

Comment regarder In the Garden sur Netflix gratuitement

The Gardener

The Gardener

A gardener's son has fallen in love with the daughter of one of the workers at the nursery, and the two are married. The gardener then kicks his progeny off the property and begins to act despicably toward his son's wife..

Flowers from Another Garden

Flowers from Another Garden

Un groupe de cinq militant·e·s queer dénonce l’exploitation de la plus grande mine de charbon de Colombie, son impact sur les populations avoisinantes, ainsi que le greenwashing utilisé par ses exploitants..

Spring Garden

Spring Garden

So-hee, who enjoys a blissful life with her loving husband, and a baby on the way, wakes up in bed to find her husband hung himself right above her. Before she can process his death and the shock that caused her to lose her baby, she discovers that her husband left her a house in a remote area. How come she never knew about this place? This mysterious house has everything the couple hoped for in their dream house, but once the glamor wears off, an eerie feeling remains. As So-hee feels that a strange presence is going after her life, she begins to get suspicious and believes this house has something to do with her husband’s death. The more she doubts, the more strange things happen..

À la recherche du jardin des Finzi-Contini

À la recherche du jardin des Finzi-Contini

Au fil des pages du roman « Le Jardin des Finzi-Contini », adapté au cinéma par Vittorio De Sica, ce documentaire est un voyage empreint de nostalgie à Ferrare, entre réalité et fiction, sur les traces de son auteur, l’écrivain italien Giorgio Bassani..

The Visit and a Secret Garden

The Visit and a Secret Garden

Little is known about the figure of Isabel Santaló, an old artist, today fallen into oblivion. But occasionally some visitors come to her flat. Through them and the voice of Antonio López (Dream of Light, Víctor Erice), the only painter who remembers her, we shape a multifaceted film. This is a cinematic portrait, which well into the film takes a surprising turn. A film that reflects on memory and oblivion, art and the creative process; posing the question of what it means to be an artist and a woman..

Garden Lane

Garden Lane

Des années après s'être rencontrés enfants au cours d'un été sombre, mais formateur, Eric et Elin se croisent à nouveau et revivent un passé commun..

The Garden

The Garden

Indiana lives in a council estate and makes her living preying on the welfare system. In her small private garden she tends to her award winning tree. When her only son turns up with a foreign girlfriend - Indiana's world is upended..

The Frenchman's Garden

The Frenchman's Garden

"The Frenchman" was what locals called the man who ran the bar and restaurant in the small town of Peñaflor in rural Spain in the early part of the 20th century. But Juan Andrés Aldije Monmeja was not your usual jolly innkeeper. He ran an illegal gambling den and pimped out the waitresses who worked for him. Deciding there were easier and quicker ways to exploit his customers, The Frenchman started slaughtering them, stealing their money and burying their corpses in the garden at the back of his inn. It was not long before people started asking questions....

East Side Waltz Garden of Earthly Delights

East Side Waltz Garden of Earthly Delights

Fukano, an elderly novelist who grew up in the mountains of Tokyo, met a young woman, Kana, for the first time in Fukagawa. Overcoming the age difference, they are strongly attracted to each other. However, in Fukano, in addition to the problem of downtown and uptown, there was a deep “river” that separated women and men. However, Kana, on the other hand, easily crossed that "river" due to her sexual love with Fukano. "I never thought I'd live west of the Sumida River," Kana said. However, behind this lies the conspiracy of Fukano's old lover, Junko. The two get married, but Kana's behavior is gradually haunted by a mystery, and the shadow of her detective and old man flickers. The core of the mystery involved a strange sex shop.

Golem, le jardin pétrifié

Golem, le jardin pétrifié

Danny Cornish, une sorte d'apatride qui organise des expositions d'art, est appelé de Tel Aviv à Paris pour lui annoncer la mort d'un grand-oncle, à Birobidjan, la zone juive autonome de Russie, lui laissant une précieuse collection d'art et la main de une immense sculpture d'un Golem. Le testament de l'oncle demande à Danny de retrouver le reste de la statue, alors Danny, qui ne parle pas russe, se lance dans un voyage qui l'emmène (ainsi que la main du Golem) à Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg et en Sibérie, tâtonnant avec les employés des hôtels, les taxis. les conducteurs et les bureaucrates, suivant des pistes et faisant des découvertes sur les mythes, les récits, l'art et l'espoir..