Shadow Boxer

The Shadow Boxer

Chen Wo-Fu plays construction worker Ku Ting, whose skill at "tai chi" (shadow boxing) is as great as his pacifism. But when his girlfriend is raped by vicious gangsters, he shows everyone the true power and beauty of tai chi..

Shadow Behind the Moon

Shadow Behind the Moon

The armed conflict between the Philippine military and the communist resistance at the beginning of the 1990s forms the backdrop to this study of three individuals who, for different reasons, are trying to resolve an untenable situation..

Shadows of the Past

Shadows of the Past

As a 16-year-old girl, Christina experienced her great love – with 39-year-old Jakob. When he died in an accident, he left an irrevocable gap in her life. Twenty years later, young Patrick rescues Christina from a thunderstorm. From the beginning, he reminds her of Jacob, from his friendly and confident nature to his characteristic gestures. The two become lovers. Christina is happy with Patrick, in whom she sees more and more the Jacob she has found again. But the more the two men become one person for Christina, the more irritated Patrick becomes. When he begins to see more than coincidence in their encounter, Christina has disappeared..

The Father's Shadow

The Father's Shadow

When a child is forced to become the house's adult because her father is sick and her mother is dead, there's an inversion in the natural order of things. Childhood becomes a saga. And the frustrated parenthood turns into a conviction..

Dead Men Don't Make Shadows

Dead Men Don't Make Shadows

Lazar, a bounty killer, teams up with a young gunfighter to blackmail Barrett, a former bandit and mine owner. At the end of the day, the bounty hunter clashes with Barrett, but something goes wrong..

J'ai épousé une ombre

J'ai épousé une ombre

Hélène est abandonée par Franck, alors qu'elle est enceinte de huit mois. Elle décide alors de rejoindre le sud et part en train, où elle rencontre un couple, Bertrand et Patricia, cette dernière lui ressemblant étrangement. Survient alors un accident de train où le couple meurt. Hélène prend alors la place de Patricia dans la belle famille de cette dernière, sans le dire..

Judoka Shadow versus Doctor Wong

Judoka Shadow versus Doctor Wong

Dr. Wong (Jess Franco) sends his gangsters to eliminate Mr. Jung. The "shadow of the judoka" of Bruce Lyn (Jose Llamas) appears projected in the wall and swears for revenge. In the meantime, Lina Romay and Albino Graziani, two british secret service agents, investigate Jung's murder. Wongs wants to get rid of Macedo, a phillippinean gangster in bad business, and dominate the market..