

Dr. No voirfilms

Docteur Slump

Docteur Slump

Pendant sa scolarité, Yeo Jung Woo a toujours été le premier dans ses études et a étudié dans la meilleure école de médecine du pays. Yeo Jung Woo est aujourd'hui un chirurgien plasticien très apprécié. Sa vie se déroule sans encombre, mais à la suite d'un mystérieux accident médical, sa vie se retrouve mise à rude épreuve..

Dr. Nicholson and the Blue Diamond

Dr. Nicholson and the Blue Diamond

Mysterious, hookah-smoking Doctor Nicholson will stop at nothing to get his hands on the valuable “blue diamond.” A rich man’s daughter, a poor French count, a marriage of convenience, bomb threats and explosions, kidnapping and cocaine are just a few of the ingredients in Nicholson’s dogged struggle to obtain the precious diamond. (

Docteur Popaul

Docteur Popaul

Paul Simay, étudiant en médecine, épouse Christine, une jeune femme pas très belle et maladroite. Son père est directeur de clinique. Christine est heureuse malgré les nombreuses aventures de Paul avec ses maîtresses. Mais un accident de voiture le rend paraplégique et impuissant. Il se remémore son passé de coureur de jupons, de sa prédilection pour les femmes laides qui lui fit longtemps préférer Christine à sa jolie sœur Martine....

The Diary of Dr. Döblinger

The Diary of Dr. Döblinger

Based on the many observations made during his extremely interesting and far from dull life, Dr. Döblinger relates four episodes in which he wants to give us a picture of the loneliness and incomprehensibility of mankind..

Dr. Sander's Sleep Cure

Dr. Sander's Sleep Cure

A man, plagued by insomnia, turns to Doctor Sander's Sleep Cure tapes for relief, becoming the unwitting star of his own nightmarish productions, navigating through bizarre and morbid dreamscapes filled with macabre humor..

Dr. is jealous today of the latest technology that makes life fun

Dr. is jealous today of the latest technology that makes life fun

A doctor who is absorbed in researching the latest technology that surprises the world, but it does not go well. A lot of the latest technology that jumps into the eyes of such a doctor... Even today, the jealousy of the doctor does not stop at the innovative and unique technology. This program introduces the "latest technology that makes tomorrow fun" that the Dr. was jealous of!.

Le Dr. Mabuse attaque Scotland Yard

Le Dr. Mabuse attaque Scotland Yard

L'esprit démoniaque du docteur Mabuse prend possession d'un brillant psychiatre, le docteur Pohland, qui a mis au point dans un but thérapeutique un extraodinaire machine électronique capable d'hypnotiser les sujets. Possédé, le docteur va alors commencer à terroriser la ville. Seul le major Bill Tern, de Scotland Yard, semble capable de l'arreter. Mais il va devoir auparavant se débarraser de l'inspecteur Joe Wright, qui a l'air encore plus mauvais que le fameux criminel....

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 1

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 1

The Hound of the Baskervilles is a 1981 Soviet film adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle's novel The Hound of the Baskervilles. It was the third installment in the TV series about adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. A potent streak of humour ran through the film as concerns references to traditional British customs and stereotypes, ensuring the film's popularity with several generations of Russophone viewers. Other features of this best entry in the series include excellent exterior shots which closely match the novel's setting in the Dartmoor marshland, as well as an all-star cast: in addition to the famous Livanov -Solomin duo as Holmes and Watson, the film stars the internationally acclaimed actor/director Nikita Mikhalkov as Sir Henry Baskerville and the Russian movie legend Oleg Yankovsky as the villain Stapleton..