

In Trees voirfilms

Le garçon dans l'arbre

Le garçon dans l'arbre

Göte, adolescent rebelle en conflit avec ses parents, fait les quatre cents coups avec Max et Manne, deux voyous plus âgés. Ils parcourent les routes de nuit et s’amusent à abattre des chevreuils dont ils vont ensuite revendre la viande. Göte s’intéresse peu au braconnage et veut avant-tout vivre pleinement son amour de la nature. Un soir, les trois garçons sont repérés par un garde-chasse et doivent s’enfuir..

The Sleeping Tree

The Sleeping Tree

Entrapped within a prison of his own making, a father's outlook and relationship with reality is questioned... Neglecting both his wife and daughter, Jassim lives a separate life to his family within an atmosphere of foreboding. It is only during a chance convergence of circumstances in which he visits the legendary tree of life that Jassim begins to question his understandings..

The Mother Tree

The Mother Tree

A painter leaves his family to paint the homes of his rich clients. A lonely, ruthless samurai falls in love with the painter's wife and rapes her. He later murders the painter and his servants. From the afterlife, the painter's ghost seeks revenge on the samurai, and saves his wife and newborn child..

Trees Grow on the Stones Too

Trees Grow on the Stones Too

Vikings attack Kuksja's village, and end up bringing him along on their ship because they believe he is good luck. After proving himself in a battle against the dreaded Danes, chief Torir bestows upon him the name of Einar and takes him in as his son. Back home in Norway the men are received as heros, but new trouble arises when Kuksja falls in love with the beautiful Signy, who is already betroth to the vicious Sigurd..

The Bastards' Fig Tree

The Bastards' Fig Tree

A trigger-happy Nationalist fears retribution from the son of a man he executed. To mollify the boy's anger, he takes a drastic step: he keeps constant watch over the fig tree the boy has planted at his father's gravesite. As the years pass, the man's lonely vigil makes him a tourist attraction, much to the chagrin of his former colleagues..



An animated short film about two boys playing football, when John kicks it too hard it goes to the trees, and Robert must collect it..

The Misery's Tree

The Misery's Tree

After expelling some boys, Dona Miséria meets a beggar who claims to be sent from God. Her daily life is changed when death comes to take her to another world..

Arbre de vie

Arbre de vie

Imagine a land without trees: erosion, desolation, desert... Imagine... Technocrats of "development" and pseudo-farmers, do you happen to have a little imagination ?.

The Mercy Tree - Drzewo Miłosierdzia

The Mercy Tree - Drzewo Miłosierdzia

Une île, un arbre et une femme. Des gestes répétés jour après jour avec des variations imperceptibles. Jusqu'à ce qu’un écho sinistre et prophétique du monde extérieur fasse irruption dans cette routine, changeant le cours des choses..