

Comment regarder Titanic sur Netflix gratuitement

Edgar de la Cambriole : Le Dragon Maudit

Edgar de la Cambriole : Le Dragon Maudit

Lorsque le roi de la pègre de Hong Kong, Chin Chin Chu, tente d'engager Lupin, Jigen et Fujiko pour récupérer la statuette d'un dragon perdue dans l'épave du Titanic, l'intérêt du cambrioleur est immédiatement éveillé. En effet, il s'agit de la même statuette que son grand-père avait essayé de dérober juste avant le naufrage du Titanic. Décidant de relever le défi et de faire mieux que son ancêtre, Lupin refuse l'offre de Chin et entreprend de retrouver lui-même le précieux trésor. Mais la tâche ne sera pas facile : entre les requins qui gardent l'épave, les assassins ninjas à la solde de Chin et un adversaire plus redoutable encore qui connaît Lupin mieux que quiconque, la statuette est bien protégée. Sans compter Zenigata, plus déterminé que jamais à arrêter son cambrioleur préféré. Qui sera le premier à découvrir les secrets que renferme la statuette du dragon maudit ?.



Overwhelmed by personal and professional problems, biologist Friedrich von Kammacher decides to travel abroad in order to regain the joy of living. During his adventurous journey he will meet two very different women, one of whom will be the key to his fate..

Un si grand amour

Un si grand amour

Edwina Winfield, fille aînée d'une riche famille américaine, embarque avec ses parents, ses cinq frères et sœurs et son fiancé à bord du plus grand paquebot jamais construit. Un bâtiment insubmersible, chef-d'œuvre des techniques modernes, baptisé Titanic....

Souls Protest

Souls Protest

Billed as a North Korean "Titanic". On August 15, 1945, Japanese Imperialists were defeated and there echoed in Japan, too, shouts of victory of thousands of Korean people who had been drafted to Japan. They formed a repatriation autonomy to return to their dear homeland. The Japs plot to blow up their ship on the way which is overloaded with thousands of Koreans who requested repatriation; whose number in fact is twice as many as the ship's fixed capacity. Cha Myong Jin and other Koreans who are ignorant of this fact set out with great joy and hope, talking and laughing. Cha Myong Jin meets his fiance on the ship and whispers their future life. But they dream breaks out. The Japs turn the ship to the Maizuru Port under the pretext of refilling the drinking water and drive the Koreans below deck while preparing to blow up the ship..

The Six

The Six

The story of the six Chinese survivors of the Titanic disaster was written out of history. In The Six, we learn how these remarkable men beat the odds to make it off the ship alive, only to be singled out for expulsion from the US within 24 hours of their arrival. We track down their descendants for the first time. And we trace their extraordinary journey from Southern China to becoming silent witnesses to one of the twentieth century’s most infamous and intriguing events..