

Comment regarder Soldier sur Netflix gratuitement

Soldiers of the Vine

Soldiers of the Vine

After years of suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, six US veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan travel to Peru on a quest for healing. With the help and guidance of three brothers who are traditional healers, they take ayahuasca and other plant medicines during a 10-day retreat in the Amazon rainforest..

Soldiers of the Cross

Soldiers of the Cross

The plot outlines the story of the early Christian martyrs with a compendium of horrors such as maulings at the Colosseum, crucifixions, beheadings, savage hackings and burnings at the stake, burnings in the limepit, the spectacle of human torches in Nero's garden..

Soldiers, A History of Men in Battle

Soldiers, A History of Men in Battle

The history of warfare from antiquity to the Falklands War; each episode looks at warfare from the perspective of different participants: infantryman, artillerist, cavalryman, tanker, airman, guerrilla, surgeon, logistician and commander..

Toilet Paper Soldiers

Toilet Paper Soldiers

While hanging out on a Saturday night three teenage boys decide to go toilet papering. They pick a house owned by a man named Brandon Gibson, a local in their town who’s known for his odd behavior. As their seemingly-simple mission spirals out of control, they begin to realize that Brandon may be more than just a local recluse..

The Soldier

The Soldier

A story of a boy, forced to grow mature before his time and to die too early because of the cruel war circumstances. This film is dedicated to all the children who have died during the National Liberation War..

A Soldier's Tale

A Soldier's Tale

In the days following the D-Day invasion in Normandy, France, a British platoon leader named Saul (Gabriel Byrne) and his corporal (Paul Wyett) reach an isolated farmhouse and encounter a beautiful French girl named Belle (Marianne Basler). Love blooms between Saul and Belle, but the grim realities of war catch up with them when a French Resistance trio claims that Belle is a Nazi collaborator. Judge Reinhold appears briefly as the token Yank..

The Chocolate Soldier

The Chocolate Soldier

Maria and Karl Lang are the singing duo of Vienna. Maria is very flirtatious and Karl very jealous. Karl decides to masquerade as a Russian guardsman and attempts to make Maria flirt with him - to test her loyalty to him - as the Russian, Karl makes a vigorous attempt to seduce Maria. For a moment she accepts then rejects. Karl is left in turmoil....

Soldier Old Man

Soldier Old Man

Krazy's in an all-out war with the residents of a retired soldiers' home. In the beginning, he's doing very well as a creative caregiver, but when the residents are clamoring for their soup and Krazy trips and spills it, the incident escalates into a wild battle, with everything and anything used as weapons..

Fallen Soldiers

Fallen Soldiers

Europe 1815. War rages across the continent. Fallen Soldiers tells the story of a British soldier trapped behind enemy lines. A young noblewoman’s coach is hijacked and her husband murdered by a desperate British soldier. At gunpoint, the soldier spins her an outlandish tale of plagues, conspiracies, and dead men returning from the grave..

The Soldier's Heart

The Soldier's Heart

FRONTLINE tells the stories of soldiers who have come home haunted by their experiences during the Iraq War and asks whether the government is doing enough to help..

Grace, Milly, Lucy... des fillettes soldates

Grace, Milly, Lucy... des fillettes soldates

Ce documentaire de la cinéaste Raymonde Provencher parle de leur enfance en Ouganda, où ils ont été forcés de tuer contre leur gré en tant que soldats de l'Armée de résistance du Seigneur. Aujourd'hui adultes, ils travaillent en tant qu'activistes pour aider les autres à travers un groupe de soutien pour les survivants de l'esclavage pendant l'enfance, sans jamais oublier leurs propres expériences obsédantes..

Forgotten Soldier

Forgotten Soldier

The incredible story of Sally Noach, a Dutch Jewish carpet salesman who rescued hundreds of Jews from Vichy France by forging identification papers and arranging their escape. Equally intriguing is the controversy still surrounding Noach’s exploits: lingering rumours about espionage and black-market profiteering. Finally, with assistance from the filmmaker, researchers and living witnesses whose families he saved, Noach’s children attempt to solve the puzzle..

Nisei Soldier: Standard Bearer for an Exiled People

Nisei Soldier: Standard Bearer for an Exiled People

Nisei Soldier focuses on the heroism of American men of Japanese ancestry who fought bravely during World War II, despite the intense moral dilemmas they faced. Leaving their families imprisoned in "relocation centers", many young Nisei (second generation American-born Japanese) proved their loyalty in WWII by enlisting in the all-Japanese American 442nd Infantry Regiment which fought in Europe. Because of the Regiment's incredible bravery in battle, liberation of French towns, and high casualty rate, it became the most decorated unit in U.S. military history. The film asks: What sustained these young men forced to battle on two fronts at once -- against fascism abroad and intense prejudice at home? More than a war story, Nisei Soldier is a tale about personal honor, family loyalty and love of country -- and what it means to be an American..