

Comment trouver Promises gratuit

I Promise!

I Promise!

The story is about a factory guy, a young worker Volodya Kalinin, who decided to get a summer job at a pioneer camp as a counselor to "earn some money", and at the same time to relax. But the new case required a lot of effort from him, pedagogical imagination, skill, in short, there was no time for rest. As a result, mutual understanding and true friendship with the guys arose..

The Promised

The Promised

Alis becomes a single mom to her son August. As Argus grows up, he's desperate to uncover the truth about his father, A, a mystery his own mother avoids. When August turns 15, strange events lead him to discover his father's cryptic commands, plunging him into a dangerous journey. With Uncle Chet guiding them, they must confront their fears and secrets before a ritual promises to reveal all..

La Parole donnée

La Parole donnée

Zé est un pauvre paysan de la campagne brésilienne. Son bien le plus cher est son âne. Lorsque ce dernier tombe malade, Zé fait une promesse à Sainte Barbara : si son âne se rétablit, il portera une lourde croix - comme Jésus - de son village jusqu'à l'église de Sainte-Barbara dans la capitale. Son voeu ayant été exaucé, Zé tient parole. Accompagné de sa femme, il part donc, la croix sur l'épaule, pour son dur pèlerinage....

You Were Promised to Me

You Were Promised to Me

Kazakhstan. A group of Muslim fundamentalists escapes from Aktau city prison, who staged a terrorist attack on the set in front of a young actress Taira. Hard going through this stress, she goes to her older brother, who lives nearby, on the shore of the Caspian Sea. There she meets Marius, an ornithologist from Europe. While helping him photograph birds, she falls in love with him, unaware that he is the leader of the terrorists. When the hands of a loved one are covered in your brother's blood, your heart is torn to pieces, and you need to make the most terrible choice in your life..