

Countdown voirfilms



A family of four gathers for a humble dinner on Chinese New Year, yet also preparing for what is about to take place the day after..



Hashim is a young Moroccan who has been arrested by the police. He is part of a group of friends who share life in the neighborhood and also its difficulties. His mother, tired of seeing her son's situation, decides to find him a job in a barbershop. Although Hashim will begin to mature, feeling comfortable in this new stage, a last adventure proposed by his great friend Sebas will force him to decide..

The Countdown

The Countdown

To save work, an unfortunate insurance manager needs to sell 100 health insurance products in a week that no one will use. In a moment of extreme despair, he gains the ability to see how much each person has to live. A series of profitable deals is interrupted by the last client who changes everything..



Portrait of Augustinas Baltrušaitis, film and theatre director, as well as actor, who fell into obscurity and has now been relegated to the margins of society, as a result of specific political circumstances. Countdown is a film about the limits of memory, the effects of the implacable passage of time, and a hope that surpasses time..



One room. One man. One decision. Not by many words, but by pure emotion, the movie Countdown gradually, but completely overwhelms the viewer, leading one into a very intimate world of a young man, where an intense battle between his desire for life and an unbearable sense of guilt takes place..



Wind has been working for years to take revenge on Mr. Ethem, the businessman who caused the destruction and then death of his father when he was a child. He managed to exist as a hacker on the internet under the name Wind. He became the fearful dream of many people..

Jenius- Countdown in the Riddle

Jenius- Countdown in the Riddle

Satan cracked the heart rate lock and got the global population data cloud library. His Ark plan can continue, and 4 billion lives are at stake! However, another algorithmic formula prevents Satan, the data cloud library has been encrypted, and the method of cracking the algorithm is actually on the test paper of the North Austrian unified examination. After waking up, Ah J decided to take the test and grab the algorithm before Satan. No one thought that Ah J was diagnosed with digital allergies because he had been in a coma for too long, and could no longer touch anything related to mathematics. The Ark plan is still going on, and Satan is approaching. Can J defeat the demons and recover the already unbalanced scales? (via mydramalist).



The years go by and suddenly you are not as young and promising anymore. Was this how life was supposed to be? Sandra is stressed about life's checklist and Veronica worries about losing her sexual capital. Emelie, the mother of small children, is happy that she has time to shower every day and Jonna is happy about the separation. Eleaver is tired of her partner never putting the socks in the laundry basket. And who can even lie down? Martina Carlstedt meets women who are all in their prime between 30 and 40..

Braquage final

Braquage final

Madrid, Espagne, 2010. Alors que toute la ville suit la participation réussie de l'équipe nationale à la Coupe du monde, un groupe de voleurs audacieux cherche à pénétrer dans l'un des endroits les plus sûrs et les mieux gardés de la planète..

Apocalypse, les 10 scénarios de la fin du monde

Apocalypse, les 10 scénarios de la fin du monde

Cette série se penche sur des catastrophes apocalyptiques qui pourraient se produire et éteindre toute forme de vie sur Terre. Des impacts massifs d’astéroïdes aux hyper-éruptions volcaniques, en passant par une guerre nucléaire : comment l’humanité pourrait s’y préparer ?.

Spy game, jeu d'espions

Spy game, jeu d'espions

Sur le point de prendre sa retraite, Nathan Muir apprend que Tom Bishop, son ex-partenaire, vient d'être capturé en Chine. Accusé d'espionnage, Tom sera exécuté dans les prochaines 24 heures et la CIA refuse de se porter à son secours. Oubliant les rancœurs du passé, Nathan va se lancer dans sa mission la plus personnelle et la plus dangereuse..

90 jours pour se marier

90 jours pour se marier

Suivez des couples qui ont déjà une relation en ligne, mais qui ne se sont pas rencontrés en personne. Nous ferons l'expérience de leur voyage alors qu'ils se rendent pour la première fois dans le pays étranger de l'autre dans le but d'établir une relation en personne et de commencer le processus de visa K-1..

Destruction Finale

Destruction Finale

Un jour, un volcan de la montagne Baekdu entre en éruption et crée la panique en Corée. Une représentante du gouvernement, Jeon Yu Gyeong, va à la rencontre du professeur Kang Bong Rae qui étudie la montagne Baekdu et alerte depuis trois ans déjà des possibles éruptions sans jamais être écouté. Une mission du nom de EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) est alors mise en place avec à sa tête Jo In Chang pour se rendre en Corée du Nord et maîtriser les évènements..