

Comment trouver Face à Face gratuit

Délit de faciès

Délit de faciès

Des gangs d'immigrés terrorisent une ville japonaise avec leurs menaces, leur jazz bruyant et leur sens de la mode de mauvais goût. Seul le Dr Amamiya (Ando), un homme dur mais suave, peut les arrêter, à condition qu'il se débarrasse de ses idéaux pacifistes stupides..

A Lingering Face

A Lingering Face

A Lingering Face follows an everyman named Lei Haiyang (Pan Yueming), who has recently broken up with his girlfriend. Deciding to go to Beijing, he hitches a ride with a driver (Ma Xiaoqing) and a fellow hitchhiker, Yanzi (Li Min). Waking up from a nap, Haiyang finds the truck parked in the woods and the driver raping Yanzi. Hiding in the undergrowth, Yanzi sees Haiyang, but does not reveal his hiding position. Terrified, Haiyang runs away..

A Face in the Window

A Face in the Window

A movie built up of three stories about life in a small Slovak town. The Prosecutor: the district attorney is a jazz orchestra soloist at the same time and that is much disliked by the local provincial society. The Defender: is about a young doctor's relation to his patient, who is open about his reactionary opinions. The Judge: it is only after long years that the old judge realizes that his own marriage is in jeopardy..

Frankfurt: The Face of a City

Frankfurt: The Face of a City

Bored with her stuffy village life, teenager Susanne decides to run away to the bright lights Frankfurt, while her boyfriend does his military. Caught in the swamp of drugs, prostitution, violence and human trafficking, Susanne experiences the dark side of the big city..

Pyro... The Thing Without a Face

Pyro... The Thing Without a Face

A married man has a brief affair, then goes back to his wife and children. His jilted mistress, believing that if he had no more family he'd come back to her, sets fire to his house, hoping to kill them. The man, unsuccessfully trying to rescue them, is horribly burned. After he undergoes an operation to reconstruct his face, he begins to plot his revenge against his former mistress..

A Void Without A Face

A Void Without A Face

A girl born with a birthmark struggles to get along with her estranged mother at home. As stains around the house are being cleaned, the two women are taken back to where it all began, trying to erase any traces of resentment..

Killer Without a Face

Killer Without a Face

A woman is chased onto the ramparts of a castle by a gun-toting figure. She stumbles and falls to her death. Barbara, the mentally unbalanced owner of the castle, is the main suspect. However, there is no proof against her and the murders continued. But not everything is quite as it seems. The film is set in the Balsorano Castle and is shot in expressionistic black-and-white..

Romy: Anatomy of a Face

Romy: Anatomy of a Face

Documentary about young actress Romy Schneider, capturing just the right moment between her first career as a young actress in mainstream "Unterhaltungskino" ("entertainment cinema") and her second one as acknowledged European arthouse actress..

A Blue Mouthed Face

A Blue Mouthed Face

A woman asks her mother to leave for the sake of her and her brother’s happy life. But her brother does not open his mind to her. Although she gets closer to her co-workers at her new workplace, she has no choice but to become a disrupter of them. Without hope, her brother commits suicide in front of her. Her family members and colleagues have left her. Left alone, she dreams of life again..

Face of a Killer

Face of a Killer

Rubia, a rich widow who has a granddaughter named Rina, is terrorized repeatedly by the shadow of a man holding a knife and wearing black gloves. She reports it to Inspector Arifin who starts to investigate..

Un visage inoubliable

Un visage inoubliable

A Fond Face from the Past is also set in a rural community, specifically a village outside Kameoka, near Kyoto. In some ways this short, thirty-six-minute film is Naruse's most moving negotiation of the militarist restrictions of the time, perhaps because it is also his most direct engagement with the culture of war. When a newsreel comes to Kameoka featuring a local man named Yoichi, it causes some excitement in the community and, of course, in Yoichi's own family. First of all his mother makes the newsreel (Nippon News, no. 14), which begins with the same marching music that opens his own film, followed by a curious baby judging context in Los Angeles featuring two hundred Japanese babies. Released in January 1941, almost a year before the pacific war begins, this “found footage” is indicative of Japanese imperialist ambitions beyond Asia long before Pearl Harbor..